<br /> ____- - --_ �—. „� .
<br /> aQ°�,0�.�5� ,
<br /> � .to�r tuRVa�s��r c�a - �rau►sru
<br /> � wiow i►i.t� � �Y r�st t�a��rs:
<br /> s
<br /> — . �=Jaok 1(er�p . S�cretary oi Mae�in� �nd Urp�n pev�lopnent.
<br /> . ef Ma�Mia�tea� D. C.. GrMatos� in �va�i��ratlo� of eh• •w og OIIE DOl.lalt (�1.Qp) and
<br /> o�.e wtw��• �oe.za•�.tiod. ia hasd pala. da�s h�tr�6y �r�ne. 4ar�ain� •�il �nd conv�y
<br /> , ��• Qary !!. �alaaak �n� M�ry G. Yal�aek (husD�nd and �rifs)
<br /> ' o� (irand Ial�nd. NB , 6r�n!!!s,
<br /> �• �e�at ttaaats� aad aot �� tinaet• ia ca�ws�. th� fallorte�= daiecib�d T�li1 prnp�rip
<br /> aitwt� io th� Ce�e�ty o� p�l � 8tat• of N�brask�. .to w!t:
<br /> Lo� live (5� in Slook lour (4�. in Rollina Addition to the City o!
<br /> . � Grar�! Ialand, Hall Countf. Nebraaka.
<br /> ; •
<br /> � .;
<br /> . � �._:�'-i
<br /> 4---
<br /> - -�___
<br /> � _
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<br /> � �EI11G th• •s�e prap�rty �cQutted by the Cr�etor Su��u�nt to the provl�fon� of che
<br /> 1l�tAoaal liou�las Ace� a� aaNndsd (12 iJSC L�OI et ��q.� srd th� D�part�ent of Hnu�tng �nd
<br /> �1N�a O�v�lopMat Act (79 St�t. b6�). � '�
<br /> , .
<br /> TOCE3'f�R ftITH all tent�eal�� htY�dlt�etnts and appurtenartcMS tAereunto b�lontlnR• '�"�
<br /> �nd sll ths ��tate. rishe� titl�. int�r��t, cl�im or dewand vhat�oevec nf the said �
<br /> Geaator, of, ia� or to th• •�wr. or iay pacc ch�reot.
<br /> IT aETiiG th• i�tentton o! •11 parei�s bsr�to that in the �v�nt of th• d�eth oE
<br /> either of s�id Gr�aC�ea� the �ntira fe� riwpl: titl• to th� reai s�t�te d��eribed herein
<br /> � ahall va�t in the •ur�ivie►� CraAt��.
<br /> � .
<br /> ; TO HAVE AND 10 HOLD eh� �bo�� de�ccibsd pr�aists. vith tt�e appurttn�nces. unlo th�
<br /> s�id Graat�:• as Joint tenaett�. �tid noe �s te��nt� tn cow�an. •nd to their ��sl�s�s, or
<br /> to t�� �i�• �eQ �s�i�as af !ks svrvivar of tit�. Eor�ever. ��d rhe •�fd SseTeca�ry a�
<br /> Hontinj aad Usb�n Dev�lopMOt. �nd �or h!• �uaeeasor� �nd a�ai�nt� doea c�venan*_ vtth
<br /> th� Gr�nte�s h�r�in aawed, �nd �ith th�i� •�si=n• �nd vtth ehe heir�� �rd a��i�ns of ehe
<br /> - •urrivot oE th�w, ehat tht s�id Grantor i� lwfully rrissd oE •�id prse�i�e�; t��c they - -- -
<br /> , �r� �te• ira incuwbrsae�; tbat th� ��;d �:c�ator has =ood ri�ht �nd l�wful eutharity •
<br /> to •alt th� �au+�� rnd thit ti�e �ai� Secret�sy s►f 4iou�ins �nd tlrb�n Development� wi11,
<br /> and hi� •ucc���or� �nd as�isn�, •h��2, WAl!ltAIR and DEFLND th� sa�ae unto th• n�med �:r��teeW
<br /> aad unto th�ir aE�f�na and th� h=ir• �nd •��isets of ehe �utvivor of them� forevtr. •Ratrest
<br /> t�s lawEul el�tr snd d�ne�s o� �11 p�;�r�oe� ��aiefnK bv. thro��Rh or under rh��m. and
<br /> � �S�in�t n� ath�: elai�s.�r d��d�.
<br /> � SUlIJE�:'T to aal covan�Rtt. «�trietion�� rt�ervattons� es�e�nrn��� eu�dltlonrs �nd
<br /> rlsht• •pp�asiu� oE c�cord; �n� SIJSJLCT to any �tste nf F�rcr en �rc��ra�t N��YVeV +.n�j1�1 r.
<br /> � •hi�rr.
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