<br /> — � �
<br /> 1
<br /> �
<br /> � 9��`" 10195 �
<br /> 10 R[Ml�DIES!ltJT EXGl.US1YE. Trustee an4 penat�clery,and each ot Innrn,sAali be a��liued Io ento►co paymonl and pnrformanco ot any
<br /> Ind��t�dn��eorobNpsttaneaesured here�y�ndlo exorcise a�l riqhte andpower�untlerthi9 T�us1 Deador under any othoragreumenl eAecuted
<br /> � in COnn�ttion hsrewfln pr any lews �ow or here�tier in iprCU.notwllhsNnding aome or all ol Ihe uuch indeGtedness a�d odl�gAUons secured
<br /> h�rsUy m�y npw or heraafter be otherwlas aecured, whe�her by morlgage,Iru�t deed, pledge,I�en,assignmenl or otherwiso Ne�lher thc
<br /> acc�pt�ncsollhl�TrualQ�sdnortls entorcemenlwhelher by cowt 1�Ctionor pursuanitotAe power olealeor atAe�powers here+n conta�ned,s��ei!
<br /> p{!�ud:tsor In�ny manner afttclTrusYee's or Benel+ciury's�lghllo realize�ponorenlo�ce anyolher secur�tynow pr herealter hel�i by TrusteQ or
<br /> 8lnetiGiary;i!Dein��tpre�d tha!T►ust�e and Bene#�clary,and e�ch ol them,Sha11 be entitied ta entorce thi�Ttu5108eA and any oiher�ecurily now
<br /> otkuyM�i������ � or�i'ruatee In auch order end manner as fhey o►eitR�r Q�1�*.am may In Iheir abaotute discretion determme 6�a
<br /> ��n►�!h��rNq�yp�t� �ne�servedtoT�uateearBeneflolarylsintendedt�eecsNr�:a�vpptA�YolAe!remedyhersenorbylawprovideda:
<br /> . V�►n�wes!MtM� .� ,�ZY+t�y�t�`a rva�nd ahall 0e in addflio�to�vary olhar reme�y giren hereunde�or now or herea/ter e�ist�ng at law or m
<br /> equltyDrAyiNiut�l�Evrij� ir�^n�s�em�dyprovldedunderlhiaT�uslOeedtoTru�tae�orHeneticia►yorlowhicheitheroilAemmaybeolAerw+se
<br /> �nlil��d,may bs���rcl�ed,cemCSrranl(yor independently,IromllmsloUms and�a olltn��mayDe deemed eNpedfenl by Tru�tee or BenetiCiary
<br /> and�Nh�r af Ih�m may pur�ut cncon�ist�nl rsm�die�.Nothing he�ein sAa11 b�con�trved aa pro�ibldng 8enefici�ry Irom seakinq a dsfictency
<br /> judpM�nl��ainsl ih�T�uslor to ihe e�t�nl suCh�ciion ts p�rmithd by I�w.
<br /> ' 11.TIIAMiFEII OF THE'lIO�EIlT11;A�tUM'TIOM. II�II or an�p�rt of Ihs Propsrty or inlsreal IAereie is so►d,Irans(arred or oiherw�se
<br /> ; co�wytd by Trusiot wllhout B���Heiaty'�prlot writt�n cont�nl,�xeludinQ�a►ihs cnalion ol�I��n or Rncumbr�ne�audordin�ts t0lhii T�ul1
<br /> D�M.�D��lran�l�r byop�r�llory o11�w uponlhs dulhof a Tru�torwAO�a��oinlNnant o�(c)lh��rantolany leaa�hotdlnt�rastotlnr�e�3)y�ar�o�
<br /> . 1�!!whiCh do��not coMaln�n oplian lo puich�s�,tutA�etion ia�bre�ch ol this apreemenl,�nd Bans1lc�luy m�y,al 8�naticiary'�opUon,
<br /> dtCl�r��II th�tuma t�cund by thli Tru�t De�d lo b�imm�d��llety dus�nd p�yNAt�,prov�dee,t��rlh�r.thi�7re,a�D�ed m�y,�1 Banenc��ry's op��on.
<br /> b�Wciar�d Imm�dlal�ly du�11rtd payabt�,if(1�T�u�lar�a�parinereh�p And any�nteieel in Ihe pa�lns��hip 1�sotd or a��taned by any meane
<br /> whM�o�va,or�2)�Itht�Truttor Is�carporatlon�nd a Iranaler o�Ihs m��or�ty slock awnersh�p intereel�n Ihe corporat�on accur�,pr ths trustor .
