_ �.
<br /> _��
<br /> = - ---= � .._�
<br /> . j
<br /> IALIJUSTABLE It�!'!�'� �IAFR �4'•--0 101�7?
<br /> . tl YeerT�e��ury Indea•R�tcC�ps)
<br /> `i'H15AUlUSTANI�M RATS RIDF.It(sm�dcthls _ �+�h d�y af _._.._, A�ril_._____�_`._.,_,.,i5� 9d_.
<br /> and h incorpa�t�d inta�nA�MN be dcen�ed to unend:�x!suppiement 1Ao Mortjs�s. Oet�ot Trus�, ur Security Deed(the "Seeu�ity
<br /> r Inurun�enN')c,t the u�n�e due�tveo br Me unAen�ynad(tAe"�rowet")to ucuce Borrower'�AdJu�t�bk R�te Nate(�Ae"Noae•')to HC�IE
<br /> � FJ��lAWNO��LQAN Ai1�C1ATIOM OF GMtr0lslAND ME�lIAd1U(tl►t "l.ender")uF the�une date�nd covsri�y the
<br /> � Pa�t+�1�d��llwd in th��ec�rit�r Irottu�ne�t Rnd loratsd�!:
<br /> Lat tk� 1 Amic�c A�res Third Subdiuisian. Hall Caunty, Nebraska.
<br /> (�oPetty Addra�) � °�--..^
<br /> � 7'Y� MIt t��'WM /nwbiMM! �wi�/ (K e�1� h t�wl 1fM �/ �y �11y
<br /> Mr�l�.TM��stt M�N�iir t1�arw�l�i�Nee��rtts e��eM�Ke�1��j wt ti�le��
<br /> �U��irl�w M/tM�Mw�nk 1 wrM/�r.
<br /> ADDlTIONAL COYENANT9. In addilion w the cove�nt�and a,�reemenq maik!n the Secu�ity Instrumrnt.Borrower and Lender
<br /> f�tlher cove�s�t aad yree a folb+vi:
<br /> � , A. INt6�OT RA7'L AND MONTHLY M11MLM'CNANG�9
<br /> 17�No1e provldw fa s�n ieiNd intetal t�te of 9_5f1 1b,Scv.yion 1 of the Nae pravida for chan�a in the intaat rate and the
<br /> � � �M�h P��.a�fo11oM�:
<br /> (A) CYye DMN
<br /> 7�ie�iele�l qte 1 Miil paY�Y��e oa the Rn[day of SePtemb er 9i
<br /> lve ---.19 .and on that day every
<br /> _months sl�erqiitet.EacA date on whkh my intercst rate coutd chanse i�catted a"Chan=e Date."
<br /> ch n.�r+.,
<br /> � • De�innit�witl�the tltst Chan�e Date,my intuat nte witl be ba�ed on an Indc�.The•'Irbea"is the wakly�veruc yietd an United Stata
<br /> ; Trew�ry�eeuritia�djusted to a consta�t malu�ily of ! yar.u made availsrbk by the Fedenl Reserve Bwrd. The most recent Indes fi�ure
<br /> avW�We nof the d�te 13 ay��efore esch Chan�e D�te i�calkd the"Current inde�.'•
<br /> It the lades i�no lonjer availat+k,the Note Holder will choose a new lndrx which is t+asa!upon compuabk intormation. The Note �
<br /> Halder wiN�ive iae naice ot thi�chace. ,
<br /> (�l C�k�MW�NCM� .
<br /> 8efateeachCA�he D�te,1Ae Note Noldu wi11w6�.,ulAte my oew Interest nte hye�,r,tdina tWQ_and a�e�!half ���nta�e .
<br /> '-- Da�� 2-5 �)to tAe Current lndes�nd roundin�to ihe narest IiBth oi 1�'..�u6�ap to the Umiu aated in Sectioe�D�hrinW, ���
<br /> � • Ti�rwnde3�mwnt wiii oe my new�nterat tate untll lhe next Ch�n�e Uata f=�� .
<br /> The Note Holde�w�iU theo detttmine Ihe amount of the monthly�wymcnl 1h�t wauld be�ufficknl ta repsy in fuil Ihe{+rloci�►al 1 am
<br /> eapectad ro owe oe that Chan�e D�te in substantially eQual payments by the maturi��date at my new interat rate.'fhe�auit o�thi�cslculnion
<br /> _ _- _ .- -.a�e�i�M.�a..r .�.__..__.
<br /> ... .s---.�.:.�;:»Mr wra�c�,:.
<br /> II�I LMMU M IMernlltNe CM�e� _--
<br /> �
<br /> The intaal rate 1 stn rcquiteti+� to pay at the firxl ('hangc Uatc will no1 hc Ereater ihan _10.5_^ .�y �r Ic.c� than
<br /> —�-�—..�1.TherqRer�my intem��atewiif neve�he inrrca.ed ar decreaced on any�inRte Chan�te Ihte hy mwe�han t��c± �wrront
<br /> ��.�.}fran the tattotintetest i ha�•e been��iceg for the prerectio�t iweke rrMnlhs.T!x minimum interect rate on�hl�loan will never t�e
<br /> !wtlyn—.6_�1 ��lhema.simwnintcresinteMilinevtrbe6reaterthan--.--.. 1�.5. __ .!�i.
