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<br /> Q(�Y"'r" �U,�ay�j.
<br /> rrrsurnnco p�em�urns, grou�r�t rant�!�Itd all othQr ch9rges whats�vn�lov�oU u�on or ossessod,placad ar mr�cia ac���inst fttU irust
<br /> Pmperiy Tn�sro�fWyhE►�egrae�,upon wrrKen request by Benehclary,tu promptly cit�hvar tn Be+rot�cin►y nU reco�pts for thn pnyment ot
<br /> ` such�hsrges. Trusfor t�kaw(se agreres to p�ay ell taxes,assd�sments e�d other Chn►g8s levied upon o►assessed,plaaed a macla
<br /> agninst,or messure�i by,ti'e+s lJ�ead of 1'r��at a Iha recatiaGon hereol.
<br /> 6. �,iHnticatir�n at P�prrbnt�.AN paya�ents recetved Cy Aerteficl�ry as ta eny de�l,hRbi�ty a ot+►r�sh�n owad to Bonolicr$r�py trustrrr
<br /> may bs Npptied by HerHfi�ci�ry ro the payrnsnt o/Me IndsaM�iness or to any such othsr�aDt heD�hry a obtr�atwn,in any ade�o�
<br /> n�r�d�pplicatbrr wh+Ch Ssneffclary,ke ft��bsokrtt d��c•otbn,deenrs approprrtb. UnMSS otRavw�se efecte�Oy Benehe�ary,any
<br /> � such payrnsnf sh�l W dssrnsci ap�lred Brsi M ths paymenf pl eny daD►,NaMhry a obNgstion otht3r then tte Note.
<br /> @. CMrQts:LkMS. Tiusta►wfll krsp ths Tit�st Prope►ty fiee from sH liens and enCUmhrances whlch in any wey may,in the/ud�menf ot
<br /> � 9aMNCtary,havs p►ioriry owr,a impNr ehe aecurity N,MNs Lae�rd ol Trust Dut T►usto►need�wt disahar{ta eny svch Nen sa long as
<br /> Tius(ar shaM�,in wri�inQ,t�a pey N►b ahli�af�on sscwed by sucA Iren in e msnner accaptabre ro i8ertehctary and snaM in good Iaith
<br /> Goahsf such�n M++�AP►�lP�►+��F���Da eMrcdra M prawnt Ms s�slbrcemsrN a�tM l�en snd the toss ot any Iruerest tn a
<br /> �a�n.r�srp,�.m
<br /> � 7. H�tMd k�,tur��. Tiusfa sh�N kNp ttr�6ui�aYn�s�nd dhe►improvert�sreta no�ex/sdng or herealt�er encted on tM Trust Propariir
<br /> Jrrrurod�y h►su►ar►ce c�nfers aatbhc(�ory ro 8�net�ciary�ainst bss by f`rs.hazards�'r�:�9rAed!n the term"sxt�nded coversge�.end
<br /> auch athar hazarofs,casw�a�nal con�ng�r�cl�s�,+rtr�y bs rAqu�r�A Qy B�nsNclsry,M auch enrour�ts And la such per�ods as may ae
<br /> r�Qc�lv�d by 8srwrfrc�ry.TM policy oNnsursncs slra!!Ddin Ao�m acceptaDle M BenelFClary,pmvltle that ths sams may nvt be
<br /> cancM�d a nadfied wtM�oed MtNn(15)d�y�piior wrfMan noNe:s ro Beneficia►y,utd shaK hevs foss payabM p�ovlslons!n levor ol and
<br /> � in Aarm�cc�pt�bh t�Be��'�ry.AN/xsnYums on Inaurancs poNcl�s shaM b�psld 1n ttH manner pmvicMd w�dsr p�tragr�ph�Mr�of
<br /> a.N no1�p�!n sucA mru�tr,by Trust�a makrnQ pay;a��nt Ai N�st IFftssn(15)d�ys p��b dN dus dab,dinecty b Ms Inswancs
<br /> canNr.B�r+MAclary shaN hars tM r�M M lald fAe p,�ltak,s and rerMwals tMrsol artd Tiushx ahaM prompdy lumish b B�rbliclery dl
<br /> � rw»wd noMcoa�nd�N Paid Prwnium ncNpt��coiwd dy It.!n rw evsrN aheM 6�nsllclary or T�ustss b�Mld rosponslbN!br fafNms ro
<br /> pay Naur�mc�pwmiwiu a�1or wy loas a dama��ri�out oI a detac��.►�r po,�cr a�►s;�o�,r a am►�e►ru�s a a►�y�n�c.
