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<br /> � rMUH1�c�c��.u�N No.�_,H?�.-.�_._.923 .FNa
<br /> KNON'Al.LMhNNY'PItFS}:PItFSFNTS� lA�t BenedicC P. Wass�nger, Jr. end Arlene G. Wassinger� each
<br /> � in his ansi her a�►n right, and as spouss of ea�h other
<br /> Mart�.Mrheiher a�o or m�xe.ia c�nidentbw af tM we�d'
<br /> ren Thau�end and nollfl� --------------------�__--••------------------------------
<br /> � --� -� -F__--_ . . .- ----- -- ----- -----�,t-�►Rs
<br /> la�r�l b nM wwtNo�►�r 7'i�Fpwt�b�iWind�nd taqn Asxxi�tion af(:n�d I�d.NeMalca�Mort�e.upo� 100 �Iw+e�d tlott ot
<br /> «�++ ,�saae���t�or�,cn�u�a�e N�.NI 9x3 FHA�k�hnet�p:n�, «�Ky and mortp�e wto the t�id A.S.StIi:lAT10N !JN fowM�
<br /> �a�/ nd aMNe.Wwt�! ki FiaM Couety.Neb�a�ic�:
<br /> �
<br /> . Lo� four (4). Block Six �6)� in Koy-t3ee Subdivision� loceted on part of the SouthWest
<br /> � ���� of the Southwest Quarter (SW"�SWS;) of Section Twenty-One (2�), Township Eleven
<br /> (11) North� Range Nine (9) M1est of the 6th P.M. . Hall Caunty. Nebreske.
<br /> �
<br /> W�e/ber wilk sM Ihe tencmcen.hercditattlents and a�+wlcnances Ihr�contu heN,n�i�,mcludir� �itxt�ed Ikwr mve�inas.al)wledaw�neena,
<br /> wi�do�r�des.bYndt.slam wi�wtuws,�wnin�,s�Ixati�,aer a►ndUiunin�.and plumhin6 and watet eyuipmentu�d acaa�o�Ie�theato.pwe¢.uovei�
<br /> nfr�ataq,�d dhe�tixtwes and equipn�enl no+r n�Ixteafta atUcl�ed to rw tnrQ n�a'nnecliun wilh s�id�a)est�te.
<br /> A�N M�erea�Ihe s�id mprt�,yor has a�{reed�nd dae�heuAy a�ree �lat ItK mu���x sh�H �nd wlll p�y sll t�us and ase�neeb kried or
<br /> � �wt�N��sid rre�i�es�ed up� this uwx��c and tAc MHwi eccu�cd �bc�cbt Acfi��e �he same sluN beaxee delieuuenl:to fur�i�6 y�o.ed .---
<br /> wMra�oeupo� the MrildiNp on s�id premae�silwled in thc sum ut S 10,000.OQ Nyask ��� sald A.SSiri'IATION aed to delirer to s�id �°
<br /> ItS10ClA710N the'olieks fix a�id iMUn�ae;ux1 n�N tu oommil�M permil any waste on�►t ahiwt s�iJ pcemifes:
<br /> le car c�f detwM ie the perturnnnce of any uf Ihe te�ms snd cexxlitkm� u( �h�� m�n��Re �x IIK bond aecured heteDy,the tnort�qte thsN.
<br /> 0��.6e telNled to i�wned'ule mue�inw..r�1........�......�.» ...a .�._
<br /> � ...� ,:.i»i�a» i�cirv7 �rn. iritts�c�s �IW !t1 O�l/ [O flfi' -�
<br /> -- ---.___... ._._.......�..�„r.;,,:C". :....
<br /> �ort aM tM ieets,�lveAtles atld iifco�ele ta be�lrtivtd from it�n�iNlp�rJ�xem�xi durinR such limt ss the rrK�rl�ate mJebtedeas f1t11 reltiie -
<br /> - - �i�d Ihe narlpsee�M hare the Mrwe►tu�pp��inl sny aacnt ar agents �1 msy dcxuc fu� ItK p�wp�se of►epairi�s�id pamisa ssd rentu� -
<br /> the�a�d eoM�cii�the teets.rcvenua snd income,and it rtuy N�uut of sa�d in�vNne ill eapema of rep�iai�said qert�bes�nd
<br /> eol�iont�wd e Mtwted in anli��nd t�rta�in�Ihe satnc a+►d ��1 culkdinF ��u1als Ihcrefrum: Ihe A�unoe rem�init��f anY.�to�6e 7zi
<br /> �tawsrd tbe��oi�r1d n�tpec i�wleMedne�:lhear�iRhb ul U�c murt�ee msy be taerrisd a1�ny ti�ne dutiK the e:i�tewee o(aKh
<br /> a�it.k�e�i�e of a�y ten�ponry w�lver uf the ra�n�e.
