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<br /> � TMa untlsrif�nac!h�saAy atknowl�dgas and ue+darstands that th�dacumenf lo Da exscutrsd Dy Iha undersigned is a Iru=,�deed anG not�
<br /> moNlq�p�,and th�t Ihe pow��oi s�ls peovttt�d!oe 1n th�aus!dsod p�ovldes��,Ds�anl�alty d�R�ten!righis a�td abtig�auons Io�Ao 1ruslar t�an a
<br /> moNpp�fn fh�e lr�ni OI a cSpf#uN pr br��Ch 6f ObligAtiOn.
<br /> � D�t�a�d�a�cuteQ on the---�---____day ot_ �1 __. _._, !8_� .pr�nr
<br /> , to�x�CUtion ol lh�tollowlnp TruslOqd.
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<br /> jwt�ot�ma��iny addro�s��_��_�.�o�d_P 0.--�ooc 516� _(,��nd..ILal�i_d__.�E_ 699�.__._ - -- ._. . _._._
<br /> 1h�r�in"Tru����'1:and__.Lhit�o�++�eod_gv�.Ots�eny af (i[�od Is]nxl ._ . .
<br /> wnoa enaU�np�ddre��I� �_T'�'th f�6b.RQed_ P.O� BOOt.5166 (7�Ind Ia1a�! !� .G� Inerem 8ene��c�ary�I
<br /> FOR VALUABIE CONSIOENATIQN,TruYtot irrevutab�y grant�,irensfe►s.conveys and assigns to t�ustee.IN�RUST.WITH POWER OF SAIf.
<br /> lo�Ih�MnNit�nd��cu►11�of 8an�i�cl�ry,under andeub�ectlolhs tsrma and cond�t�onaotlh�s Trust Oeed.lhe followmgdescnbed real property.
<br /> ' locatfdin _.____ _.�-------..�jj._— _. . . - - -- --.---_County.Nebrask�: .
<br /> 1f� Norlh (�e'Iho�teend EigF�yNine (1,(�9.0) feet of tJ�e I�orrheest Qeu'te�' t�} of Sectian �nty�lta^ee (23) � --,:;
<br /> lbwtittdp T1�1v� (12) Na�th� Rr�nge Ten (10)� t�f the 6th P.M, in 1hll r�atnty, Nebt�+si�, said ttact being i==
<br /> d�e Nacth 66 Acree a�r oc ]�ae. �=°°
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<br /> � th�r�al prop�rly;�II leas�a or sub��asss cavering ehe real ptopAtty or uny po+l�on I�BrEO� aU inteiesls.esl0fp oe�th8r tl;��ms.bolA in tAw and m
<br /> ` �puily tn fh• ra�l prop�tty: a91 homestead e■empt�uns wh�ch are heroby released and wa�ved ai+ easements r,�hts-ol•way. tenements.
<br /> _ h�r�dltan+eMS:eN o►1 anOgee r�ghts andprol�IS,wator c�ghrs.at!r+gtst.t+t�e an4 mlerest of Teus4or,aft tfnd fo�ny tand lymg w�tttm thC t�gfit-Of•wRy ot
<br /> 3ny=ir�ai os higtnrr6y p�3j0imny ti�e roai prope�fy:any an0 aq OwtQing�,t�riuros.�mprovenoe�ls.a��d ap�wlenances now or hereafter ereCted
<br /> tA�reOn Or bttOngioq IAer�to.�h�rein relerred lo as'�Improvemenl' or�Imp�ovein�MS 1.And any�nA a!1 awarAS maAP(pr Ih�I;tkmq hy Pm�n�nt
<br /> domaln,Or by�ny proCt�dfn�or purChase i�lieu Ihereot,of IRo whole ar any pa�l ot ihe rea�prope�ty All ol ihe fnrs yu�ng est�rh pr�perly a�d
<br /> int�rlit convey�d to Tr���ee hereln aollectwely�eferred lo as the Properly �
<br /> FpR THE PURPOSE OF SECtlR!l�tti � �
<br /> !a)The�eymenl oS ir.aebtedness eviUencod by t�uslor s nofe or�uaraMee� Note ►daled Aplt�.l j2 �q c�
<br /> �n Ihe�Crtanc+pal sum ol _ FS7[CSt.���l�9od�d�1/I�XI+� �+tx�� � +t� � �� aHt �t+t � +t� a�ae �+t� �r. � +H► ��ou.�«
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<br /> !�:)Tho payrnenl ut ariysum or surr�s olmunuy nh�rh i»ay br hric:�ttt�i�ia�dor ;�dvancf•d t,Y 1��fir•n��br�.iiy:�n�1e�r!n�,i�.,�,�•,�,��n�.. 1�„�,i i�,•� �� � �
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