<br />State Of Nebraska
<br />County Of Hall
<br />On the PBV� day of M,,-A 2001, before me, Derv/ D.
<br />L 4,a nAv- . a Notary Publlc within and for said County, personalty
<br />appeared STEVEN D. CRAIG, Manager of GRAND WEST LL C, a Nebraska
<br />United LlabOfiy Company, and to me personally known to be the Identical person
<br />whose signature /a affixed hereto, and that he did acknowledge the execution
<br />thereof to be his voluntary act and deed and the voluntary act and deed of said
<br />Company, and that he was empowered to make the above dedication for and in
<br />behalf of said Company.
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my
<br />officio/ seal at Grand Island, Nebraska, on the date last above written.
<br />Mycommiss1wexpi9s F� /B� zoo4
<br />446tary Pubic "T
<br />Al
<br />3 NFBI�
<br />i hereby certify that on March 20, 2001, l completed an accurate survey of
<br />'GRAND WEST SECOND SUBDIVISION; in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska,
<br />as shown an the accompanying plat thereof, that the lots, blocks streets, avenues,
<br />alloys parfcs, commons and other grounds as contained In said subdivision as
<br />shown on the accompanying plat dmiaof are well and accurately staked off and
<br />marked; Drat bon markers were placed at all lot comers; that the dimensions of
<br />each lot are as shown on the plat, that each lot bears Its own number, and that said
<br />survey was made with reference to known and recorded monuments.
<br />tgRAS4 .
<br />" a D. Sogen , Reg. Land . u yorNo. 578
<br />LS-M
<br />W
<br />uR F�
<br />-SO
<br />A_ PPROYAL S
<br />g�(g prtt�+appiDYpttpytfuRe�lortall� Commission of Hai County,
<br />Gntlrtlat VAWdR1M raW#W VIN ni;fA/da, Cako and DonWmn, Na&aska.
<br />C-1
<br />AWwWOW000opledby the City of Grand /afand, Nebraska; We $_ _ day
<br />CIS 4_ , 20tH.
<br />W�4111111111 -1
<br />ORAN *,
<br />�BRAS�'
<br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION 200104899
<br />A tract of land comprising a, part of the Southeast Quarter (SE1 14), of Section
<br />Eleven (11), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M., In
<br />the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, more particulady described as
<br />follows.
<br />Beginning at the northwest comer of Lot Twenty Five (25), Grand West
<br />Subdivision; thence running northwesterly on an Assumed Bearing of
<br />N4500326'W, along the northeasterly One of Lots Twenty Sbc (28) thru Thirty Five
<br />(35) of Grand West Subdivision, a distance of Fight Hundred Twenty Five (825.0)
<br />feet, thence running wastedy along the north line of Lot Thirty Five (35), Grand
<br />West Subdivision and its extension, a distance of Ninety Sbr and Ninety Four
<br />Hundredths (9694) feet, to a point on the wastedy right of way line of Mansf/ekd
<br />Road, • thence ►tinning N01 °03 47W, a distance of Four Hundred Ninety Two and
<br />Seventy Six Hundredths (472.76) feet, thence running S89052 U3 E along the
<br />southerly fine of Lots Thirty One (31) and Thirty Two (32), R & B Second
<br />Subdivision and Its extension, a distance of Two Hundred Sbdy and Slx Hundredths
<br />(260.06) feel; to the northwest comer of Lot Twenty Nine (29), R & B Second
<br />Subdivision; thence running southedy along the wastedy line of Lots Twenty Eight
<br />(28) and Twenty Nino (29), R & B Second Subdivision, a distance of One Hundred
<br />Sbdy Nine and Thirty I" Hundredths ( 169.35) feet to the southwesterly comer of
<br />Lot Twenty Eight (28), R & B Second Subdivision; thence running S4500326 'E
<br />along the southwesterly line of Lots Twenty Two (22) thru Twenty Eight (28), R & B
<br />Second Subdivision, a distance of Seven Hundred Fifty Three and Twelve
<br />Hundredths (753.12) feet, to the southwest comer of Lot Twenty Two (22), R & B
<br />Second Subdivision; thence running S8905458 1E along the southerly line of Lots
<br />Twenty One (21) and Twenty Two (22), R & B Second Subdivision, a distance of
<br />Two Hundred Ninety Fight and Ten Hundredths (298.10), to the southeast comer
<br />of Lot Twenty One (21), R & B Second Subdivision, and to a point on the wesiedy
<br />line of Lot Twenty Four (24), R & B Subdivision; thence running SO 1023'07'E, along
<br />the westerly line of Lots Twenty Two (22) thnr Twenty Four (24), R & B Subdivision,
<br />a distance of Three Hundred Seventy One and Fifty Throe Hundredths (371.53)
<br />feet thence running N8M 53'W, a distance of Four Hundred Thirteen and Ninety
<br />Six Hundredths ain(413.96) feet to the point of beginning and containing 11.505
<br />acres more or less.
<br />DED /CATION.
<br />Nebraska UMted UebW Company, being the owner of the land described herea
<br />has caused same to be surveyed, subdivided, platted and designated as 'GRAND
<br />WEST SECOND SUBDIVISION' In the Chy of Grand tsland, Nebrasks, as shown
<br />on the accompanying plat Memo& and do hereby dedicala the streets as shown
<br />theraon to the public for there use forever, and the easements as shown #WWn
<br />for the location. construction and maintenance of pubNG service utifities, together
<br />with the right ofkngress and egress thwato. and he rebyproh/bfting the p/Wift of
<br />treeg bushas and shrubs; orplettitng a tterobstructions upon, over, longor
<br />utrrtemeafh the surface otsuch aaaements; and that the toregolng subdAdefoa as
<br />more pediculbry described in Me dowV90n hereon as appears on this pot le
<br />made widr the free consent and in accordance with the desire¢ of Me urrdaruVm
<br />ownarand proprieto
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have affixed my signature hereto, at Grand is W 4
<br />Nebraska this €'et4 deyof 2CV1.
<br />-
<br />Stevan a Qq*, Mane er
<br />