<br /> cC�pOrN11An m�t0��If1�ny(Orm wllh anolh�r corpornt�on ar snt�ty 8�nef�c�ary 6h�11 havs w��veA such opt�on lo accetsrab 1f,pr�or to Ih�s�q,
<br /> IHntl�r or conwyancs.8�neficiary wnd fAs p�non to whoml�s Properly�a to Oe soid or trsnsteued re�ch aqresmenl�n wrfang thallhe cred�t ol
<br /> •uchpsi�on Is��Iisl�ctorytaB�nellceary�ndlA�lthe�nl�re�lpay�ble onlhe sums seCUred by I�i�TrualOeed sh�U be alsuch rats*�Banetic�ary
<br /> �h�ll qqU��l.
<br /> 12.ACCELERATIONU►ONOEFAUIT;REMED1Ef;8ALE.Thefa��utobylheTrustor,lOmakeenypeymenlorloperlormenyolihelermsand
<br /> COndiUonf olfhis Tru�t 0eed,or 1Aele�ms�ndcondtttons of Ihe Note,or any renewalS,mod�I�cal�ons or eaten�ions Ihereof,or ihe lailure to maNe
<br /> payment ol�ny otAe�indebtedneaa,psior or subseQuenl lo th�a TruslOeed,and securgd byth�s property,or the death otone or more Truslors shall
<br /> b��brtach and def�ull of Ihia Trual Deod nnd Ihe 8enel�cia�y may declaro A detautl and may declare all sums secured hareby�mmed�ately due
<br /> , andpayabls�ndiheeemeahallthereuponbecomedueendpayaDlewithoutpresentmenf,demt�nd,proleslprnotlCeol�7nykmA.prov�ded.Truslor
<br /> - ehi�ll have eny�tt�tulo►y NgAI to eure the detputt botoro any nptico af dalault anA demand for sple may�e deiivered!o Ihe Trustoe thoroaller. • �
<br /> 8eneliclary may dellver lo Trusteo a wr�tten doClarAl+on ot Qelaun and demand lor sale Trustor agrees and hereby grants Ihal Iho Truslee shall
<br /> • h�vethepowerotseleollheProperlyanC�f8enellc�arydecideslAeProperlyisfobesotd�tshall�epas�Iw�IhTrusteelh�sTruslOeedandlheNote
<br /> or note�and Anyolher documents eviaenc�ngexpenditureg secured hereby,andahatl�+el,ver to Truslee a wntten noticeof de18u11 a�detecl�on to •
<br /> cau3s Ihe property to bs�otd,and Truste9,in Iur�,shall prep8re a 9�milar notice in the fo�rn requ�red by law,which 9he11 bo duly fited fpr reCOrd Cx
<br /> truslfs. •
<br /> :<<.
<br /> (a) Attertheta��eol9ucAt�maasmayberequiredbylaw�ollowmgtherecoiQaUOnolNOt�ceafOelau4.andNot�cgotQetauitandNol�ce �
<br /> Of Sale AAVSng be�n givan�s requi�ed by law,Truslee.without Aemand on Trustor,sha�l sttll t�e Prppprly,i(not redoemed,in pne or —
<br /> more paresl�ar.Q«sc;ch Order ea Trusfee may determ�ne on Ihe dale and Ihe t�me and place des�gnaleA m se�d NoUce ol Sale.at
<br /> ._—._� r��hU^�::.°.::.Z^�:'�W.�i�sws: - . �
<br /> (b� When Truatee sens pursuanl to lho powors herem.Trustee shau app!y�no pr�ceeds ot�no sa�e to payment o1 th4 cosls and c.penses -
<br /> 01 szercisinq the prwer ol sate a.r.�J o1 the sate, �ncludmg,w:lhout hm�te0or attore�ey s tees and Ihe paymem ot Trustee s Fees
<br /> �rtcurred.wMch Trusiee's FRea s�a:Eno1 in Ihe aggregate exceedlhe followmg amountsbased upon Ihe amounl secured hereby dnd
<br /> remainingu�paidaltRet�msscAeduledforsale 5percenlumpnlhobalancethereol.andlhentothe�temsmsubparagraph�c►�nthe
<br /> ordeo tA�re stated.
<br /> (c) Afte�paying the items spec�feed�n subparagraph(b�.�1 the saip�s py Trustee.or�t Ihe sate�s pursuanl t��ud�c�at toreciosure,Ihe
<br /> praceeds o!sala sha11�s epplsed in the fouow�ng order �
<br /> (1)Cost of any ev�dEnCe olt�tle procured�n tonnect�on w�th such sale and ot any revenu�ttan5le�fee raqu�rod fo he pa�d. .
<br /> (2)AI1 obtiqatton�s�ce:ed by th�s Trust Oeed.