<br /> ���Y�A�aY b►anY►cs�a d�unaps lnswed a�a/nst a l�nr faAuro by Tiustor to sNbct ths insurencs reqWrod hs►sundsr.ln Ms event
<br /> o�bss,Tit�sUx s��iwr prompt noda by ma�l ro ths fisurartce caMer end Benefrclary.Be�eeifcrery mny meke prool al bss il not
<br /> nNd�p�o+npftp or in prq�r fonn by Trust�ar.�IN po�iciss ol insuranc�and eny and aM rafunds or uneamed premiums ars hereby •
<br /> assf��d to BmelFclary u add`tional securlfy/or Me payrnent of tM fndebtsdness.In the event o1 Beneliclary:s exerclse ol ths power
<br /> o/aaN ca�tair►�d A�sln,or!n H►s evsnf o1 Mrectosuro,aN�At,titis and 1nMr�e,st oi Trusta in dnd to any inswance pokcy then!n fo►ce
<br /> alrM pus M Ms pw�chuer�f ths husMs's sslb w taecl�osure ssb.ln cese ot any bss,the insurance p►xeeds may,ef the opdon o/
<br /> 8�1MAVtiary,bs appA�d Dy Bert�Nc/ary upon ttre/ndebtedrtess,a eny part fhereof,snd!n serch crder and amotrnt as Benefrclary may
<br /> drMmdr►e;a satd Nrsw�ncs proceeds,at ths opdon ol Bsneficiary,may either be used 1n replacing or resroring fhe Tiust Properry
<br /> paRiaMy or MtsA►y dsslroyed ro a condrNOn s�Ns/ac(ery to Bsnefr"c►ary;or said lnsurance proceeds,or any poetion the�eol,may be
<br /> »Nased to Tros(w.UrMess BenefFc/ruy end t�usror oMe►wlse agree!n wnting.any such appticatlon of insurance proceeds shall not
<br /> �xIWxJ a!�rs!pons the dus daM o/fhe Note,a any�nstdlments called for therein,a chaRge Me amount ol such instaNments.ll tRe
<br /> Trtat Proputyls acquiied by Bsne/iclery p�rausnf to fhe exsrcise ol the power d sale a other ff�reclosure,a/l right,fiNe and lnterest of
<br /> Tiustor M and ro any l�swancs proceeds payab/e as e rosuft of damage to the Trust Propert��pria to the sale a scpu+sil+on shall pass
<br /> to BsnNiciary�nd ahaM Oe sppksd B�sl to the costs�nd expenses,lncluding att�aney lees. �ncuned!n coHecting sucA proceeds,Men
<br /> M tM mannsr snd In Me ordsr provfdsd he�Nn.
<br /> 8. Pres�►vatia+and Meintenance ot Tiust Praperry. Trusto�wtll keep the b4�?!�ngs and othe►imp�ovements now or hereafter e�ected on
<br /> ths�iust Pro�c►rty in gcwd repalr and condidon and will r�ot commlt or permlt weste,wiii not�Rer the design or strucfurat cha�acter
<br /> constituting any Duilding now a herealtes erected on a+rd constihding the Tiust Property wid`auf Ihe pdor written Conserst ol
<br /> � BsnSfic�uY.►vii►+�oi db anY act or MrnB which wpuld unduty impalr or depreclate the value of tha Tiust Property and witl not abando►r
<br /> Nr�Tiusf Propsrty. Trustor wlfl not ismove anv fixtures constitubng tne T�ust Properly un/ess the same are immed;ateJy rep/aced with
<br /> � pKS p/0pe►ry Subject to M9 lien and SeCUnry intetesf of this Oeed ol Trust and oI af least equal vafue and uhlity. Tiustor will comFNy wrth .
<br /> �I pnssnt and tuture adinences,regulallons and requlrements ol any gpvemmental body whlcA are appl�cab/e to the Tiust Prope�t�r
<br /> and to fh9 ocCVpancy end use thereol.!!this Deed o!Tiust is on s und in a condominium or a planned und devebpment, Trusta sha/l
<br /> � � �v.i��w�T:WIV1�.^7 wAr..�.w:., w - -.
