<br /> _ - j-°- -
<br /> x �0—�— �D���i� �
<br /> NGN•UMFO�t11f COV�N+►N'i'S.Bcxmv►•or a�x!l.ender funhrr c���ci�rn und og�rr n9 f��lluwa�
<br /> 17.Cac�rio�r�e�t�oce�e. If l.caxferro�uircs Uruix,diatc pasttt�t►t in full uncferry�ng►aph 9, [�crxter m�y ui�uke thr{��Hrr nf satc
<br /> aed�ny cxt+tt etntaiia petmitya!Dy�p�iieaNle lxw. l�rrdsr shall be�ntittM to edlect al exptnks ur;urrctit ifl pun+wng tlie remad�es
<br /> • p�u��l�dad �n thap�p� 1T. inciudin�. Mx nut Iir��iMc1 to,rc� �ttvmey9'fces ub coK.+oE ti�c rvidrnee.
<br /> !3 tA�ep�+rer oRr�ie k�iqraktd.'I'n�oae sW recoed�sotice o�delfwlt ia a�cowot�la wAicl��ay p�st at t�e PMpe*t)i�ioa�trd
<br /> asi iri w�c��IM�f�wKc�i�li�e ww�a� by�iicaMe Y�w ts atrnwer Md lo Ilw olher P�'r�p�rweeirsd
<br /> ��!!�I�nr.AAr IYe lir���yr����i�iR '➢�srlee i�tire pnNic roeiee d rie to tie rr��d M t�e
<br /> w�M'p're*M�I b�eai�M inr. . iwMw�«��a,wr�.,ti.N sei are Pt�e�ey d�c.rc�h.N tN MUi�t
<br /> � Yiiir�t IW Irut ri�ioe a�/�dir tl�e I�et�i�i�a Yr t�e Mflee af�de 1�o�e or Mote prc��M b�w'�71rwMe
<br /> � iN�wirr.'1ttirUe MM��Ne af r ar a�y rrcyl�t M�e!���iiie�o�ca�e�t�t I�e d�e Nd pi�te ot a�y
<br /> �lewllr u�MdMMd�.t�esaer e�!b ei�ia�l�eti�e tie Ua�q��wk.
<br /> 11M��sa�t�f �f tM�rioe Mi. �W�1N�1��e�7�e'�iKd IYe lr�t�.7'tMe
<br /> neMii i tlw 7��In�ii 4�ti�1M�efe e*ld�ce�f tr�d t�e ihMw��wM�e tl��fi.71rs1w��!�11��et+cseb
<br /> �t IM�is i�tlwe �ir.W N r��t He rle.f�d�.bd Mt MwM�d e�.'1YrMis'e feM rr!����P
<br /> � �MeMh Yiw�all�ewtxf�Ma:l�)I��N w�w�w'ed i�r tl�S�c�r�t� I�tr�t;a�i(e)a�r f�e�s N 11�!Nrww
<br /> l���aa•Upoa Ps�mant of ail�m�a.,uo0 by d� ytncnm�t,leeder�il ioque�Tnwee a reca�vey die Prvpeny �
<br /> �d�AVI�unada dw SecLriey lertn�mart�rd all noks evidarcio��debt socurod by thjs trommrcn a Tn�Mee. 7'nube shNl
<br /> : r000�rey�be�Prop��r rvi�houc�rart�ney and wid�oue char�e n the pencx�or peison{epRy�rm�' ed t�it. Such perac�or persaro sA.OI
<br /> �y xo�r3�tia oow.
<br /> � ' �!.9�MMNM�7'e�Ne.l�ader,M its aption.nrY iro�rn tiarc to time retnovo TruMee trd�ppo�n�a eueaeMOr t�vMee ta�ty T�wkK
<br /> • 6ecarad�er by�n�aM teco�dc�d in�he oounty in which�Soc�urity le�[nmeat-i�rrcunbd. Wi�haM co� of the
<br /> j • .t6t a�oa�ot truMee�lnll succeed b al!d►e titk,power�td dutka caifemd upon Tnwae hereln�ndpy�ppl�ble laM.
<br /> � 1�ir N�ficta.Borran�er�qnew tl�t oopies ot the eotices of defiuh md s�le be eem to B�xi+owcr's add�eis which i�the
<br /> �Y�.
