<br /> _ '� �
<br /> I?F`�I. ES9`ATk� C.IFN vO� 1U2V��
<br /> 4tHEREx�s,� '�al,�e� �r�ct_L�).�ne E��,X3��.�..��.... hu:�L►an� and_m�fe_., (h�reinaf.ter
<br /> usually zafczred t.a t�s "ti�meown�r" ) r+hethex c►�e �r mc�r� hA� Pntered inta �
<br /> � cextain wrlt�en EMERO�N�'1' NaM� REP�IR �►GRE�MENT da�ed the �t Q� �,�2rl1
<br /> j990 , vf�h th� City vf Grand Island, Nei�raska, a mun3cfpa2 Corparatian
<br /> (he�einafte� usually r�ferred to as "C�.ty" ) acting �hxAUqh its G�mmunity
<br /> Q�v�lopment l�gency, for rehabiliCatinr► af a c3welling on premises ovned by
<br /> Ho�rovner which � s h�►�einafter �escz�bed, and for �he gran�lt�ct by City ta
<br /> Ha�eovner of Federa� Funds in th� amo�ant of TNO TH6USI►ND ONE HUNDRED TWENTY°
<br /> FIVE �►ND �0/1q0�-�pOLLAiRS (52, 125. �0) tv be appl�ed in pa�rment of the cost
<br /> � of such rehabi�i�ation apd
<br /> WHERSAB, Hameowners have, among other things agreed:
<br /> � ta) to repay such amount or, as the case may be, a part thereof to City and
<br /> � tbf to execute and deliver �o City an instsument �n recordab].e form
<br /> granttng to City a Iien on the �remises to secure such repayment,
<br /> NOIi THEREFOI�E, fn consideration of such l�OREEMENT vith City,
<br /> t•* and Ea�l�c�e Mever. Sr. do hereby gra nt to the CITY OF GRAND ISL�iND, •
<br /> NEBRl�SKJ► a Muaicipal Corporation, its successars and assigns, a lien upon
<br /> . the follovtng desczibed real estate situated in Hall County, Nebraska:
<br /> � Rractional Lot f�ur in Fractional Block twenty-tvo in Nagy's addition to the
<br /> � Cf�� of G=and Island, Nebzaska,. also the folloving irregular Parcel af
<br /> grnund sLtnated in that p��st of the Southwest quartez of the Southvest
<br /> quarter v.f section ten, ia town�hip eleven north, Range nine, West of the
<br /> � 6th P.M. , knovn as "Nagy's Reserve", and more particularly described as
<br /> follovs, to vit: Commenciag at a polnt forty-fnur feet North�rly of a point ,
<br /> vhere the North line of the alley zunning through said block twenty-tvo in ,
<br /> ; Naqy's adc3�.tioc� intersects �he �ast lfne of Oak Stze�t, in said city of
<br /> Grand Island, the nce running northerly to the southe�I� boundary Iine of .
<br /> . said fractional lot four, in said fractior+al block tventy-tvo, in Nagy's � .
<br /> � ]lddition, thence running easc.er Iy alvisy sa3d aauther;.y baun�ar; ?;ne the=eof �=`--
<br /> , to the easterly boundazy line of said fractional lot four, the�ce southerly �_=
<br /> _ � on a �or,tinuation of said eastezly boundary line to a paint forty-four feet '_`
<br /> � northerly of the north alley line in said block tventy-tv�, runaing tnence -
<br /> westerly parallel with the North line af said all�y, and fozty-four feet -
<br /> di:��ance norther�y therefrorn, about sixty�-six feet to the place of
<br /> beginning, according ta the reco�d plat thereof, '—
<br /> � to secure repayment to �tie City of Grand Island, Nebzaska, its suc�e�ssors
<br /> � t�nd assigns, of S.he amount of the grant herein.above referrpd to ar, as the
<br /> case may be, a part there�f in accordance vitE� the terms and canditions s��
<br /> � forth in �L�e EMERGENCY HOME REPAIR AGFtEEMENT to vhich reference is made � :t; 1�
<br /> hereinabove. � .
<br /> The lien he�ein granted sh�ll run wlth �he premises unt3�1 such time as s
<br /> title ta the property is transf�rred to anot�-�ex ovner. At this time, the °.��
<br /> entire amount ot the lien sha11 becom� due and payahlP.
<br /> Dated this 5th day of Apr x 1 , 1°�Q_-
<br /> .�cL�,�1�,./ l� `�'i2t�1_,�.-! ��
<br /> . Wa��ter A. Meyer, Sr .
<br /> ` � tt%2�..y-.�.._v�� j� 2�,1
<br /> . Erlene L. Meyer
<br /> � STJi1TE OF NEBRI�SKA9 � --- ---
<br /> :- ----
<br /> � �� ,
<br /> County af Ha21 1
<br /> Qn this „��,,.�� day of ��zil !, 199�, befoze me, the un-:ersigned,
<br /> du1�y commissic�:�d and acting ::� arid for suc'� �ounty, pe�sona2ly appeare�
<br /> I'l�lter�.31Sj��:.e�s� M�yer.Sr , icnown ta me to �r the ic�entical �-�er.sons wh�se
<br /> � signatu�e� aze affixed to the foreyoing ir.st:ument, and they ackr�owledged
<br /> the exec�cztion of such in::,trument to be th�� '_r own voiuntary aci and dee� .
<br /> w
<br /> �n
<br /> ir: �ritness �hereof, I hac�A ��ereuntr, ;;��; ;��y <;ff icia? t.��,3 �r�d :�eal thP +�
<br /> dat� la�t written �b�ve . . k
<br /> � ,._
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