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<br /> oE�n o� �RUST
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<br /> � 1 �HI& TRt1aT DEED made this �l d�y of �rCh, 1990.
<br /> � �a�w�an G11RY Lv MF.�1p an8 �LOR��EAN MF.!►D, Huaband ar�d
<br /> � iiife, and GREGURY A. MEAD end BRENDA SUB !rl�Ap, Husband and
<br /> � :Yife, all collactively re�erred �a herein ae TRtISTORS, wbose
<br /> �dclre��s is iiood River, Nebraeka= BANK OF i9000 RIYER, 1�
<br /> � Bankinq Carporation organized under the la�va of the State of
<br /> Nt�rasi�a, es TRUSTEE= And BANK OF i�+D RiVER, vh¢r�e
<br /> addre�s ia wr,uu ,iti�ra'.o •,ah:a�;:a, aa �L�B,FICIPiRY.
<br /> � NITN$SÐz
<br /> � ; Tha� TRUSTORS hereby grant, bargain, sell, canvey a�nd
<br /> �rarrant to TRUSTEE iN TAUST, its sucoe�sore or �ssigna,
<br /> with power of sa�e, 'the fotlow3ng-descrf.bed real property:
<br /> � • •� .�ectCaagulas trac� of ldnd situ�►ted in the
<br /> � . Aiorthrv+e�z� corner of ��,e South He�f 1 S�j) of the
<br /> �outhMrea� Quart+rr (SM�r) of the Southeast qu�+rter
<br /> • � �SE�t� of Secticn Nineteen (19� , Townsh�p Ten (10�
<br /> North. Range Eleven (11), West of the 6th P.M.,
<br /> , Nall Cou»ty� Nebraaka, described as followe:
<br /> � Beginning at the Northwest cosner of said South
<br /> H�lf (S�) of t4�e Southweat Q�aster �SW�) of ��e
<br /> Southeast Quarter (SE��, running thence East Seven '
<br /> Hundred Twenty-Si.x (726.0) feet, rur�ning thence
<br /> South Or►e Hundred Twenty (120.0) feet� running •
<br /> thence West S�Ven Hundrd Trenty-Six (726.0) feet
<br /> . to a point on the West line of snid Southweat .
<br /> � Qu�rter (SM�) of the Scutheast Quarter tSEk), � �
<br /> running thenc� Narth One Hundred Twenty (120.0)
<br /> feet to the pofnti of beginning. : -_.
<br /> -- cvgetner witn �i1 Duilding8, improvements and appurten�ancea -
<br /> therenn. _
<br /> The TYtUSTORS hereby covenant and agree with the '
<br /> TRUSTEE and BENEFICIARY that they are l�wfully seized a�d
<br /> the owners of the above-described property; that they have �
<br /> . good right and lawful authority to sell and convey said �
<br /> premiaes and that said premisea are free and clear of all
<br /> liena and encu�brances and further� that TRUSTORS will _e1
<br /> warrent and defend the title to safd premises forever �,
<br /> againet the claims of all p�rsona whomaoever. �
<br /> �
<br /> For the purpose of securfng p�rformance of each
<br /> agreesient of TRUSTOAS herein contai ned and the paym�nt of
<br /> Eighteen Thousanr� Bollars (518,000.00) , the TRUSTORS
<br /> hava executed a Promi�sory Note bearing even date, at the
<br /> � rate of interest and on the tezms And conditions as set
<br /> forth in sucri Note until paid. The principal sum and
<br /> interest shall be payable in accordance wi�h and upon the
<br /> ter�ees and conditions of said Note of ever� date, and in any
<br /> event the entire principal balance ds�e hereun er and any
<br /> accrued intereat shall be paid on r� day of .�' ,1� �
<br /> I�96. �l�I in�tallm�nt paym�nts her.e�ander shr� e app ied
<br /> ffrst to the payn�en� mf interest computed monthly on the
<br /> unpnid prfncfpa2 balance, purscaant to an amortization
<br /> . schedule, a copy of which hae been providea to each of the ____
<br /> partfes here�o, and remaiR�er o€ each installment to be �
<br /> epplied to princi�al . All p�yments due I�ereunder shall be
<br /> paid at the vffice csf the Q��yE�I���Y c��• as tE» holder oY
<br /> sa�id security shal�, designat� in writing.
<br /> It is agreed by and between the parties hQreto that �#
<br /> L while title is vested in the TRt��T�E and until filing of
<br /> Natice of Default, tne TRUSTORS shall :
<br /> . �
<br /> A. Retain possession of the �remises at al] �
<br /> � times, except as may be ot herwise agreed by �
<br /> the parties in c�ritfnq.
<br /> �1lk .
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