<br /> � �� - e 1011t h8��y Iminunrnt ud the noee savred thenby m16�e ell�ibk far lmuru�ae w�der the Nation�l lio�ni�
<br /> ..._ Acc wi�hin rrom dm are i�ereor.�.a�aer m.y.at iu apdon�na ootwia�pna;e��yNi�in Pan�nph 9,req�e �
<br /> i�tedale p�yment m f�l��ns yec�red by�his Security It�tur�ent.A wriaen s�a�emeK of my authcxizad a�aN of the Seaetuy
<br /> dred iub�oqueat b fram the da�e lKreai.decliein=b inwre thi�Savrity Iromnnent�od 1be ao�e sacwed
<br /> . �he�eby.�fnll be deanod oonchuive p�vof af�rh ieelijibility.Kathwidntanding the fae�oi��,this option m�y not be eu�ixd by I.end�er
<br /> , rvAen the uaavW�bility of i�unna a sakly duc to l�rnder'a fiiluro ta rcmit a matEaje insuraocc prcmitun to the Socntasy.
<br /> � RMers ta IMi�Ste�rit�I�stn�l,lf one or more riders are executed by Borrower and recorded toge�her wi�h�hic Securiiy
<br /> , [nstrumenc, the caventnts af each such rider shal:be incorporated into and chall amend and suppleme�t the ca�enantc and '
<br /> a�etments af this Security Instroment as if the rider(s)were in a pan of this Security Instrument. (C heck applicable box(ca)�. ,
<br /> � C�xbcxninium Ride► �.._! Ad�u�taAle Rate R�de� t.� Gruwmg Equ�n Rider ' '"
<br /> �_. . e'Y
<br /> U Plannod 11ni1 [kvek�pmcnt Ridcr �� Graduucd Pa�mcni RNicr �� tRAcr -
<br /> � BY SlGN1NG BELOW,Bortower acccpts and agree�to the terms tant:uned in th�s Securny Instrument and in any nsfer�s� � -
<br /> saesueed by Borrower and recordM with i�.
<br /> : . Wit s. ^
<br /> `, • � �s�� /L,,,_ ,.°�
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<br /> S'!'A7E OF�FBRASKA. Counry ss: F�tALL
<br /> � On this 1Gth day of APl'11 . !9 � . befote me, the►�ndusigned.a Na�ry Public
<br /> H��s�d�ifm! ior c�;t co�ray.pe:so�!!y c� !l�EVilr! t� t-X3'�LISTEE� � R�3�'.�'.'� !'1 tlO�t.ISTE�t
<br /> 1.SBAI�D�»�A� OIIFE .to me kmwn ca be the
<br /> � ideaRicai penon(s)wM�e tuune(s)arc subecribed to�hc fo�going inwwnern and�ctnawkdged the esecutioc�heroof to be
<br /> t hei r �uaary .a a,d a�xe. ��
<br /> wima�my nrna.oa nata�;.� seal�t GRAND ISIAND :,���y.� �-_--_-_-
<br /> Qtte�fot+�+uid. 1 � � '
<br /> My C�nmis+ian expires: �, � _
<br /> JUIY --------..��_:H._-�� N Public
<br /> -� � [MEfiJ!�TAFY-5t�'!:t k:��..:'? ROBERTA L REEb
<br /> � R08ERT�L. R�t4
<br /> ,�"t-�
<br /> .�«:� Mr F.C^7 Ex� I:(y.itS '=�.J QUES"!' FOR REC()N6rEYA.WCE
<br /> ..«..z�..c-.--_z�..
<br /> TO TRUSTEE:
<br /> 'ih undetsigtt�i is Ux AuWer��f tt�e rx�te ar�iutes sa.usnf by 1h�s ik+od of'Fruu.Saxi nt�ce or noczs,together atth a,11 other endebtcdne�s �
<br /> saured by thts[k+od uf Tnut,ha�e betn paid in full Ytiu ate AereDy d�reeted tc.cancel sa�d rnxe or rxKes ant!this Deed of Trusi,whi.:h
<br /> ut dtliverod hcrtby.anA to tecomty.wuhan warranty.Q,I1 thc cstate rn�w held by �ou uixitr thic iked o(Trust to ttx per�.�,n or percc�m
<br /> leg�lly ontitlod thereto. , '*
<br /> h ..
<br /> Date
<br /> ,•... . _ �
<br /> ��
<br /> _J�''�t i
<br /> � .
<br /> �_r;,s Y�.�,�`-.- — —_ - o - -- -_ - �- - -- -
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