<br /> .,��awt'i�v:n�o:�,�v i,vi;ie:diidns a cavenar►is c►eating a►goveming the canpominrum a tiie pianne0 umt
<br /> devsloFvnartt�e 6y18ws end►egWatians ol the condominlum or planned unit dsvebpment, and the constituent documents. -
<br /> 9. lnspec6on.6t1°K',aary vrltS egents may,ai sq reasonable times,enter upon the Tiust Properiy lor the�U��nse ol�nspechon. �. ,
<br /> Bsnsficldry shalf have no duty t0 make such inspection and shall not be liable fo trustoi a to any persorr�n�ossession il it makes or �
<br /> /alls b make 8rty suCh inspectlon. i
<br /> 10. Protecdar eN�ecunry. If Trustu►ta�ls to peAam any of the covenants end ag►eements conlafrr�?tn thrs Deed of lrusi.¢s rt sny action '
<br /> a proceed�rt+q is cammenced which does a may edve�sety aKect the Trusf Property or the rn�e:est Qf Trr�sior o�Bene6aery therein w �
<br /> the fitle of Trosta the►eto,tiren Beneliciary,at its opt�on,may perform sur,h convenants and ag�eerrrenrs,n%ake such appearances, a
<br /> de/end against and lnvesGpate such aCtion a proceeding and take such othe�arIIOn as BCnefiCrary Qeems necessary to protect its `-
<br /> interost lncluding,Dut not IimiMd to. disbursement ol►easonaDle attomey lees ar.�entry upan the Trust Pioperty to make►epaiis.My ' i,
<br /> �►r►ount9 dlsbulsed by BenetiCiery pursuenf to fhis peragrepA 1 D,with interest fherepn,Shar.ConstUute IndebtBdness nl Tiusfor ?�'
<br /> seCUrod by NMS Oeed o/Aust UMess Trustor and Benebciary sgree to othe�ferms ol payr�er.s such amounts shall be payable upon
<br /> no0cs ham 6snefrclery to Tiustor►eques6ng payment therso/,and shal!bear rnterest from the date o1 disbursemenf at the defautt rate. .e�
<br /> N eny,set fath!n the Npte,o�othonvlse at[he highest rete perm�tted by/aw.Ncrih�ng conta�ned�n th�s paragraph shall ieqw�e {
<br /> BeneBGary fo incur e►ry►expense or tbke any action hereunder. Trus!a urevcea@�y authaires and empowers Beneficiary to eRter u�a�
<br /> the Trust Property as TiLStw's agent and.in Tiustor's name w otherwrse to perfwm any end a!1 covenants And agreements to be
<br /> performed Oy Tiusta as herein prov,ded. Benel�ciary shall,at its opiion,be subroyated(o any encumbrance,lren,clairn c.r demand
<br /> end to e11 rights and seCUrities lor the peyment tho�eol pard or disCharged by Beneficrary under the prows�ons hereot ar:d any such
<br /> subrogadon rights shall�.+e eddiUortal ertd cumulanv�secunry for this Ueed ol trust.
<br /> 1 t. Condemnation. The proceeds of sny ewerd or ctaim tar damages,d�ret�t or corrsequent�al.in connect�on wrth any condeirrnairon or
<br /> other fakiirg Of iha trtist PropBtty,w any pan thereoJ,or fo►conveyance�n Neu at or 1n an6cepabon o1 condemnation,a�e he�eby
<br /> assigned fo and shall be paid to EJenelrciary. Trustor w�ll IBe aad prosecule.�n good la►M and with due drlrgance,�1s cfalm!o►any suCh
<br /> eward a p8yment,and will cause the same to be eoJlected and pa�d ro B�neflc�ary,and,sl►ou�d it larl to do so, t�usta rnevocably
<br /> elutlwiizes end empowers Benel�cigry,rn the name ol Trustor or otherw�se,to 1rls,prosecute, seft�e o�compro�»ise any such claim and
<br /> fo coNecf,rece/pt la anci�etain the p�oceeds.!�the Trust Properfy►s abandaned by Tiusia, or,aliei nohce by Bertefrc�ary to Tiusta
<br /> that r►e condemnor ohers to make en awa�d or settle a claim fo�e�amages. Tru�d��lads to►espond f�Bene��,ary withrn thirty(3A)days
<br /> after the rlate s�►eh rx��ce ls meil�, penetreeary,s�;athorized ta cotls�t and ap�s;y fhe protegds�n th6 mearr��nrdreated heretn. The
<br /> proceeds af arty�ward aclaim may,eNer deduct:rg a01 reasonabte costs and expenses,rnctud�ng attorney lees,wh,ch may have
<br /> �Deen incur�?by Beneficrary in the c.oNection thereof,at the sote d�screnan ol 8enetrc�ary.be�elos�ed to Trusta,applred to
<br /> restora6on s��iust Pr�peRy, or 8pplred to lhe pey�ent o/the/ndebtedness Unless Benelrc�8ry and Tr�stor ofhenv�se ag�ee�n waUng,
<br /> eny such applica6on al,prpceeds to Indebiedness s}^all not extend or postpone r.�e due dale of the Note Qr fhe payment ol any �---•=---
<br /> instaNments caHeO la ttne�eunde�. .
