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<br /> UNIF(1RMCOYENI1f3TS Eior�awe�ancll.�nd�rcoven�ntandagreeusfoltc�ws:
<br /> 1. P�y�est mt Prl�ct�al a�I�tetsst;PreMy�ent�nd t.ate Ch�rQt�, Botrower shal)prc+mptly pay wt�en duc
<br /> ths prince�+1 ef�ixi interec�c�n ehe dzbt evi3tn:ecf by Ihe Note snsl any pte�aymenZ anci 1slecisatges due unde*ihe Nate.
<br /> 2. Fu�[or T�tes�MI�Mwra�ca Subject ta�pplic�btc la�v�r to c+wrilten waiver by I.ender,Eic�rrawcr 4ha11�y
<br /> � ta l.endar on Ihe day mon�hly�yments�re due undt�tlse Note.unlil lhe i3ote is paid in fuil,a suni("rund�")rqual�a
<br /> oac-twetRh of: (�y yarty t�aes and ��sessments which may Qttain pric►rity o�er this Stcurity Instrument; (!+) yearly
<br /> � leusehold paymrnts ur ��ou�d rent� on E�e Property� iP any; t�) Ye.a�ly h�t*rd insunnce premiums; sad(d) )early
<br /> mortp�e insunnce premium�.ii'any.Th�se items are cafkd"esarov►items."Lrndee m3y e�timato the Funds dur on the
<br /> ba�is of cnrrent dah tnd rr�son�bk eslimata of tuture escrow items.
<br /> The�'und�stnll be held in an institutia�the deposits or accounts of whicb�re i�sure�oe guaranteed by a federal a�
<br /> � qste a�a�cy(includin�Lrt�der if t�sn�t ia auch an institution). Lender shstl�pR1Y�he Funds to p�y the acraw item�.
<br /> l,e�det may nat ch�t�e fi�r holdin�and�pplyin�Ihe Fund��anslyzina the�ccaunt ar verifyin6 the acrow items,untess
<br /> Lender p�ys B�arrower intere�t on the Funds�nd�tppliea6k lawr permit�Lender to make such�ch�rge. Burrowe�and
<br /> Lender may ��ree in writin��hat intetest shaU be paid on the Funds. Unless an�areement is made�r applicable law
<br /> � te�uira interat to be paid,L.ende�shall not be required to p�y 8orrawer any Interest vr esrninas on the Funds. Lenckr
<br /> �►a11�ive to 8c�rro�rer,MMhout ch�r�e,an annual sccountina of thr Funds shorrina credit��nd debits to the Funds�nd the
<br /> purpaee tor�rhich each debit ta the Funds Mas made.The Funds are pled�ed sa�dditional security for the sums aecurod by
<br /> � this Securit�r Instroment.
<br /> If the amount of the Funds heW ay Lender�tojether with she fu�ure mon�hly payments of Funds payable prior ta
<br /> the due datea oi the escrow items.sh:ll exceed the tmount required so p�y th�aerow items when due,the excess sh�ll be�
<br /> ae Bor�ower's c►ption,dther promptly repaid to Borrowcr or creditod to Bc�nower on rna►tl�ly payments of Funds.li 1he
<br /> amount of the Funds held by l.ender is��t sulRcient ta pay the acrow�items wheo due, Borro�ver shall psy to Lende�sny .
<br /> amount nec�sssry to make un the deNciency in ane o�mare payment�as required by Lender.
<br /> Upon payment in fitll of all sum�aecurcd by this Security Inst►ument.Lender sh�ll promptly refund ta Barrower
<br /> any Funds held 6y Lendes.if under parasrsph 19 the Propen�es sold or acquired by l.ender.Lender shall apply.no later
<br /> than immedialely prior to the sak of the Property or iis acquicetion by i.e�der,any Funds�eld by Lender at the time of
<br /> application u�credit aaainst the surru xcured by this 5ecurity lnstrument.
<br /> 3. A/rlieatlo�o�Pay�b. Unkss applicabk Iaw pravide.c olherwise.�11 payments received by Lender under
<br /> � . M�adraph�1 and 2 sMll be applied:flnt,to I�te char�e�due under Ihe Notn:secand,to prepayment charae.+due under 1he
<br /> Nar,�hird,to amounts payable unde�panaraph 2;Fourth.tQ inlerat due;and I�st,to pci�cipal due.
<br /> �. Asr�Lk�s. Borrawe��fiall psy aU t�xes.a.c.cessments,charg�+. Anes and impaitians attributable to the
<br /> Property which may attain priority.ovt� this �e+crxrity lnstrument, snd leuehald psyments or ground renis. if any.
<br /> Hortower�hall p�y thest ablie�tions in the mannet provided in paragr�ph 2.or if no!�*a�d in that m�nner.Barrower shall •
<br /> obeh id uttder this�arst�t h.lf Bar ov�e�r m�kes these pa}nnent diPec IyQ'Borr1ower shai promptly fumish to t.ender
<br /> ps P E P
<br /> �eceipta evidencing the p�yments.
