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<br /> - � �
<br /> ��„S l.fASES AND RF.NI"
<br /> 90-- 1��9�'�
<br /> �
<br /> This Assipnm�nt mi�this,�ath.....day ol.,_de,.vE er , �9�8�by and
<br /> btt�en X�IDe �t C_ Platp and [lebra D. P�aL- _ -
<br /> t"AuiqrrOr"1,Attd NORWEST 6AN�C NEBAASKA, NAT►ONAL ASSOCIATlUlV f"Astipn�s"1.
<br /> WiTNESSETN:
<br /> It is ipn�d as Iollows:
<br /> '. prfinitiort�s. Aa usa�d in tAit A�mtnt:
<br /> A. "Alort�"rhill me�n rhst c�rtsin OKd of Trust�+Veh�e�in2�1 sum 19 �
<br /> of s 87 500. d�it�d
<br /> �x�car�al b y i mot�r C. ate b ra . Pl a te ,�s Tit�star,*o NORWEST BANK �
<br /> • NEBRASKA, NAT/ONAL ASSOClAT/ON,�s&ntficiiry,upon tht r�s/ettata and improvements
<br /> � da�cri M►r�eto and by this nt�ren�v incoiponted herein. •
<br /> 8. "Note"shal!mesn thir cerhin aote sa�curad by the
<br /> OKd`of Tiust,ex�cut�d contamponns�ously thenwith by T mot y C. ate and
<br /> Debr�D. P 1 ate as maker,aad NORWEST BANK NEBRASKA,
<br /> NAT/ONAL ASSOC/ATION,as p�yeer,and aa�cu��d by ths D�wt/ol Trust,
<br /> C. "Loan"as hereinalter usrd,shs!/maan tht/osn in the irnount ol!$_7_,,�00;00
<br /> _as evidsnced by the»ote�nd sec��rd by ths O�ed of Tiust,as w�el!�s any othe�
<br /> s�curinp instrumtnts.
<br /> NOW, Tl�IEREFORE,lor and in considerdtian of th�making and funding ol said Loan,and lor �
<br /> ' othar gaad and va/uabk consrderation,the�eceipr wheir�f rs hereby acknowledgM,Assignor, tor i�self,
<br /> itr suecesso�s,parsoRal representatives,hain an�i assi�ns.has bargained,so/d, transterr�d,assignad, � .
<br /> case��y�rl,sot owr and�afir�s.��,arrd by t.'rase pr�sants�aas hara�y bas�ain,sefl, rra,�sf�r,��i„n,aad �_=:
<br /> conwy as security far the�epayment of the abohe detcribed indebtedness and the pay��ent aerd per• � � `
<br /> /o�mancf o/a/1 of�hs ternu and co�ditrons of ths Note and Moitgag�e evicknciny the samt,and any •
<br />_ �nd�1!arnendnrQnts.�xt�nsions and rcnewals thareo�a/l/ewsas now or hereal�er executed af/�+crrng -
<br /> tir�Marry�ed Piemises,and all rents,iuues,profits ind incams ind sums ot money which r»ay now � - -
<br /> � or hsi��ftei be or become due�n�/owinp under and by vi�tue a/sard leases,it berng the intention
<br /> hatby�o est�blish a comp/et�tr�nster and issignn�ent of the/ess�s hereby assi�ned and all the avsils ';_
<br /> thtrwnde�unto ths Auiynee,its auccessors and assrgns, tog�sther with the riyht,but without the
<br /> , obli�tio»,to co/lect ali of the seid renis,issues,profits and income arising or accruin,q,or w0►ich may
<br /> b�+come due�t any time du�iny the Ir/e of this Assignmeret Auignor further agrees,upon de�nand
<br /> thtreot, to de/iver to snd deposit said leases with Assignee.
<br /> Auignor hereby dtsiyMtes,const;tutes and appoints Aurgnee,its succeuors and auigns, with
<br /> fu/l pow�r o/wbstitution,its true�nd/awful atiorney with power lor it and in irs name,p/ace anrl
<br /> stad,for e»rhe nsms of Auipnee,to ask,demand,ca!le�t,receive,receipt and givs lull ar�d com- �
<br /> pl�ie acquittances for any and a/1 rents,issues,profits and income hereby assigned which may become �•�'
<br /> du��nd psyab/e by leuoes or orher occupents af ths Mortgag�ed Premises;and at its cliscretron ro lile '
<br /> any c/aim or take any other activn or proceeding to make any settlement oI any cla�m,either in its
<br /> own name or in tha neme ol Assignor,or oth�rwise, wirich the Assignee,o�any successor may deem
<br /> desirable in orde�to collect and entorce the payment ot any and a/I:snts,ijwes,p�olrts and income
<br /> heiein assigned. The lessees and accupants of the Mortgag�ed Premises; aPafly parr hereol,are hereby
<br /> exprcss/y aathoriaed and directe�d to pay a!/rerrls and sums herein assigned whr'ch would be payable
<br /> ro Assr'pnor,except for thrs Assignment, to the Assignee,and to trensmit and delrve�such payment
<br /> ta the Assrgne�or such no.minea as it may designate in writing�deliveied to and recerved by such
<br /> Isues or occupe»t, who is exFressly relisved of any and al!duty,liabil►ty or otrlrgation to the
<br /> Assi9na in resperct of all payments so mede.
<br /> Assi9nee shall be,and hereby is, vesied�vith fu//paw+er to use al/such�neasures, legal and
<br /> equitsbte,as in its discretion�nay be deemed necessary o�proper to enfo�ce th�s Agreement and
<br /> ,.. to eatlect the rents, issues,p�ot'i�s and income assigned hereur�der,including the righr to enter upon ______ _ __
<br /> • � • the piemises and to take passess�on thtreof,and Auignor hereby grants fult power arrd authority �
<br /> ' � to the Assignee to exercise a!l rr',qlrts,prrvileges and powers hePein granted ar an y anc!all times here•
<br /> ,. a/ter, without notice fo Assignor, with fu11 pow+er to e�se and app/y all of the rents, issues,prolits and
<br /> income hevein assigned to the paycnenrs nl any indebtedress o�/rability a/the Assignor to the
<br /> : AssiQnte, rr�sucir order as Assignee may dete�rnine.
<br /> �.
<br /> �
<br />� � : , Lat Eiqhteen (3.8) , in t��ock Ttiree (?) , in southnrn Acres,
<br /> an ��d�#Ation to thP city of Grznd Island, •1�a11 Countv, Nebraska
<br /> �
<br /> co
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<br /> .
<br /> BI?8 R�r 16/85
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