<br /> 12. Tiusta K�f Re/eased.Extens�on of fhe 6me/or payment pr mod�l�cat�on�l any amort+zatlon ol the fndebledness granted by Benef�c�ary
<br /> to eny SuCCeSSwln lnterest ol Trustr.r sttall not operate to release,�n 8ny mqnnel, �he l,ab�hry of Trustor artd Trustor�s successors rn
<br /> lnteiest Benelic�ary shatJ nof be�equ•^�d to commen�e proceedmgs against sucn successor or reluse lo extend trrne lor payment or
<br /> othenv/se modify amortiaafion ol the lndebtednoss by reason ot any domand made by Trustor and t�ustor's successors
<br /> in lnterest.
<br /> � 13. Flnancial Info�ma!rors ��n r�q�iest of Berteficrary. Trustor wrU provrds ro Ber,�lrcrary,wdh,n rnnery(90)da,�s �l the close of each f�sca! �
<br /> L yedr o1 Trusf�i the CbnsoJiUgfod belance shaet and statemt�nt ol eamings ol Trustar end ar.y and al!guA�antors o1 the Irdebtodness .
<br /> 3eCUred�9t8by,rinny, �nd will provide and deGvd�to Benel�ciary such othe�linancial lr.ta�ra;�on and m such mennei as BenelrciAry ;,t
<br /> mey ieasflnably request l�om time to time A
<br /> 14. FrRRItCiBI COVQt1UnfS.in edditlpn f0 8ny Oth@r lrn8nCr8!COv@nRniS OI Tlustor madE�n 8n r`�,hnr �tp
<br /> y.._ _ ag�Qement, ;nsbument or documEtnt. �
<br /> trusta�shel/cnmpfy w�Ur an�J sha/1 cause c�ny and ap guarantas af t�e lndebtodness secureU he�vby to comp/y wrth. a bo�n
<br /> r.ornpr,ance w%th,fhe fpllowing hnancral covenants:(Th�s,�a�eg�aph shall nof�p,pt y d cavenan[s ond�equrremenfs are nol set �`
<br /> ►vRh ryai�lrt.1 ..
<br /> 1 S. SC.h€�!���lp of LeUSOS W,Ptun t�n(10)dt�ys aF?er demand, irusfo�sha11 funr,sh tn f3Etnu6aary a schedu�e. r.vrbhr_d.'n b� 7�u5fo�_ �.cihng
<br /> : �O�t�IIII IQ(ZJBJ 0/fht3 lrust Prrrnnrty, nr any�n3n,o,t rnn�c:ar. r�,r.rud,Tg uf va�h r:tk;U. Ihe niimp nf!hr t��fanLS C�q�r�r�anfs ,�rlrsr����ni•�>
<br /> � al tho sptrco occuprea C�y sur►�lenanf r�nr.r upant. tne�U�ltd/pf1 y�ahre�or�bCh:ipd[:0 7fid Su�h f�;hE•��n((�/m,?t nri�n�J ryp�.��n(+nPS W�(h
<br /> respect ro sr�ch leasns a^dfUn7nC�OS (ts B�nehG�a7r y mtiy�fldsUnCtbty►tryu�st �
<br /> �
<br /> ��.
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