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<br /> �.-.�01938
<br /> Cf Lender required mort=a�e insu��ncc�.s� candition of mAk?ng Ihe lwn securcd b�t rr�eeursly Inst�umsnt.
<br /> r Aorrower shall pay Ihe prcmiums required to mxiniRin tl`�e insurancc in etfect until such time�s Ihc requirtment far the
<br /> � insunnce te�minatr�in accord�nce Mith Bor�ower'i�nd Lender'a w�ittea aarament or applicable I�w.
<br /> t. i�t�ctia�. Lancier or�ts a�en1 msy m�►ke rrssonable entries upos� and inspections af tiee Prcpe��y. i.ender
<br /> xhalt�ivc 8orro�rer aotice at shc timc of ar prfor w�n iaspc�ctlon specifyina ressaaabk cst�st fer the inspection.
<br /> �. Co�ie�uti�. �flx�xoceeds t�f�ny aw�td or sl�im for d�m�aa,direc!or consequentiat�in connection with
<br /> at��►condemnaticxs or ather t�kins of�ny p�n d'the Propeny� or Por conveyance in lieu ai condemnation� an hereby
<br /> � �ssijned u�d�hal!be p�id to[.ender.
<br /> in the eves�t oi a tota!tslcin=of�hr Fropeny.lhe proceeds shall be spplied to tht sums secured by ehfs Security
<br /> fnstrument. �uhether or noi then due,with any exces,t paid to Borrower. ln the event of a partial t�kin�of'the Property.
<br /> u�le�BorraNer�nd l.ende�othenvix�;ret in wtitinj,the�ums secured by this Secu�ty Instrument ahali br reduced by
<br /> � the�mount of tile�nceeds�nultiplied by the foflorviaj frnction:(a)the tntal amount of the�um�sccured immediately
<br /> bel'ore the takina.divided by(b)the f�r market vat�e of the Property immedi�ttly beforo the talcin�.Any b�l�nce ahtll be
<br /> � paid W BaroMer.
<br /> II'the PtopeAy is abandoned by Bortower.ar if,aRer notice by I,eader to Bo��ower that the condemnor oA'ers to
<br /> make an�wrard ar settk a claim for d�ma�es,BorroNer fails to rapund ta Lender�vithin 30 days aRe**ke date the notice is
<br /> �iven,Lender is�uthorizal to colkcl�nd�pply the praceeds��t lt�option�eithe�to restor�tion o��epair of the Property or
<br /> to the sums secured by this Security In�trument,whethsr ar not then due. .
<br /> Unleu Lendtr and Bortower othenvix asra in writiaa,any application ot proceeds to principal shall rNtt rntend ar
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in paraaraphs 1 and 2 or chanEe the amount of snch payment�.
<br /> 10. Ben�ower Na Rele� ForMw�»ce 8r LeMier No� a wat.er. Extension oP the time for paynxnt or
<br /> modiAcation oi amonaution of the�ums securcd by this Security Ins�rument granted by Lender to any successor in
<br /> interest of Borrower shall not operate to relase the lia�itity�f ihe ori�in�l8arrower or B�rrovrer'a successors in interest.
<br /> Lender �hal! not be roquircd to c�nmence proceedinp aa�inst any successar in interest or �efux to eatend time for
<br /> p�ymmt or othenvix modity amortiutioo of the�ums seaurod by this Security lnstrument by reasan of any demand made
<br /> by the oriiin�l t3orrower or Bortowrer's suc�ss�on in inter�t.Any farbearaace by Lendcr in exercisina any right or remedy
<br /> ahall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of�ny right or remedy.
<br /> 11, Srceq�on�i A�ip�Bow��i;Jol�t at�i Se�tnl 1.1�bllity;CaalRwera. Thc covea�nts and agreement�oP
<br /> thi�Security lnstrummt shall bind and beneflt the successc�n�nd assians of Lende�and Borrower.subject t�the p�o�isians
<br /> oip�na�ph 17.8orrower's covmants and a�reements shall be joint snd severtl. Any Bonuwer whu co-ci6ns this Securi�y
<br /> Instrument 6ut don not eaecute the Nate:(a�is ca•signina this Security I�strumenl anly to mortg�ge.grant and convey •_
<br /> Ihat Bortower's interest in the Property under the terms o:'this Secutity lnstrumrnt;(b)is not pers:�nally obligated to Fwy
<br /> � the sum�secnred by ihis Security Instrument;and(c)ngrea Ihal Lender and any other Bcir�ower may agree to eate�d, �
<br /> me�dify,forbear or mnke any accommodation�with re6�rd to the terms of this Secutity Ins�rument or the Note wi�hout
<br /> tha!Horrower's consent. '
<br /> !2, L�as G1�r�. IP thc Ian secuted by�his Security Instrument i�subject�o e law which sets maaimum lcr,n
<br /> � .. ..-.--..- 'r`.�..�..� w�-:�..�.i �..�.»' ��i^tiiij i"�w.�p.i�i'v 1° �ii2i ��i'w� ^�.n"vo� v^t L`i�i'i iwi� v�ti���a�isii��w.�v i.i iv vi. �irii�.v=�v i�i ..
