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STATE QF <br />) ss. 200144858 <br />COUNTY OF ) <br />O this day of PA , personally appeared <br />known tome to be the person (s) whose name(s) <br />is /are subscribed to the foregoing instrument, acknowledged that he /she /they executed same as his /her /their voluntary act and deed, and if married, <br />intending to bind his /her separate estate. <br />GENERAL NOTARY-State of Nebraska <br />DARREN SANCHEZ <br />My Comm. Exp, April 24, 2004 <br />STATE OF <br />ss. <br />COUNTY OF ) <br />otary Public <br />On this day of , personally appeared <br />known to me to be the person (s) whose name (s) <br />is /are subscribed to the foregoing instrument, acknowledged that he /she /they executed same as his /her /their voluntary act and deed, and if married, <br />intending to bind his /her separate estate <br />STATE OF <br />COUNTY OF <br />On this <br />of <br />ss. <br />Notary Public <br />, personally appeared <br />known to me to be the <br />of <br />who acknowledged that he /she /they executed the foregoing instrument on behalf of the entity herein named and executed the same as the voluntary <br />act of such entity. <br />STATE OF <br />COUNTY OF <br />On this <br />of <br />ss. <br />Notary Public <br />, personally appeared <br />known to me to be the <br />of <br />who acknowledged that he /she /they executed the foregoing instrument on behalf of the entity herein named and executed the same as the voluntary <br />act of such entity. <br />Notary Public <br />The following described real property located in the County of Hall State of Nebraska <br />Lot 122, Buenavista Subdivision, an Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall <br />County, Nebraska. <br />THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY: Union Bank & Trust Grand Island Branch <br />