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<br /> UNIfciHMCcit'FNANT� �TrnvscrandLcn�ie�co��er+entandagrteu5fa11o���s�
<br /> 90•'°. 1019�9
<br /> 1. i'�yr�eet ot P�I�1�1 uhi INterai;Prep�yment and l.ate Ch�rgd. �orro���er chnli p�rmpily pny Hhcii duc
<br /> the princi�l�f�nd interest an the deNt evldenced b>the Note and R�y prepaynun�and ta�e chRrgrs due under ihe Note.
<br /> t. Fi��r fnr T�rer�s�awru+�e. Subject ta�pptic�►b!e I�w or to a w�iltrn wai�•er by Leiulrr.8urrower shall pay
<br /> � ta l.ender c►n the day+�tanthly�yments Art dut under the Natc,un�i!the Note is�aid in Pull,a sum("�'unds")equaf lo
<br /> ane•tweltll� afi (�) yarly t�aes and �ssessmenls whicb ma►y stt�in priarity ave� this Securily lostrument; (D) yearly
<br /> laxhold p�yments or a�ound rents on the Proptrty, if any; (c) yearly hiz�rd insurance premiums; and (d) �•tarly
<br /> mart�s4e in�urance prer.�ium�, i�any.Tkese items are calied"esc�aw items."[.ender may estimite Ihe�unds due an the
<br /> 1��of current�ta end rrasonabk atim:ta oPfutureescraw it�ms.
<br /> TII�FUtlA3 S�t�II IlC IflW fR�tf Institution th�c�eposits or aecaunts c+!'whieh�re insure�!es ge*rentr�by a frden!or
<br /> s:ato ytncy(includin�Lcnder ii'Let�dtr is such an institution).Lender sh�ll apply the Funds to pay the esErow isem�.
<br /> Lendtt emy not chuae Cor holdin�nnd applyin6 the Fund�,aaalyzin;the accossnt er vcrifyin�the escro�r items.u�lesa
<br /> Lender p�yt�orrowet interat on t6e Fund��nd applie,�bk la�permit� l.ender to mAke such a char�e. Borrawer and
<br /> t.ender may sata in writine thst interat sfui)be p�id on�he Funds. Unl�cs�n saramenl i� made or appticabk taw
<br /> raqwres interost to be paid,Lender shtll riM be requitM to pay Banowe�sny inte�est or amings an the Funds. Lender
<br /> thap=ive to Borrower�wlthaut chs��e,an annual ucountin�of the Eunds sh�wina credits and debit�ta thc Funds�nd Ihc
<br /> purpose for which e�ch deDit to the Funds w�m�de.'I'he Funds ue pkd�ed as�dditlonal xcurity for the sums securcd�y
<br /> thi�SecuriAy instrument.
<br /> lf tAe�mount of the Funds held by l.ender. to6nther�vith the future moathly p�yme�ta of Funds payable priar ta
<br /> the due data of the acroM Item�.shsll eacoed t1�e amount required to pay the escrow item�whrn due.the exress shall be,
<br /> at BorroMer's oplion.�either pramptly repaid to 8orrawer or eredlted to Borrower on monthly p�ymeots�f Funds. If the
<br /> �mount oPthe Funds held by Lender i�not sulRcient to pay ihe escrow items when due.Borru�er shdl pay to l.ender any
<br /> amount necas�ry to make up the deflckncy in one or more payments�s requirM by I.ender. �
<br /> Upon psymrnt in full of all sums secured by tfiis Security In��rument,Lender shall promptly refund to Barr�w�er
<br /> any F'unds held by L.ender.lf under p�n�taph 19 the Ptoperty is sold or acquircd by Lender.Le�der shall apply.no tater
<br /> than immediately prior ta the sak oP the Prapeny or its acquisition by I.e�der.any Funds held by I.ender at the time af
<br /> applicstion as a credit a6ainst the sum�se�:uad by thic Security f nstrumenl.
<br /> 3. A�liatlo�ot Paywe�b. Unless applicsbk law p*ovides o�herwise,all �+aymenls received by l.ender under
<br /> pxtadraphs 1 and 2 shal�be applied:f3rxt.to late charaes due under the Note;second.to prepaymeat charges due under the
<br /> Notr,third,to amounts psyable under ptraaraph 2;fourth,ta intertst due;and lut,ta pri�cipal due.
<br /> �. C7iu�;Llera. 8orrower shaU pay all taan.assecsments,charges.Anes und im�xxitionc attribulable to the
<br /> Property which may atuin priority.over �his Security Instrument, and lasehnld payme�to or ground rents, iP any.
<br /> - Borro�ver shall p�y these obti��tions in�he msnner prowided i�parag�aph 2.or if nat paid i�that manner,Rorrower chall
<br /> . psy them un time directly to the person awed paymenl.Bc�rraw•er shall promptly furnish to t,ender aU�oticec of amounts
<br /> ' to be paid under this psnarapA. If Boma�er mak� these payments directly.Borrower shaEl promptly fe�rnish to l.en.der
<br /> �eceipts evidencir►g thr psyments.
<br /> Borrower shall promptly disch�rar any lien w�hich has pnonty aver this Security Instrume�t ca.lec�Borrower:(s) �
<br /> a6rees in writinE to the payment oPthe obti�ation ucaccd ap the lien in s manner acceptable ta Lender;(bl contegts in ga�d
<br /> iaith/he lien by.ar defentt�aa�i�st enforcement of t!x tien in,leg�l proceedinEs which in�he Lender's apinion aperatt to =�—
<br /> prevml the enforcement af the lien or farkiture af any part of the I'rnperly;or(c)cecurn Prom�he haWcr��f the lien an -
<br /> aarcement sati�factory t�Lender subordinatina the lien to thi�Securily tnstrument. If Lender determinea thAt any part of �--
<br /> �- i�rrvperty is suoject to a Iiee wi�ier msy attain priorily over this 5ecunty Instrument� l.ender may give ii�rrower a • - .
