. � ��
<br /> _ �
<br /> � __.._,� ._�_....._.._�—'��
<br /> • � s�:r.o�Q ��.A� rs�~��T� �io��cac� 90--1n�O�6 '
<br /> Khu�►� Al.l. 11t�:N NY'1'IIF_51�:I�RFti};N7:� TIIAT I or «'k, John MD Tob�.n and I,inda �. Tobin. hueband and
<br /> � v�fe
<br /> e[ H�].1 (:ounsy en�l StaM of ;ti'cbraska, in consider«ti��n oi the sum.�f ¢6�810.50��**Six thouss
<br /> eight hundred tea dollars and 50/100+�*�******�*
<br /> fa(1i.LAttS inh�nd paid,d��herehySFl.L and CDNVFY unta AMERICAN i�AMILY FINA!�CIAt_1fRV1t'F.ti,INC.,(mortgagee�,af
<br /> I]�uslss t'ou�ty, and State of Nebraska,the fallowing described premiscs situated in Hell County.and State oi
<br /> Mc�taska,eo wie:
<br /> Lot Five (S), Block Five (S), in Windolph's Addition to the City of Grand
<br /> � Island, Hall County, Nebraeka
<br /> � � .
<br /> Th1�mott�aae b junio�to:
<br /> ' A first mortgage with Home Federal Savings and Loan Association dated
<br /> Auguet 1�. 1973. Filed Aup,a�at 15, 1973 in 800k 162 at page 147.
<br /> Tht�(is)(�Homestead Properly.
<br /> i The intenlian being to cenve}• hereby an Absolutc titic ln fee simple including al)Ihe rights af hameste�d and dower
<br /> i TO HAVE AND TO HOLO the premises abc�ve described,with aU tlx appurtenances thetrtmto beicnging unto the said mortgagee or
<br /> ' mataa�ea and to his, t�cr ar their heirs anci assigtu, forevrr,provided always,and these p�esents are upon the eap�css cundltion tlwt if the
<br /> �id mort��or or mortgagors, his,her or thrir helrt, executon,administrators or ussigns shall pay o�cause to be paid ta the said mortgagee
<br /> , or mortg��eet And to hl�,her or Iheir helrs, esecuton,administrators or �ssi ns, the sum of �6,S1Q.50�******Six thousand
<br /> �Y��it l���dred ten dollars and SO/100***+�**��+�*
<br /> Dollars, a as aws,to-v►it�
<br /> Thirty aix (36) installmentg at �352.67 each*+�*******+** ;
<br /> with interest fixrec►n a112.99 per ce�t Fxr annum acmrding to Ihe tE•not and eHetit nf :he pite ptomiss�iry note with interest
<br /> coupons attached ot s�id 4Mrtgagors, bearing e�cn d�te .aith �hese pre-senis. �ad sh�ll �y al) ta�es, and an� mtrrest on, or maturing
<br /> installments af principal,dur un wny p�iur mu�tgaRe and�ssessments le�•�ed u}�n safd real estate and yll dher taxes,1��•ics And�.ssessments _�
<br /> kvkd upon tMs mortgaq�or Ihr nute whlch this murt agP is Q��Pn to sec•ure.I,e(ore�he same lxxY�mrc delinqu�nt�nd ktYp dir buildings �,���
<br /> of s�id premisa insured f��r the sum 1 7,000.00*�******�Icn�, if �n�•. pa�ahl�• to snct�first mortgagers or tliis mort¢a�ee,or both. =_
<br /> ; tiien lhese presents be co1d,cNhe��wisr to ix•�nti rem�in in full dorce ` -f:'
<br /> !T IS FUR"CHE R AGR�ED 11)That if thc said mongagor shal!lail tu pa},uch ta�r>:md+uch intere+l on,ur maturinti�mlalimrnt�u( I -
<br /> ----±-.- _.n{ineir^.°--.� �:!r«g»g.�.::t::.^,i.^.�x.�:i:G3 j..:.cu.�ili�i iiiiaiai�ac,iiicn i6�i mvrigageo may p:t�-xtten iaats anu iueit mterest�n.�r maturi�}. � - -
