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<br /> UHtIFq!lMGQYfNANTS Borr�wrrsndLsr�ttrsca+���ntandssrera.-.!'ulta�r�
<br /> � 1. Pry�t ef Rrl�ci�l�IM�r�t;Pr�y�t u�l.ate R,1�r�s. EMrtowet th�ll prnmptly �y whrn dua
<br /> tix principil at�nd interat on Ihe debt cviQenctd Dy�he I�lote�nd�ny prrMymen�and I��e ch�rRe+�due un�ter�hc Nn1e
<br /> 2. Fw�tor T�YM aM i�. SubJec�ta�pplic�Me t�w or to�wrilten w�ivt�h��I.rncler,l��rrnwQr�h�ll M�
<br /> to l.er�es c�n the d��►manehl�p�YmRnt*�re�i��nckr the NMe,ur���!�he Nae!�p�td in tu!!.��ur�!"!�'und+"!eqsul tr
<br /> a�c-t�eMA d: (a}yauly t�ae� �nd a�n�ent� which m�y attda priarity Atiet Ihi� SRCUrity Iasleumrnt; (b1 l�earl�c
<br /> ira�eAo�W pyn�ents or Rrcwnd �t� an Ihe Propetty. if�ny: (e) yearly h�z�rd insus�nct pr�ntutns, �nA (d► yarly
<br /> a�ort�ye iewnnce prcmiums.if any. Thae items are c�lkd"eic�wr item�." �.ender n►�y atinu�ze�he Fund�due an�Ae
<br /> 6�oicurrent d�ui and rsa�onabkatitn�ta of future acraw itemi.
<br /> The Fu�shall be held in an institutioe Ihe depaits or�ccounts a�whieh�ro insured a�w��ntMd by a feder�l or
<br /> � �tate�ya�cy(includin�t.ender if l�ender is such an irtititution). Lender�hall�ppty the�unds to�y Ihe e+crc�w ilems.
<br /> � Lender msy not char�e for hoidinj u�d applyin�Ihe Fund�,tnaly:ins the account er verifyin�Ihe e�crow item�,unku
<br /> l.arder p�yi 8ort+a�rer intenxt un the Fw�ds an�l applicabk IaM permitn l.sndc�to make such�cMrRs. lkxmwet�nd
<br /> �'• I.tnder awy qrae in Mritin�tlut inter�tt �hall se paid on the Funds. Unles��r aRreen+en� �n�ade cx�ppl��bk Iaw
<br /> ; fOqldf�!!�QlR!!it l0 NO�,Lender shall not be roquirod to p�y Borrow�e��ny interest ot arninRo on�he F�ndi. I.ender
<br /> � daq�ive to Bo�m�rer.�rithout c1�sr=e,ae�enwl accoun�iR�ai the Funds�howin=c�Mit�a�d deMt!lo Ihe F'unds�nd�he
<br /> pwpo�e for Mhich ach debie to the Fu�Mas m�da.The Funds ue pled�d as�eddiliau!iecuritx far Ihe sunn eeeured bY
<br /> � � tl�Security Inu�ument.
<br /> I�the smount d'ehe Funds held Ay l.ender,ta�ether with the future mon�hly p�yments c�f Funds My�bk priM ao .
<br /> tlk due data oithe aero�r itemt.sh�ll eaceed the amount roquired to p�y the esc�ow items wf�en due,lht eace���hafl be.
<br /> at BotraMer's optlon,either pranplly�epaid to BoRO�rer o�crcdited to 8orrower oe monthly�yments�f Fund�. If Ihe
<br /> �mount d'the Fund�held by Leeder is not tuAkieel to p�y the acrorv items whm due.Bor�awer�tudl p.y�o�„a�f.�y
<br /> amoant neoaary to mske up the deAciency in one ar mora p�yment�as roquired by l.ender.
<br /> Upon prymeet in tbll of dt fums secured by Ihis Security Instrumrnt. Lender shall promplly refuad to Borro�er
<br /> any Fundt held by I.entkr.!f under p�rasnph 19�he Property is sold ot acqui�ed by Lender.i.ender sh�il�pply.n�I�te�
<br /> � thae immediately prior to the sak of the Ptopehy or it�acquhition by I.ender.any Fuods heid by Lend�r��ihr timr of
<br /> ` �pplic�tion as�credit spinst the suma secured by thi�Security in�trumenl.