<br /> Borrower shall aromntiv discbarRe any li�sn which h�.t�+riority over this Security lnstrument unless Borraw�er(a)
<br /> � sarees in writina to tbe paymmt oithe obligation secured by the lien in�manner arceptaek eo i,e�Qer;1b)contests in gaod �_--
<br /> fiith tl�e lirn by,or defet�ds aaainst enforcement of the lien in,lea�l proceedin�s which in the Lender'9 opinian operate to _ -
<br /> prevrnt the enforcemmt of tbe tien or forfeiture uf any pArt af the Pr�perty;or(c)cecu�c+f�om Ihe halder oP th=lien an �
<br /> _ �fR711�11E�itsiaC[ofr io i.c►itiC�]iiVU*uii�iiii�jf iiia;ii�:i i:s:::.:,�iti::�Iw.,�.s�u..el�,1��r�.e�r�IM�rmirtet t�l anV 411T1�
<br /> the Praperty is subjoct to a lien which may �ttsin priority over thic Security Inctrument, i.ender m�y gi��Horrower a _
<br /> notiee identifyin6 the lien.Borrower shall sstisfy the lien or Irke e�ne or more of the ection�set fonh�bove within 10 days -
<br /> of the iivin6 d'notice. �i:��—
<br /> S. Hasri l�w�ce. Borrowc�shall keep the improvementa now eais�ing or herealter erected on the Property �}'-
<br /> insured sEainst bss by flre.hazards includod within the term"extended caverage"and anyother hasards[or which Lender `
<br /> requir�s insur�nce. This in�u�ance shal)be maintatned in the amaunts and(�r the �riods�hat l.ende► �equire.9. Tfie
<br /> insunnce c�ttier providin6 the insunnce shall be chosen by Barrower subject to Lendcr's approval which shall not be '
<br /> unrasonably withheW. �
<br /> AU insurance�alicies and renc.vals shaU be acceptable to Lender and ch�ll include a standard mort�age clause.
<br /> Lender sl�all have the right to Iwld the policies and reneKals.�if Lender requires. Borrow'er shall promptly give to Lender ��
<br /> aU receipl�c�f'Mid premiums�nd rersewal notice�.In the c.e�ct'oi lacs.Rotrawer chall give prampt notice ta Ihe insurance
<br /> curier and l.ender.Lrnder may�r prc►af of loss if na1 made prompt ly by Horrow�er. . �
<br /> Unkss Lenderand Borrowtsolherv�rise agree in writing,insurance prcxced�shall be applred to re�toration ot rep�ir . .
<br /> of'�he Propeny dam�aed.if the rsstantion or rep�ir is economicaliy fcasihle and Lender's serurity is Rot lessened. If�he
<br /> restoration ot repair is nat xonc�ecan;sl:y feasible or l.ender's security woulci be tes.uned,�he�nsurance proceeds shall be
<br /> spp�ied to the sums secured by tltis 5ecurity Instrument.uhether or not then du�.withany eacecs p3id to Borrower. If
<br /> $ortower abandons the Property,or does nvt ansv►er within i0 days a noticefram Lendtr that the insurance cartier has
<br /> ofFercd ta settk�clai�,then L.er.der may collect ihe insur�n.e praceeds. Lender may uu�he praceeds to repair or restore
<br /> the P�operty or to p�y sums secure6 by thic SeeccciEy Instrument.whether or not then due. The aO-day period will begin
<br /> when the notice is 6iveo.
<br /> � Unitxs Lrnder snd Barrower otherwise aa�ee in wneirs�,any applicateon af pr��ceeds to pcinc�pal shall not extend o�
<br /> postptyne.che due date of the month3y payments referred to�n paragrapfis !and 2 or chae^ge t he amount of the pay�z:ents.!f
<br /> under pansnph 19 the Property is aequired by[.ender.Borrower's right to any incurana{x�liciec and prc�ceeds result�ng
<br /> � from dam�tt to tht Araperiy prior tv thc acquisition shafl�nss tv I.,cuclrr�v t lu cx3e�u c+f the sunis se��,red by th�s Serurity
<br /> Instrument immediatety prior to the acquisitinn.
<br /> " 6. Praer�atbn a�d!1lainteeaece ot P�operfy;L.easeholds. Hnrrov��er shall�arcdestmy,damagt or substamially
<br /> change the Property,allow tfie Ptoperty ta deteriorote ar ca�mm�t waete. If�hi�Sere�nty lnslr�ment ic on a leasehold,
<br /> $orrowershall camply with the provisions of the leax,and ii Borrower acquirec fee�itle totfnr Pr�;�rrty.�he leasehotd and ,-____ �
<br /> fee titlt shall not merae unless l.e.nder agrees to the merger in writing. •
<br /> 7. Protection ot Lender'a iti�hts in the ProoeHy; '�tortRaRe Insurtnce. If Ik�rrower failc tn perf�rm the
<br /> covenants and a�raments contained in Ihis Stcurity Instrur�ent,or there is a legal pra:.erdiRg that may s�gmficantly affect
<br /> Lender's rights in the Property fsach as a procetding in t�nkruptcy,ptabale. f�tt cr�rdemnation or to enforce law�os
<br /> rcgulstions).thtn Lender may d�and pay for whatever ic necessary to prolect the value of Ihe Property and l.ender's right�
<br /> in the P�upetiy. L,rnder's aetio�s may include paying any sums ucured by a I�cn wh�ch has prinriry over �itiS Security
<br /> � lnstrument,appwtitig in caurt. �aying reasonable a�torneys'fees and enicnngon th:Pr�{+er�y to e��ake repairs Althoug� �
<br /> � Lender may take actinn nnder t?;.is paragroph 7,Lend=r dc►es n�t have to do u�
<br /> Any emountsdisbuned�;•2.ender under thic paragraph 7 chall hecc.meaddn:onalde�l of Bnrr��wer ucured by th�s �
<br /> Serurity lnstrumcnt.11nless Horrawrr and Lender agrce ao o1her term�of p::�mc nt,thr4f amoaus�hall 6ear�ntertst fmm n
<br /> the date of disburscment at the Note rale and �hall he payahle, w�th mtese�t, up��n nnl�ce fr��n I.endec to Horrauer ��
<br /> � req«e5ting paymrnt
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