<br /> in:tuttmcnts of principal,due an such pnor mortgagc and p�ocure such imurancr:and thc.um S�i ad�anrcd with intcrc.t:�Q 2�99 �cr•
<br /> c�ent shall tx paid b� said mortgagar,�nd th�a mort�ax�•shall stand as x•�•uril> f��r!hr�mr (3)7'hat a (adum to�� �n}•of said money,
<br /> , elther ptlncip�l or int�resf on tMs or am�otfier psior mortga�c,w hen�he•s�mc hc�nome•s duc c,r a failurc to cv�mply with�ny nf thc foreg�ing '
<br /> ; agreemencs,shaU rause 11ie whole sum of mone. here•in u•�•urei� tu t�,me duh and rnllrctible a1 oncc• a�the•uptiun of th�mortgagee -
<br /> IT[S �IRTHER AGHEEb That said mort�a�cr, prnd'enF foreclruure•ot�hi�m�rtqage and after de�crre and E�endinq stay therron or
<br /> i appeal thereirom and pending salo�f prrm�crc m��rt�GaFcv1, �nay ��e� such tart•s aucl matunn�interest a: :na�uring installmrnts of prirscipal,
<br /> � on prior mortRages,prncure sueh insurann•and such sums �haU hr addNd tu�ti�•amounl dur on de�•ree and upnn n�r�firmation of sale 6ti
<br /> tix rnurt ordered taken oul of procc�Yls of salr•, or if redt•Fmed dunn� �1a�. ap�x•al or sale. �uch amuimts shall he eoUectFd the s�n,.e:�s
<br /> • though it x•ere�Pwrt of such decree.
<br /> , IT ISFCaRTHER Af REED That in thee�ent o(default u1 am ul tht co��enams ur conduivn�of thi��nctrument the rent�uf Ihe prerr.��e4
<br /> are hrttby assigned ta Ihe Mertgagee ay secu�ity f�v the payment o(the�ndebtedneti.�ecured by this agreemem. $
<br /> tT IS Fl•'HTi�lER ACRE�D That Ihis\tottga�e.\��te shall he tlut•and p��ahle�{�he�pu�pe•rt< <ubj�•ci to�h�t mort�;aqe�t e.m��yc�l4�zs�
<br /> or lf titk theretoshall be vested in am othe�r `�..
<br /> � S;goe.;i ehis Sth day of Apri Z . 1s90 �
<br /> !n presenre of ,
<br /> . . '� � •
<br /> wtT;vEU .�o M. Tob3n� ���, �5F.4L)
<br /> ' � "�"�� " , ��� ISE1L)
<br /> � �� Linda� Tobin
<br /> STATE OF ..�Vl�bx'�.�� . „ , (;<1unt� ui Hal�.
<br /> &lare trM, a notar} publlc quali6ed for s�id councy,person�ll� camr Johtl M. Tobin an�d Linda I. Tobin,
<br /> husband and vife
<br /> knovn t:�me to br the ielentical per�on or pe•rwns��h:,siKnecl the•fnrr�otnK�nstrumr�nt and�c knuuled�;t�l cht•cte�ut�on thereof to br h�s.
<br /> htr or ti'teir vofuntnrp act and deYd. � y ,
<br /> �'�� S . 19 f-�� ,�
<br /> n y �
<br /> � 1 / �
<br /> �`1��i.�EDiOER �'�Z . ly y,7 . � ,y�n� C. ����\otar� Public �- —
<br /> M1r A�,ta�11M/!L 1l1� ✓ ,
<br /> sr�•re ut� .. . . �
<br /> G�unt �� �:�Ehr Hc•�;�st.r un,Dee ds,(��•a�fsaid(;�unt� che t
<br /> � )
<br /> . da� 01 1.'-i 3t ��'�i�k� �n�f minutes �1
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<br /> �nJ�ect,rdrd�rr fk�k �,f , �� ��J�C ��
<br /> lic°;; c�t Ih�evh �`
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<br /> TIIIS 1`St'Hl t1F:�T DR.tE'1'f.l)Bti:
<br /> i♦ u,�d, i'.f� Kn I I �� " -� - -- �
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