<br /> , 3. A�Ilt�atiM of Pqwe+tb. Unlaa appticabk law�provides othenvise,aq p�►ymenes received by Lender under
<br /> ` � para�raphs 1 and 2 shall be�pplied:Arst.to lste charRa dne under�he Note;second,to prepayment charres due under the
<br /> ' . NaC tlilyd.ta amounu p�yable under parajnph 2;fourth.to interat due;�nd lau.to princip�l due.
<br /> ; 4. Gtir�I,iw. 8txrower shat!p�y all uaa. assessmrnts.chusa,liea and impositian�attributabk tn�he ---
<br /> . .{ Property �rhich map atuin priority over this Security ins�rument, and lessehold payments or �round rents, if�ny.
<br /> . 8orroMer tball p�y thae obliptions in the mannu provided in paneraph 2,or if nw paid in th�1 manner. Borrower Yhdl
<br /> p�y tiKm oe time ditectly to the pe�son wved p�ytt�ent. Borrower thali promptiy furnish ta Lender all nMicp of amcwnl:
<br /> ' to bt p�id under this p�rutaph. If�o�er maka these payments di:ecliy. Borrower sl�sll promptly tarnish ta Lendrr -_ –
<br /> reoeipts eviderkini tlx p�yment�•
<br /> Borro�rer shali promp�ly diuhar�e any lien which has priority ove�Ihis Security Instrummt un{ess Borrower:(a)
<br /> ;. yraa in Mritin�to the pynknt of the obliptioa secured by the lirn in a m�nner accea�bk eo l.mder:(b)c�neesca in emd
<br /> _ . . . _
<br /> fiith the Nm 6y.or defe�de asains�enfoieeme�t of the liers ia,ksa!proeeedints whieh in thr Lersder's opinion o�erate to -
<br /> prevent the enforceme+�t of the l9en ar forfeiture of any part of the P�operty;or(c)secures frcim tht holder of the lien aa —
<br /> � yreement satisfictory to i.ender subordinati��the lien to this Security Instroment.!f Lender detcrenines that aey pah af '_�
<br /> tbe Property a suaject to�lirn w�hich may attain priority aver this Security Insttument, l.ender may Swe Borrower a
<br /> '�.�i�� . ; notia identjfjrinj ehe lim.Borrow�er shall satisty the lirn or take one or morc of the act�ons set lonh ibare withm 10 days
<br /> , . � of tht 6ivins of notke.
<br /> � ': ' _ 3. Ha�ar/i�ee. Borrower shall kap the improvements noM cxishna or heretfler erected on the Preperty +
<br /> insurod�ainst loa by 8re.hat�rds included within the term"e�tende�c�ven6e"and any aher harYrds for which Lender �
<br /> raquita insueance. Thn insurance shall be maintained in the am�wnts and !or the �+e�ads that Lender reQuaa The �
<br /> inauranee c�nier providinj the imunnce shall be chosen by BorroMer subject to Lendcr's�pptovat which sAall�w be
<br /> unra�onably wnthheW.
<br /> AU iatunnce polieia and reeewals sh�ll be acceptabk to Lender m8 shal)mclude s standard mortEa6e ctause �
<br /> • • I,ee�der shall have the ri=ht to hold the palicies and«newals. If Lender rec�uires.Borrowe�shs!!promplly REVe Io Lender � �
<br /> all tree+pt�of paid pamiums and renewal notices.In the event of loss,Borrower shall`ive prom�not�ce to the msurance
<br /> � csrrirr and Lender.L.ender may make proof of loss if not made promptly by 8nrrower.