<br /> connecnon writh the loan exceed tt�e pennitte�i limit�, then:(a) any such (wn charge shall be roduced by the amounl
<br /> necesssry t�reduce the chu�e to the perm�tted limit;and (b)any sums already collected from E3c�rrawer whicb eaceated -°
<br /> permitted limita wrill be refunded to Borrower. l.ender may choose to make this refund by reducing �he principal oaed '
<br /> under the Note or by makina�dircct p�yment to Borrower.lf a refund reduces principal,the reduc:tion wil!be treated as a '
<br /> p�rtial pnpayment withaut any prepsyment chsrge under t he Note.
<br /> 13. I�tlo� AReeti� I.et�er's Itt6Yb. If emctmen� ar expiration of applicable la�:s ha� Ihe effect of —
<br /> renderins�ny pmvisian of ihe Note or this Securi�y Instrurnent unenfi�rceabtc accor�licig���its termc.Lendc�,at itc��p�i�m,
<br /> may require immed'ute paymrnt in full oP all sums secnred by this Sccuri�y lnstrument a�zd may invoke�ny rert►edies
<br /> permittsd by pataaraph 19.If Lender eaercises this option. Lender shall uke the steps specifled�n the socon�paragraph of
<br /> parasnph 17.
<br /> 1�. Notkes. Any notice to 8arrowcr provided for in this Security Instrument shall be grvcn by delivering it or by �
<br /> mailins it by first class mail utekss applicable law requirex use oP another method. The nolice shall be directed to the �
<br /> Property Address or�ny other addTess Borrower slesignates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shaU be given 6y
<br /> flrst ctsss mail to I,onder's addres�stated herein or any�ther address Lender designatGC by natice�o Ek.trower.Ar�y notice
<br /> provided for in this Security Instrumen[shsU be dtemed to have been gi�en to Borrawer or Lcnder whrn given as prov�ded
<br /> in this paragraph.
<br /> 1S. Co�ersi�La+r Sever�billty. This Security Instrumrnt shall be go.�erned by federal law and the taw of the
<br /> jurisdictam in which the Prope�ty is located.ln the event �hat any provision or clause af th�s Security Instrurroent or the
<br /> Note conAicts with applicabte Iaw,such ccaAict shall nat affect other provis�ans of th�s Serurity instrument or the Note
<br /> which can be given effect withaut the conAicting provision. To this end the�rovis�ons of th�s 5ecunty lnstrument and the
<br /> Note sre declared ta be sevenbk.
<br /> l6. Borrower'a Co'y. Borrower shall be given one conf�rmed copy of the Note and of this Security Instrumem.
<br /> 1�. Tra�ater ot tlie Pro�uty or� BaeHcial Jeterest in Borrower. If all or any pan of the Property or any
<br /> int�rtst�n it is sold er tran_cfecred(or if a betetticia3 i��cresi ':n&�srnx•cr is sofd nr transferted and[3onower is not a nbtural
<br /> parsonj with�ut[.et�der's pript written crn�senl. Lender may,at us�puon, rcquire�mmediatc payment tn full of all sums
<br /> seeured by this Security lnstrument. However, this option shatl not b�exercised by Lender �f r�ercise is ptoh�bited by
<br /> fadenl!aw as of the date of this Security Instrumci�t.
<br /> If Lender extrcises this option.l.ender shall give Burrower notice of acceleraurn.7he nrtECe shall prnvide a perioci r__-�_-
<br /> oinat{tss than 30 days Pram the date the notice i�delivered ar maded wuhin whieh Iicrrower mucs pay all cum�srrured by �
<br /> this Stcurily lnsttummt. If Nc�rroxer fails to pay these sums prinr to the e+�p�ration o�thic per�od, I.ender may�nvoke any
<br /> remedies permitted tsy this Security Instrument without further notice ar demand e�n l�rrou�er.
<br /> lA.�orrower's Ri}�Mt ta ReinYtate. If Borrawef rnccts ctrtain cond�ttnns. $orrc�wer c!:a�4 have the right to have
<br /> enfarcement af this Seeteri�y Enstrument disc;ontinued at any timr prior to!he ear�ser of:(a)5 days(or such athrr pecic►d as
<br /> appiec�abte law•may specify for reinst�aterttent?before sate�t the Property pursuant to any pou•er of sa;t contained in this �
<br /> � Secu�at} lnstrument;or(b)entry of a judgment enforcirig th�s Stcur�t�• )nstrument Those condittons are that Borrower: �
<br /> ( (a) piys Lencler ai� sums whieh then would lx due undn this Secure*.g lnstrument and rhe Note had no acceleral�on
<br /> L�.., occurr=d:(b) cures any eiefault of any othrr cavenants c►r agreements; (c) pays a0 expenset incurred ir� enfore�ng thu ;�
<br /> Seeurity Instrumcnt, ineludmg, but not lim�ttd to, reasoaablt attorneys' feec;and td)taksc�uch achnn as Lender may t"`
<br /> uasonably rtquire to assure t�h3t the lien of th�s Secunty lnstrument. Lender'c ngh�s in the Property and Ht�rmwer's ��
<br /> �
<br /> obligeaion ro pay the sums ,rcuret! by this Secunry Instrument ch211 c�nUnue unchanged E1�wn re�mtatemrnt hy ,
<br /> - porrower,th�c Secutity Insttument and the nbhgations sece�red herrby chall retna�n fuUy effert��e as d no acctlerauon had
<br /> occurred.Howe�er,this right to re�nstate shall not ap�►ly in t herase��f nccelerahon under paragraphs 13��r I'
<br /> __�;�� --j
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