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<br /> — !.CroaM�for Accekntb�ot Deat. 90`���j�3�
<br /> (p)t�tt�att. �.rr.dtr r�ay.�.c:zpt as tfmfts�by rc�utattons issusd Ey Ehe Sntrtazg!n thc casc of pa}lncnt dc �ults, rcquirc
<br /> immedlate payment in fuU of all sum!secured by thl�Se�urity Instruntent if:
<br /> � (i)8oaowet clefaults by fYilin�to pay in Puli�ny monthly paymerll�eyuireci by tiii�Sccurily Instru�nciu priur t�a�an
<br /> th�e duo date oi�he next monthly paymrnt,or
<br /> (i►)BoROwer ckfaults by lailinj.for�perlod oP Ihirty days,to perfarm any other obli�Atiou9 contained in�his Srcurity
<br /> � ; Inttrument.
<br /> !61 S�k WqM�R CYait App�os�l,L�adFS st�ll,if permiaed by applicabie Ww�d vvith t�c pciar appmv�l of the Socnt�ry.requlre
<br /> , imnadi�e pKymeat in ful!of all che wns+savrai by this Seruriry [ruuwr�at if:
<br /> -� � (i}Alt uc p�et a€tAe Fropetty is otherwice tran.demrd tother ttr�n ay devise or�iescene)�y the I3�rrar�;e;, anc!
<br /> ; (ii)'iLe{'tayr�ty i�eol ooc�ipiad ty the E+urcAaxr or�nntee�hi�cx Aer 4ximuy�se.ondary rrsidena,cx the punh�ser or
<br /> � paiMee daea ea cucy+y the PrapeKy bu�Rk ar her c�dit hn na been�ppnwe�in aoaxdu�oe wah t!►e rcquicemeaus Qf the 5�oc�ry.
<br /> l
<br /> � • (e1 N�W�hrer.If circumstmcn occur that would permit Lender to require immedl�te p�yment in full.but Lender doea nat
<br /> require wch payments�Lender does�ot waivc its ri�hts with respect to subsequent evcnta.
<br /> � t�)R�Ytlo�ot H11D 9�crelary.ln many circumstaaca rejulatlo�s issued by the Secretuy will timit Lender'a rights.in
<br /> � tbe c�ie otpw►yrtxnt defaulta.to requirc immediate p�y�aeat in full�nd forcelose itnot paid.This SecuritY instrument does
<br /> a not authodze�ooekntion or foreclosure if not permiaed by repulaeions of tAe Sccreury.
<br /> l�. R�aM�eM. Borro�rer h�s •ri�ht to be reinstated if Lender has rcquircd immediate payTnent in ful4 Mcaux of
<br /> Hoirower's failure to pay�n unaunt due under the Note or thls Securi�y Instrumene.Thi�ri�ht appGe�even aftcr forrclosure ,
<br /> proaedin�ue instituted. To reinstate the Secudty lnstrument, Honower sh�ll trnder in a lump sum�11 amounts required to
<br /> brins BorroMer's account currrnt includin=. to the extent they ue obligstions of Bo�rownr under this Security Instrument,
<br /> ( forrclaure co�ts and rasonable �d customuy attorney's fees and eapense� properly sssaciated with the foreclosure
<br /> i {xoce�dias.Upon reinsutement by Horcower,this Security lnstrunxnt and the obliaations that it secures shal!remain in ef fect as
<br /> � if Lender had rwt required immediate psymeat in full.However.l.onder is not required ta permit reinsutement if:(i)Lender has
<br /> sa�epted reiast�tement aftrr the commenament of farcclosure proceedings within twa yars immediately precedinj the
<br /> commenoement of�current foreclo�ure proceedlnt, (ii) reinstatement will preclude foreclosute on differcnt grounds in the '
<br /> futurc.or(lil)reinstatement will adversely affect the priarity�f ehe lien created by this Security l�strument.
<br /> � 1t. Mr�ower Nol ReknN; �a�ieWa�ce SY I,t�der Not��lalser. Extension c+f the time of payment or modification of
<br /> . amorciration of�he eums secured�+chis Security lnstrument Qranted by Lender to any successor in interat of Bonower shall not
<br /> � operate to tetase the liability of t�e original Borrower or Borrower's se:ccessor in interest. Lender sha11 nat be «quired to
<br /> commenoe proceedints ajainst ang successor in i�terat or refuse to extend time for psyment ar otherwise�nodify amortization `
<br /> of the sums secured by thi� Secer,ri?i instrument by reason oP any dert:and made by the original Borrower or Honower's '
<br /> � succes.�ors in interest. �1ny forbearance by Lender in exercising any�ight ur remedv s!�al1«at be a waiver of or prectude the
<br /> ; exercise of arty risht or reme.iy.