<br /> (3�Jun►or ttutl CeeGs,morteage�,Or otAer IienholQers
<br /> (I)The remalnder,i1�ny,to Ihe person legally entitled fherelo �
<br /> 13.A'►01NT�REN1 OF BUCCESSOA T11U8TEE.�enol�c�0ry may,lrom time to t�me,by e wrrtten�nstrumenl executed and acknowledged�y�
<br /> 8eneilciary,mailed to Trustor and recorded in the county or count�as in wh�ch Ihe P�operly �s iocated and by otne�w�se tamply�ng w�th the
<br /> provlslonsoltheapplicabl�Iswsof Ihe SlateolNebra�ke subsUtute a successo►or successors to 1he Trustee namec�he�e�n or act�ng nereun�e:
<br /> 1�.INS►ECTIOMS.8enetic�ary,or�ts agents,roprosenlal�vos or emplvyees.are autho��ieA to en:er al any reasonablo I�me upon or m any part
<br /> ol ths Property tui the pu+pOSe o1 inspeGUngthe same and(or the pwpose ol portormi�g any of the etts�t�S authonzed to pertorm unde�Ine terms
<br /> of th�.T�ust DeeA.
<br /> t5 O�TIONTOFORECLOSURE.Upont�eoccurrenceolanybreachanEupontnodecia�at�onolael�u�thereunder.8enef�c�a�ysha►thavethe
<br /> cpiR;n to(oreclps�IAIS Trult Oecd�n the manner prov�ded by iaew lor the lorectosure of mortgagos an real pronerty
<br /> te FOlI+��EAR�NCESYOENEFIClANYOATRUSTEENOTAWAIVER.An�torebearnncebyBene��r�a��orTiustee�n�Yer��c�oqany�,ghto+
<br /> remadyAartunder,orotAerw��ealtoreadbyappfacabt@taw,5halinotboawawerolnrq�e�iUdel�ee�erc:sevl,^.n�suchr+ghfusreme�ly [�t�PVV�se
<br /> the waiver by kiene�ictary pr Trustae ol any delsuN of Trustor under Ih�s Trust Deed shai�not oe deomKe tu be a wa�vo�o�any o�he+or s�m�iar
<br /> dslautts aubsequently occurnng.
<br /> ti. eENEFICtARII'S POWER$. Wdhoul affectmg or�eloasmg Ihe uabd�ty of Ine Tiustor ot �ny c�lher pf�son I��ble lor the p�yment ot�ny
<br /> oblig�tion herein menbo�e0,and wilhbait aHecting Ihe l�en o�charge ot r.�-,trusl Deed upon any ppri�on of I+�e Pr�peHy penehc�a�y may trom , �`
<br /> IIm�fo tlme end wrthout npt�Ce rf the req uesl 01 one or mae T rustors.{,t•e_�ase any person i�abte.►,�{e■�end or renew�he matur��y c�a�t�r anY Qt
<br /> Ihe te�ms ot any such obl�qatiQ.r,s.(hq grant other mdutgoncea liv�re:easa or reconvey or cause ta be reieaseA nf reconYeyee at a^y t•��•e�-
<br /> BenehWary s opli0n eny perCeiCrallof iRe Property �v)t�1te c�r r�te�Se Any olAe�or a2�tionat SeCUrsly fo�any oblig�UOn h�re�r--o-�c^ed .
<br /> maks SetUements o�other esra�gem6nig wdh Trsst�t,�rC"ai�on lherelo Au trustors s"a��be�omuy and soverally obhgated a^'��:.^tl!'�"'E•
<br /> act�ons of�he @ec�ef�e�ary or ar.y nrte o• mase 3r;;slar as stated�n[his paragragh
<br /> t8 ATTORME�'PEE$.COSTS AHC EXP�NSES.TnQ(�enol�c�a�y ut tn�s trust peed�s ent�tred to Ihe�aymenf o�auorney s�ees costs.�nd �
<br /> expenses as provitlod�n this Trus1 baed.ercepl as otheiw�se pron�b�tod by iaw
<br /> L 19. RECONVEYA#10E 6Y TRUSTEE. Upon wniten r�quost r�! Btsne'�r�ary an�uppn p�7Ynepnl by tr�stn� 01 irustee�. lees lrus►i�e sha�c `�
<br /> ►eCOnv�ytoTruSlor,orthoporSOnorperSE�nslegallyCntdlQdlhetoto rnlhoi�twa:ianl an �''�
<br />� SUCh IQCO(1VAytfJ1C0 01 8f1�f113lfttS Of 19L1S;hJll Gh COnC�uS�r� tUO�o�Ihe Irulh u�� Y G����ntt��i�he PrpU���y�nen he�1:1 h��FUndPr Rpf i1;11�,in �
<br /> d QSS thl'reGf T h{�(�tdntPP�i, F�ny �eC UnvPy.inLE•may hP {l�!
<br /> de4cr�4od as Ihe person m �ersons logatty enldled the�oto
<br /> • �
<br /> �. •
<br /> �
<br /> �._ °aru - _� `��.���pry -
<br /> ...:.�.�:�.8N5Y45M�� J .�N.'�. A �i7/}cYrf'�43nT - _
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