<br /> :�
<br /> _� �� �
<br /> 90-- �.020�49
<br /> F UNIFaRM CAYENANTy. Borrowrr�nd L,ender cov�nant and ag�ce as Polla
<br /> 1. P�y�!ot PrisclM!tM!I�terat;Prtpy�t u�i I.itte CAar�ts. 1 �II promntly paY when duc
<br /> thc�tincipal oT�ed insettst an the dcbt evidenreti by the Nou aad any�repayment rges ctue unclrr t hr t+Iote.
<br /> _. FY11�!'i�Ot T�Yli Kiia lNilir�RC$. Snbj�:t to ipplicabte!aw or to a w•ritt� '�end:r,Borro+��r shxll pa}
<br /> � tu I.ender on ehe day monthly payments are due under the Note,until the tic�te i� a sum�"Funds")ec3uyl to
<br /> ane•twelRh of: (�) yearl�r taaa And assessments which m�y ait�in priority ov� ity Inst�ument; (b) yeArly
<br /> leasehold paiymrnts or ground �ents on the P�o�rty, if any; (c) yarly hazar� premiums; xnd (d) yearly
<br /> mortpRe insurance promiums,if�ny.7'hese items are uikcl"acmw etems." Len mate the Funds due on the
<br /> d�d'eWCSenE data and reaso�wbk estimatGS of futuie e.serow items.
<br /> The Funds shaU be hdd in an instetution the depasits or accounts of v►hecA� guaranteed by a federa!ar
<br /> � state a�ertGy(i►�ludl�s�.endet ii'�-enckt ix st�h�t�institutiun�. Lender shall ap� s to p��the escrow items.
<br /> l.ender msy not char�e for hoWin`and applyina the Funds,�nalyr.ing the ucau �g the cscrow items,untess
<br /> I�ender pays�arrawe.�nte�esl o� the Funds and applicabk law permits Lcndcr h a cha�ge. Bonov►er and
<br /> l.ender may agee io wrrltina that inte�est shall be paid on the Funds. Unless a� is myde or�pplicable law
<br /> � roquira interest to be psid. Lender shall not be tequircd to pa� r8orrower any int ings on the Funds. Lender
<br /> ahall sive to 8orr�orver.rvitfaul chu�e,sn s�nual�ccounting o6�e F'imds showin� iebits to the�lsnds�nd the
<br /> purpese tor ahich ach debit to the Funds wu made.'fhe Fun�.�are plcdged as adc ity for the sums s�cured bg
<br /> this Security Iastrument.
<br /> If the amount oi'the Funds held by Lender.toaether with the inture montl of Funds pay�ble prior ta
<br /> the due dstes of the escrow items,shall exceed the amount required ta psy the esci en due,the excesq shall be.
<br /> d Botcower's option,either promptly repaid to Harrower or credited to Barrawe� payments of Funds.lf the
<br /> - snwvnt of'the Funds Ix1d by l,en�fer is rtot sufficirnt to�.+ay the escrow itemc when er shall pay to Le�der any .
<br /> amaunt neoessary to make up the deRciency in one or more payments u required by
<br /> Upon payz�xnt in full of all�ums secured by this Security lnstrument, Len mptly rcfund to Bonower
<br /> any Funds held bar�,enckr.If under panErapb 19 the Property is sold or acquired �ender shal!apply.no later
<br /> . � than immediately prior to the sak oF the Property ar its�cquisition by Lender.ai �by Lender at the time of
<br /> application a►�a credit against the sums secured by thi3 Security Instrument.
<br /> 3. AMliatlo�ot Pa�ts. Unless applicable law pravides otherwise,; received by Lender under ,
<br /> p�ntaraphs i and 2 shall be applied:8rst,to late char6a due undet the Nate;stcon� �ent chtrges due under the
<br /> Note;third.to sttecwnts payabk under para�raph 2;fourth.to interest due;and last, due.
<br /> 4. 41wir�Ide�a. Borrower shsll pay all ts�es.Rs.xssmrnts,chuges,fi �sitions attributable to the
<br /> Property which tnay attain priority over this Securi.t} lnstrumrnt, and teasehc , or g�ound rcnts, if any.
<br /> Borro�tr shsll p�y these oblig�tions in the manner pru�i�#ed in paragraph 2.or if t at manncr,Borrowershall
<br /> . pay them on time directly to the person owect paymert.I�lirrnwer sh�il�ramptly f idu aU notices of amounts ' �
<br /> to be paid under this paragraph. If Borrov�e�::zakes thes�e payments.�irectly,8on r�mptly furnish to Len�er
<br /> � raxipts avidencing the payments. . .