<br /> .. (4 EtNrtl.e ONe N Cl�es �
<br /> Mr new(nletat nte wil)become eSfrcHve on each C'hsnaa Ihue.1 will pay Ihe amount of my new monthly payment begmnin�on the fint '
<br /> nwnthty paytnent date attar the Chan�e L�ce uetll iAe amount of my monthiy paymem chanRes��ain. •�
<br /> • IE'1 NNkeNCMr�a "'"
<br /> Tfie Note Hoider wil!mail or deliti�er to me�notice beforc earh Change bata The noti�r Kill ad�ice me oL• '�_`
<br /> • � (i) the eew intere�i ate on my Ic�an u of the Change D�te; �
<br /> , . {
<br /> (i1) lhe amount of my mpnlhiY D�Y�1 followina the Change Uaie; ,
<br /> (ifi) any addieional matters whlch the Nose Holder ic re�uired�o diacln�e:and
<br /> (iv) �he address of Ihe�ssociation you could contact re�arding any yue�ticrns aboul the adju�nne�u nc�^:.x
<br /> 1. CHARGES:LI�NS
<br /> Unitorm Covtnant 1 of the Security Instrumrnt i�amendtd to read as t`vliowc:
<br /> �• C��s:IJew�.fkxrower shall p�y all ta�es,�csessments,and olher rhar�e�„fi�rn.and impnsilioec attribuubie to the Propetty whicfi msy,
<br /> att�in s prarity over tAis Security fnstrument,and teasehnld{u�ymc�te of grnursd rer,r�.,f any,in the manner provided under paragraph 2 hermf
<br /> c+r.if eot p�id in such manner�by gorruw,cr maRins paymem,when clGti,d�rectly ta t�e payet thtreof.Aottower shall promplty furnish I.ender
<br /> all notices of amount�dut under tAic�.����,�����eveat tk�rrowt►chall��cake paprnrnt ditc�tty,tforrvw�er shali pmmp�ly ftftn�sh to
<br /> �� i��Pfi ��i��ch paymen[S. Horrower shall pr�an�+11y dnchxrEe any hcn whrch has priarity o�er �his +�tiu►i1y InctrumMC;
<br /> Nowrver.Borrower ahali na be rcquired to dixhar6e any such licn co tonk aa[iotrorcr: (a)shall agtee in wrc�ing�i+ �he payment of tt�c
<br /> oMiptMn xcured by sueh lien in tAo manner�etieptabk to 1 ender,�b)aAatl in g�.od faith cunteet cuch lien by,ar drfend ap,aina enforcemen��i!
<br /> sucA Ut�in.kial praYCdittss whkh in the opinion of 1 ender operate t��pre�•e�t�he en(nrcemrnt of the lien or forfeiture ui Ihe Pro�+rr�y or any `�� �
<br /> put thereol;or(e)�hsll secs�rc from!Ae huWer of such (ien an agrecment in a torm catista.tory to Lcnder subordinating such lirn to this
<br /> Sbcvdty Instrunient,
<br /> If Lendtt deletmines thal a11 ot any�art e(Iht F'ro�+eriy �c-xuh�ect�o a lien which may auain a�nc�ru�o+er thw Sttiunty Inclrumenl.
<br /> I,enQer aAalt�ive&xrower a notice identifyina such lien. Borrower shall satisiy �uch tien Rr iake une ur more of the ac�ions set funh above �
<br /> within Irn days of�he`ivina of t►ae noHa.
<br /> � C. 110TtCE
<br /> Un�form Cnvenant 1�of the Secutiry Instrumert�is amcnded to rcad as followv:
<br /> 11. NMke.Except for any�ntice require.�andtr apphcabie[aw tn tx�iti•en in a►�n�hes mannrr,�a)any rtotuY fv Horroxet pro��da!Iur in Ihiq �
<br /> 5ecurily Instrument sAsR be�ti�•en by dtti��e�irt�it or by ma�iin�t It Ay tirst ctuv mxit to Eiorrower at ihe Prn �j�
<br /> ptrty Addrecs or at tuch other add:ets
<br /> as tWnower m�y desr�nate by nati:r to t.ender a�protiided herein,gnd 1�+1 anv reotire in i ender aha11 hc gnen hY frnt ilacs ma�l to I ender's *
<br /> sddrss�stattdherein�»to�urb othcr addrrss nc i ender may de�,gnatr b�nunce i�fto�rnwer a�pro„dcYf f�crcin �re� n��i�,c p„n,ded 1„r�n ih�c ", .
<br /> 5e'cu�ily!nitrument stull he Jcemttllo ha��e heen gnen�n Fti�r�o.�cr m 1 cndet whcn R�sen in the man�cr dec�k�»!��ir�cin
<br /> �
<br /> �_! 1,
<br /> ",r••.
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