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<br /> RnoW all nten by these presints, t.'�at Cae undersiqned daes make,
<br /> � c�nstit•sta and apooint irrevocablv, Security Pacitic F?cusing Sar�ic�s,
<br /> Zn�� Eany cf s.t`s su�sidiar_e�s and affiZiates) i�s �rse and law�u2
<br /> at�orae�* �cr �.� and in its name, plac� anc s���,d, and far i�s usz and
<br /> ben�t`it, ta a�s�c� de�aa�r su� for, ��c��eso c�lle�� a,-�d rece3ve al2 s•�s
<br /> �`, � Q f m��e�r ae�ts, ¢3�e ����unts, 2ALs��'S�s a�d d�aanas whats��ver as �,�s
<br /> now or s;�a?= her���t�= be�ome aue, o�:ing, pavable or beloa�g?ag ta the
<br /> uside_s�ur�ea ia eanne�ion :�i�h tha accounts 'set faYr.� on Exhibit A
<br /> � . , a�:.ac.�e3 hessto and madQ a part herea�, and do authorize t�e above
<br /> � named attoraeys, to have, use and tak� a?1 Iawtul ways and means ia its
<br /> nam�e or othsraisa fa: the racave� ��areuf, by attac:�aenz, dis�ress or
<br /> � ot.'�er�risa, and to c�mproais� and acree far t.'�e same� and i� i�s name to
<br /> maka, �aal and d�lives all iast;vmRnts necassary for said prem3�es; t�
<br /> bnrgain, aant:aet tor, agras, race�v and taka poss��ssion of all d�as:�
<br /> . and oth�r assuraneee, and also to bargain and contract for, buy, s�ll,
<br /> mortqage� hwot:�ecat4 and in any and evazy aay and manner deal in and
<br /> with c:�oa�� in actioa and other praoerty in possession or in action.
<br /> The uxidersf.gne3 further canstitutes and anpoints the above named
<br /> attorneys t� execute, siqn, delives and acknowledge such bi�ls, bonds,
<br /> notea, receipts, evidene�s a! debts, releases and satis:ac�ions of
<br /> mor�gage, judgments and othez debts, and suc� a�`�er instruments in .
<br /> writinq o� whatever kinds and nature as may be necessary er praoer for
<br /> said premises. The undersiq�ned lurr:�er grants i�s said at�orneys �'�e
<br /> right to endorse its name cn any c:�eck, note, draft or bill of exchange � ,
<br /> repr'+�senting any payment upon any Receivable giving and grantiag unta � ='
<br /> its said at�arneys iu13. paweL a.zd au�`���it�r to da and ger�o� �l? an� -'=-
<br /> every act and thing whatsoever zacuisi�e anzd necessary to be dcne for �
<br /> said premis�s� as fully to all int�*�ts and pur�eses as it might os �-
<br /> ca�Zd do if Fersanally present, c�i��s �ull powe� az su��itu;.ien or —
<br /> revoca'tion, he�eby ratifyinq and contiraing a?]. that its saia
<br /> � at�orneys, ar �heir substitute or s-.�bstittttes, s:�all lawfully do or
<br /> , cause to no dcr.e by vi�ue of thes2 pz�sea�s. T�is is a power coupled �
<br /> w it:� an interest.
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