<br /> notice identifyin6 the lien.Bor�o�ver�h�ll satisfy Ihe lien o�uke onc or more of Ihe actinns set forth abave wilhin 10 daya -
<br /> oithe�ivin=ofnotice.
<br /> �. Huui/wsM�ancr. Hc�rrower shall keep the improvemcrrtc now cxisting or hereaRer erected on the Pro�+erty � '
<br /> insured aaainst[�ss Sy Bre,haurds included within the term"eatectdcd coverage"and any other hazards f�r which l.�acier
<br /> reQuirts insuar�ce. This insunnce shsll be msintained i� Ihe amovnts and far the periods that Lertder requireg. The
<br /> insu�na carrie�providina the insunnce shall 6e chc�se� by Bc�rrower subject to Lender's approval whech shall not be
<br /> uRrasonably withheld. �:
<br /> All insunnce �licies and rtnewats shall be acceptable to Lender and shall include a standard mortgage rlause.
<br /> l.ender shall have the right to hold the�►crlici�s and renewala.Ii Leader requires. Borrowcr shaU promptly give to Lender
<br /> all rectipts of paid prcmiums and renewa!notices.ln the event of Ic►ss,Borrower shall gi�•e Rmmpt notico to the insurance
<br /> curier and Lender.Lender may make proofbf loss if not made promp�ly by Horrvw�er. ;��,�:
<br /> Unless Lender and Bormwet otherwise agree in wnting,insurance pnxeects shaU be applied ta restoratinn or repair �`�
<br /> of the Property demaged.if the restoratian�r repait �s economirally feasible and Lersder'�cecurity is nat lessened. I(the
<br /> restqration or cepair is not tconomically feasible o� Lender's secu�tv would t+e lessened.cFe insurance proceeds sh�tf be
<br /> applied to the sums secured by this Secuvity Instrument,w�hether or not then due,with an� cace.0 pa�d to 9orrower. li
<br /> 8arawer abandons the f'ropeny.or das not an�wer within 30 days a notice from lxnder that the insurance carrier has
<br /> ofFered to settle a elaim,then Lender may coltect the irisurance prixeedc. l.endet may use 1he proceeds tr.rr�air or restore
<br /> the Property or ta pay sums secured by this Security fnstrument,whether nr not then due.The 30-da�� peric�d will txgin
<br /> when the notice is give�.
<br /> Untess L�nder and Borrowe�otherwisr.agree�n wnting,any a��lication of proceedc tc►pnncipa)shali not e�tenc!or
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthiy payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2�r change the nmaunt of the payments. If
<br /> under paraanph 19 tht Properry is acquired by 1xnJer.Ibrrrwer's nght to:��t�c»cutance�+oliries and pr�cteda re�ulting
<br /> from damaae to thc Praperty pnor to the acquisition s?:all psss to Lender to the oatent of thc sums sccured by this Secunty
<br /> lnstrument immcdi�tely prior to th�acquiciti�n.
<br /> 6. Prde�qtioe a�d A1�ieteaa�ce oiP�oPerty;Lraseholds. �orrower�hall not descroy,damage or subslantially
<br /> ehanae the Proptrty, allow the Property to deteriorate or commil w•acte If th�c Se¢unty InStrument ic on a leaseh�ld,
<br /> Borrower shal!¢omply with the provisions of Ihe teau.and if Harrowe�acyuares fee hNe to the 1'roperty,thr leaxhold and
<br /> fee titlr shall Rot mer6e unless[.en�er agrcts to the merger in wnhng. ' - -�
<br /> 7. Protectio� ot Len4er•� Ri�ts tn Ihe Pro�erty; ltort�Rt le�unnce. If Bnrrouer failc t� perf�rni �he
<br /> covenants and nareements contained in�hi�s Security instrumrnt,c►r there�s a legal prnceed�ng that m�y a�gnificantly affect
<br /> Lender's ri�his in Ihe Property(such as a pnxee�li��g in bankrup�cy, probate, f�t condemnation ��r to enforce iaKC �r
<br /> rcaulations),then Lender may do and pay for whateoer is necessary to protcct the value of the Prnperty and Lender's nghts
<br /> in the Property. l,ender's aelio�is rnap inciude paying nn� sums secured by a lien which has prcnnty mer ihis Security � �
<br /> Instrument,Appent�ng in coutt,paying rtasnnable attorncys'fces and entenr�g on the Proptrty to make re�rairs Although �
<br /> L Lcnder rtiay takc actiai�under Ihic paragraph 7,Lender does not have to dv sn
<br /> Any amounlc dicbursed b}•l.ender und�r Ihis paragraph 7 ehnll txc�inr add�ne�n�l deM�f Fic+cr�wer cecured by�th�s �
<br /> � Security Instrument.ltr�less&�rruwer�nd l.ender agt�t to other termc of rayment.thece am��unts ch�ll Isear interecl fr�+m ti
<br /> the date af ctisbureraeent at the tiote rate cnid aliali Pu payabte. uith iritere�t, u�x�n nntice fr�m !ender �„ H�rrower j.��
<br /> t req�estmg payment �.
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