<br /> Horroxer shsll pramptly discharge any iie�which hu priority over this Se ment unless Bonawer:(a)
<br /> � �ar+ees m whung to the payment of tf�e obiiEuion securoa by the tien in a manner ac ender,lb)contests in gaxi =-–
<br /> faith the lirn by,ar dd'ends a�inat mfo�cement oPthe lirn in,leaal proceedings w ander's opinion opente to
<br /> prevrnt the rnforcement of the lien or forfeiture of any psrt oi the Property;or(c n the holder of the tien an
<br /> -- �reeexnt satisiactary ca i.e�er sueordinuing cfle tien ta�nis�rcurity�nstrumtn t�crmines ifi�t sny pan vt
<br /> the Propeny is subject to a lien which msy atuin pri�rity over this Security Ins ider may give Bono�res a
<br /> notice identifying the lien.Bonower shall satisfy the lien or take ane or more of th� orth abave within t0 days -
<br /> oi'the giving of notice. ','—
<br /> S. Hazard I�ra�ce. Borrower shall kap the improvements now existii :r erected on the Property �
<br /> � insured aaainst loss by fire,huards includod within tt�e term"extendeki coverage"a hazards for which Lertder
<br /> requires ituunnce. This insur�nce shall be maintained in the amounts and for hat Lender requira. The
<br /> i�suranse carrier providing the,i�surance shall be chasen by Borrower subject ta proval which shall not be
<br /> unrasonably withheld.
<br /> All insunna policies and renew�ls shall be acceptable to i.ender and stza tandard mortgage dau.sr_
<br /> Lender shall have the right to haicf the guti�:ies and renewals.IP Lendtr requires,B !promptly give to lxnder
<br /> all roceipts oPpaid premiums anci renevial rte�tices.In ttu.e�ent of luss,Horrower st �pt noticc co the insurance
<br /> catci�t aad Lender.i.ender rtwy make prcxri'of loss�f no�at�de prc�mptly by Borrov
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower alherwise agrce in Mriting,tcisGrance pracr•3s ied to restarauon or repair � �
<br /> of tlt�Prvperty�tamagtd.if tht restorati�n or repair is eLronomicall�feasible and 1 irity is not lessened. [f the
<br /> ratonticm or repair is not economically fwsible�r Ltnder's sa:ant�r would be!r. �surance proceeds shall be
<br /> appiiad ta the sums securod by this Secuncy Instrument, whether or not �hen duE icess paid to Borrower. If
<br /> Hocr.u�ver abandons the Proper�y.or daes nat answer within 30 days a natrce fran :the�nsurance cazner has
<br /> oRetr�to setde a claim.theR.Exnder may collrct the insurance Nroceeds. l.endrr m oceods to repa�r or restore
<br /> the Property or to pay sums secured by this Secunty Instrument.whether or not i :30-day period will begin
<br /> when thenotice isgiven.
<br /> Unless i,e�nder and Bc�nower oihtFwise agrer in wriling,any application nf� �nc�pal shall not extend ar
<br /> postpone the due date oi'ihe monthl�payments refened to m paraRraphs 1 and:or mount of t he payments. If
<br /> under paraRngh 19 the Properry is acqwred by Lender.Borrower's nght to any�in �es and proceeds resulting
<br /> frarn d��ge ia t�t Fsvperty pricsr ta thc arqu'r.citian shall�sa.ss ta f.c�drr trs ttsr�xt+ as sr�urrd lsy�thss Sceurity
<br /> Instrument immediately prior to�he acquisition.
<br /> � 6. �l�qerratio�a�d M�feteeet�ce of Property;LtaseMolds. tkirruwer sh� y,darttage cir�ubstanti�lly
<br /> change the Praperty, albw the Prapeny to detcnorate ar romm�t wa�te. lf fh�� r�ment �� on a teasehotd.
<br /> 8orrorvershsll comply with the provisions of the lease,and�f Borrawer acyu�res fee mpeny.the leasehold and ___ ___ _.
<br /> - fet eeL!=sh811 n�±�metgC 12Il���.l�3�lT�!�trfe tn�hr(!?CTo![!P Kf![!!!g .
<br /> ?. Proteetiios of I,teder'� Ri�ts in tbe Property; 1lostgagt Insurancc wrr fa�h tn perforrn the
<br /> eovenants and agreements mntamed m this Secunty Inctrument,vr there�c a IeFat� �at may si�nitic�sntly affert
<br /> Lendcr's rights in the Pmperty (such as a proceecling �n bankru�tcy, pn�h�te. f� um e+r tn enforre laws ��r
<br /> regulatics�s),then l,ender may do and pa;�for K�hate��er�$nece�sar}to prote�t the sa +prrcy artd I.ender'�rights
<br /> in the Pro�+rtty. Lender's actinns may �rtdude paying any tiums scYUted h} a lien �ni�r�ty ��ser th�� Sccur�ty �
<br /> L Instrument,apptanna in court.paymg reas��nable attorney�'Fcrs and entering c�n t ��ma6c re�+a�rti Altho�h �
<br /> t.cnder may take action under th�s paragrapt�7,lender d�not ha.e to du a��
<br /> Any�mountsdcsbur�rdb� I.ender under thic p:�r3graph�Shall be<<�me.i�lr3i 'R��rrnwer .e�urcd by thi, d
<br /> Secunty instrumcnt.L nitss 8otruw•er and Lender agree t��nther�cnns��f�a}mr�it, it�rhall hear interetit frnm r•(
<br /> the date of disbur�ement at the 'Ve�te ratr anc3 shafl he �+�}ahle, Nith +nterc�s, u r��n� !cn�ier t�� H��rr��wrr ��( _
<br /> requcshng p�y mcnt �
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