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y , <br />� Ste.' <br />O <br />LA <br />_ Vv <br />r, <br />t <br />N <br />Herbert F. Heider and Joanne W. Heider, husband and wife, <br />GRANTORS, for funding The Joanne Heider Revocable Living Trust, <br />convey to Joanne Heider, Trustee of the Joanne Heider Revocable <br />Living Trust created by the Revocable Living Trust Agreement dated <br />April 27, 2001, GRANTEE, the following described real estate as <br />defined in 76 -201 of the Revised Statutes of Nebraska, 1996, <br />situated in Hall County, Nebraska: <br />A tract of land consisting of a part of Lots Ten (10 ) and <br />Eleven (11), Home Subdivision, City of Grand Island, <br />Nebraska, and more particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at a point on the Westerly Right -of -way line of <br />Wheeler Avenue, said point being One Hundred Ten and <br />Seven Tenths (110.7) feet Southeasterly from the <br />Northeast corner of said Lot Ten (10), Home Subdivision <br />and a point on the southerly line of 18th street as <br />surveyed through said Lots Ten (10) and Eleven (11); <br />thence running along and upon the south line of 18th <br />Street, as surveyed, for a distance of one Hundred Fifty - <br />six (156) feet to the actual point of beginning; thence <br />running in a southeasterly direction on a line parallel <br />with Wheeler Street for a distance of One Hundred Thirty - <br />two (132) feet to the north line of the alley; thence <br />running southwesterly on and upon the north line of said <br />alley for a distance of fifty -two (52) feet; thence <br />running northwesterly on a line parallel with Wheeler <br />Street for a distance of One Hundred Thirty -two (132) <br />feet to the south. line of 18th street ; thence running <br />northeasterly along and upon the south line of 18th <br />Street for a distance of fifty -two ( 52 ) feet to the point <br />of beginning, <br />subject to liens filed of record, covenants, conditions, <br />restrictions, reservations, easements of record, visible easements, <br />and zoning laws, rules and regulations. <br />GRANTORS covenant, jointly and severally, with GRANTEE, as follows: <br />1. GRANTORS are lawfully seised of the real estate and the real <br />estate is free from encumbrances, except for leins filed of record; <br />2. GRANTORS have legal power and lawful authority to convey the <br />real estate to GRANTEE; and <br />3. GRANTORS warrant and will defend title to the real estate <br />against the lawful claims of all persons. <br />Executed: _ i' °� 2001. <br />(Herbert F. Heider) `% (Joanne W. Heider) <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA, COUNTY OF HALL: <br />foregoing instrument <br />2001, by <br />Heider, and and wife, GRANTC <br />Notary Public <br />My ommission expires <br />O M <br />N <br />O CD <br />O �. <br />1­4 <br />O <br />co <br />was acknowledged before me on <br />Herbert F. Heider and Joanne W. <br />IRS. <br />6ENEPA NOTARY -Stab d N�6arin <br />D J OM H. M <br />s <br />`n <br />rri <br />Cn <br />N X <br />H <br />O __q <br />�► <br />O <br />-c <br />DD <br />OD <br />N <br />N <br />20010484$ <br />WARRANTY <br />DEED <br />Herbert F. Heider and Joanne W. Heider, husband and wife, <br />GRANTORS, for funding The Joanne Heider Revocable Living Trust, <br />convey to Joanne Heider, Trustee of the Joanne Heider Revocable <br />Living Trust created by the Revocable Living Trust Agreement dated <br />April 27, 2001, GRANTEE, the following described real estate as <br />defined in 76 -201 of the Revised Statutes of Nebraska, 1996, <br />situated in Hall County, Nebraska: <br />A tract of land consisting of a part of Lots Ten (10 ) and <br />Eleven (11), Home Subdivision, City of Grand Island, <br />Nebraska, and more particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at a point on the Westerly Right -of -way line of <br />Wheeler Avenue, said point being One Hundred Ten and <br />Seven Tenths (110.7) feet Southeasterly from the <br />Northeast corner of said Lot Ten (10), Home Subdivision <br />and a point on the southerly line of 18th street as <br />surveyed through said Lots Ten (10) and Eleven (11); <br />thence running along and upon the south line of 18th <br />Street, as surveyed, for a distance of one Hundred Fifty - <br />six (156) feet to the actual point of beginning; thence <br />running in a southeasterly direction on a line parallel <br />with Wheeler Street for a distance of One Hundred Thirty - <br />two (132) feet to the north line of the alley; thence <br />running southwesterly on and upon the north line of said <br />alley for a distance of fifty -two (52) feet; thence <br />running northwesterly on a line parallel with Wheeler <br />Street for a distance of One Hundred Thirty -two (132) <br />feet to the south. line of 18th street ; thence running <br />northeasterly along and upon the south line of 18th <br />Street for a distance of fifty -two ( 52 ) feet to the point <br />of beginning, <br />subject to liens filed of record, covenants, conditions, <br />restrictions, reservations, easements of record, visible easements, <br />and zoning laws, rules and regulations. <br />GRANTORS covenant, jointly and severally, with GRANTEE, as follows: <br />1. GRANTORS are lawfully seised of the real estate and the real <br />estate is free from encumbrances, except for leins filed of record; <br />2. GRANTORS have legal power and lawful authority to convey the <br />real estate to GRANTEE; and <br />3. GRANTORS warrant and will defend title to the real estate <br />against the lawful claims of all persons. <br />Executed: _ i' °� 2001. <br />(Herbert F. Heider) `% (Joanne W. Heider) <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA, COUNTY OF HALL: <br />foregoing instrument <br />2001, by <br />Heider, and and wife, GRANTC <br />Notary Public <br />My ommission expires <br />O M <br />N <br />O CD <br />O �. <br />1­4 <br />O <br />co <br />was acknowledged before me on <br />Herbert F. Heider and Joanne W. <br />IRS. <br />6ENEPA NOTARY -Stab d N�6arin <br />D J OM H. M <br />