<br /> � ; 12. S�eceroa sw A�r�N;7a[�1 ui&veral l,i�Wity; Co-Si��ers.TAc covenants and agreements of this Security ����
<br /> � . lnstni�uci,i ehall b;r.d:.�d�:ncfit its:surr:ssors aad t.45ig.tlS of 1 tRt�ft an�Rc�eenv�t,s�.�bjr:t:o:h�p;avi�Ivns o��,araar:�;�4.�. _
<br /> , Borrawmr's covenanta and ajraments�hall be jaint and several. Any Bonawa who ca•signs this Security Instrument but does
<br /> rtot e�[ecvte the Note:(a)ls ea-si�ninj this Security Instrumem anly to mort�xge,grant and convey that Borrower'�interest in -
<br /> — the rroperty untier tite temis oi tms seeurity instmmem;(o j i>no�persnnaiiy obii�atea�o pay rne sums securea oy Ei►is aewrnp __
<br /> � lnstrumrnt; and (c) asrees that Lender and any other Ran uw•er may ogree to catrnd. mo�ify, forbear ar make any �
<br /> accommodadon�with resud to the term of this Security lnatr;,uunt <�r che Note without that Burcc�+►►.ec's consem.
<br /> ; 13.NNiea.Any notice to 8orrowrr p�o�•ided for in this Sccurity Instn�ment shall be given by deli�•ering it or by mtiling it by =
<br /> ; tirst clsas mtil ynitss�pplicable[av�require�use of another method.The notice shzll L�e directed to the Propeny Address or any
<br /> ' other addres+Borrower desianates bi natia to I.ender.Any notice to 1 ender chall be�gi�er.�y first clacs mail to I.ender'c addresv
<br /> ' stats�hercin or�ny�ddreas Let►irr designatts by notice to�arn:��er. Any notice pro�iQed for in this Security Inurumrnt shall
<br /> . , be deettxd to hive beet�pven to Bonower or Lender whon gi�en as pro�-��cd in this puagraph.
<br /> �
<br /> UI.Goreniy[.�w;�erenb0i4! This Security Instrumen�shaU be governed by Federal l�w and the taw of the jurisdiction in
<br /> � which the PropMy is loeated.ln ttze evrnt that any provisiun er clause oP this Security Instrument or the Nate conftc�ts with ap-
<br /> plicalak law,such conflict shall a�a+:affect other pr�visious of this 5ecurity lnstrumcnt or the Niote wl�ich can be gi►•en effect .
<br /> without the conflicdns provision. To this end the pravisions of this Security Instrument and the tiote are declued :o be
<br /> . sevec.�k. i
<br /> � L�i. sorrower'�Co*y. Borrowet shall be given one confc.�med copy of this Security Instrument.
<br /> ` , K.A���t ot Re�b.Borrovrer unconditianally assigns and transfets ta l.cnder all thc rents and revcnues of the Property.
<br /> Borrower authotius Lender or Leader's a�ents to collect�he rents and revenua and hereby directs each tenant of�he Property
<br /> to pay the rents to Leeder or l.ettder's��ents.How•eier,prior to Lender's eatice to Borrow•er of B�rrower's breach of any co�•e-
<br /> nant or qrament in the Stcurity Instrument,Barrower shaU collec¢and re+.-esve�11 rents and revenues of the Property as trustee
<br /> for the beaefit of L.endes and Borrvwer.7his assignment of rents constita�es 3n abwtute assign�nent and no:an assignment for
<br /> addict�e�l security only.
<br /> , tf F.ender 6ives notice of brea,^h to BorroNer.(a)all rents cesei�ed by Borsower sha7F t�eheld by Borrower as tru�re for benefit
<br /> of Ltsfdet only.to be�pplitd to ihe aums secured by the Security lnstrumeat;l b)Lender shall be entitle�i to collect and receive all
<br /> � of tht rents of the ProDertY:and(�)ach ienant of the Property shall pag all�ents due and unpaid ta�.cnder or Lender's agent
<br /> on Ltudtr's wriltea damind to the tcnint.
<br /> Borrower has not executed ar�y prior assignment oE the rents and has not and v►�ilt r.ot perform any act that would prevent
<br /> � Lcnder from exercesing its rights Lr:der this parapjpph 15.
<br /> Ltnder shtq nat be required to entet upon,takr control of or mamtain�he Propertt t�eforc or aEter gi�mg notice of breach ro
<br /> Boaowtr. However.Lender or a judiciaUy APpointed rcceivtr may do so as azv Ci,-:.rhere is a brrarh. Any application of rents ,Y=__—--
<br /> shall not cure or waive any defAUlt ar inval:date any U�her right or rcme�lp�f l.ender. 7his assignment of rents of the Property .
<br /> shal!ttrminate when the debt secur�d by the 5ecurixy Instrument i�pa�d in fuU.
<br /> �
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