<br /> ' . Unkss I.ander and Borrower otherwise a�ree m wnt�nE,insu��nce proceeds shall be app1�M to resterstoon or repa�r
<br /> of the Propeny damaaed,if tht astoation or repair is economica{ly fessible and Ixnder's secunty�s no� lessened if Ihe
<br /> tatot�tion or repair is not aonomically feasible or Lender's secunty.vould be tasened,the insursnce prcxeMs shal!be
<br /> � ap�lied ta the sums secured by this Security Instrument,whether or not thrn due. with:ny excess pa�d ta Bonower If
<br /> 8orno�ver ab�tulons the Ptopeny,or does not ansrrer wi�ht» 30 days a notke from Lender that tAe�nxurance car�ur hs�
<br /> otE'er�ed!o settk s claim,then Lender may collect the�nsunnce proceeds. Lrnder msy use tht proceeds to repaic ar restore
<br /> tt+e P'ropehy or to psy sums secured by this Secunty Irtstrument, whether or na�hen due The 30�day penad w�11 begm
<br /> wihen the notice is�,iven.
<br /> Unlas Lender and Bomowe�olherwise a�ree m xntu�a.�ny applECat�on o�prcxeeds lo pnncipa!s1u�N n�t e�trnd at
<br /> ��I�D4lCt�lt Q8i'�di=Of 1�ltlltLll1ltilY�ij;iii�ii=S Tt�tiiEtZ i0 ifi�Af.graph� t and 2 or c�ange the amount oithe r+a�ments If
<br /> uader para�nph 19 the Property is sequered by Lender.Borrower's n6ht �o any msurance pol�cits and praceeds resultmg
<br /> fmu�d�mase to tb�e Property prior to the acqu�sition shsll pus to Leader to the e�tem of the sums securM by this Scrunty
<br /> Instrument i�modiatety prior to the acquisition.
<br /> i. P�ernttona�/Mai�tep�ce otPrn�e�;l,ea�el�olds, Sorrower sh�l{nr�!destrc►�,dima�e r.r cuDsuntulty
<br /> ehanee che Propeny. allow the propeny to detenorate�r comm�� waste If th�s Stcunty Inctrumeat i�c�n a leacehntd.
<br /> Borsaverahall somply with the prov�sions of�he lase,and if Borrowct acqwre�tce utle tu Ihe F'ro�xtty,�he teasehotd and
<br /> fa titk sl�U nW merae unless Lender iarces�o�hc merser in v►nhn6
<br /> _. P�Mtetld� ot I.t�der's Ri�b i• the F'iro/erty; !�lortpRe lesura�ce. If E3ortower f�ds t<� E+erfurm she
<br /> covensnts and a�aCemrnts contained in this Secun�y Instrumem,c•r�heRe�s a le6al pr�cerd����h�t msy si6nificantly aReci �
<br /> t.en�tr'a ri�hts in the Propeny (such as a procred�n6 �n hankruptcy, prc}Mte, for tnndemn:►�on nt �n rnfor�e lawc e�r �
<br /> L re�u�a�i�pm?.then Lender may doand pry(or whatn•er�s necess�ry�o pre►trr�ihe+ilur�f the i'�operty and l,encfer'c nght� �
<br /> �n tbe:Property. l,rnder's aruans may�nelude psymg any sums xcureci by� I�e� wh�ch h�s pnon�y oYer �h�. Securuy r
<br /> Iirnivument,s�ren�in coe�n,payme reasonablc attorne�s'fets artd en�er�ng e7n rhe F'm�,er�y t��make repa�ts Althuugh r�-
<br /> f.ender msy takenrtion under th�s pangraph 7, L.ender does nrst hs+e�n dc►st� ���
<br /> A�ny amovms d�sbursed by Lender under this parograph 1 shalf t+e�e�me adrJn�:�nal dcht��f lk�rr�+wrr cr�ur���r rhi♦
<br /> Serunty lnstrument Unless 8t�rrovver and l t►idtt agret to nther termc c�f p��neent.nc��ce arnnunt�cha�l hear inttrr.�tr�nn
<br /> the dste of disbur4ement at the Note ra�e nnd sfiafl tre qayeole, wuh �n�rrnt u��n nuuce f►<tm !endcs ra� N�+n��w�r
<br /> ret{uestma payteitn�l
<br /> --%n
<br /> �� �
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