<br /> � 7'he�e�rnents,ho�rnrtt.ate upoe Ihe f�nclition�Thst d the sud Murt�,agur slnU ie�eay said ban un o►befixe tAe rtylurity uf aid�hates by
<br /> P�l��:P�Y�IAI�r t�r aid ASSOI:IATtUN of Ihe sum:pecifred�n 1he H.�1 secuied Ixreby as mterr.t and{xmcipal on said Wan.on ui befote
<br /> the'R�e�tie/Aday deach�d every tnonth,unlii said Iwn is fully p��d:p�y atl taxes and aneumente kncd a�insl�1d prem�tndon lha Matp�e
<br /> asd ihe Bn�d�ecurM thereby�befvte delinquency.lurmsA approred msuranoe�n�he buildin�Ihereun�n�ho wm of S1O,000.00 p�yabb
<br /> tp slid A.S�l.`IAT10M:nry to rsid ASSOC�ATI(1N uRvn demand�11 money by d �r�id fur such tase�,�sxsunents and in�unnce wilh inte�eri st
<br /> the muim+�tn kp)nte thexon frum dste of�aynKnl sll of Mhich 11f�xt��r fxieby a6r¢es a�psy;perrnit rw wauc on s�id�enw�es;kap andantnpFy �
<br /> with aQ the breemenh snd a�lilion�of the Nc�nd fo�S 1��QI�.00�h�s day dven by the sai,f Mort�uc w ssid ASSOCIATIQN,and armpiy �
<br /> �vilh aD the►e�uiremenb of qre C�mstitutkm and Syd.aws nf sa�d ASSO(•IATt�)N: �hcn Ihese praents shal! lxcome nuU and vod,utherwise they
<br /> th�q am�it in full fora and rroy be fureclosed a1!he vpliun oi the v�d ASSUl:1AT1()N afte► tarlore fw three mo�ths tu m�ke any of said
<br /> pq�peMt or be thra montht in atreus in m�kirys s��d nK�n�h1Y paYmrnls.or w Mecp s�fJ cumpfy with the ta.�ameMt a�d oonclitions of stid Bond-
<br /> +ed+wlal�or sge�e��o hare a reaixr apq,inted fnrthweth in such G�recA�cure pr��ceedin�s '
<br /> If there is sey clr�be is ownenhip af the real estate nw�t�sRed I�eetin,hy sak u� o�he�wix, Ihen the enliie remaininR indeMedees heteby
<br /> �ee�eA�hsN.u the optiun uf 7'he 1•:pui�sDie Bu�l�fing and Uian AsukNliuo ui/:�u�f Island,Nebnslea,becwoe unmed�tely due and p�yabk wilMwt
<br /> firlMer notioe.and the amowt rem�inin�duc undet �aid hond, �nd any uther Rxmd fot any addilion�l sdvsnces rtude thereunder,aha11,fran the
<br /> dIQ q�lxtf��1(�W�{MNM,f►ear interest at 11►c m�xunua�kr,�l�a�c,and Ih�s nNatRa}x may thco be foreck,xd ta s�li�..ty lhe arrwwnl due on said
<br /> bw��.aed snr Witer bond fnr dditiunal adanaes.tuRclher wUh all sunts paul hy said TtK I�yutlabk Buifdirg an0 l.otn Aswciafion of Gnnd Ist�nd.
<br /> NeMalks fa i�nnwa�oe.tuaand anrsL�ent9,and sAalqcUn�cxtcnsic►n char�, wilh imercat thereon, (rum datc of p�syxrcel al Il�e n�xiemtm
<br /> M�!tale.
<br /> Aspro�dtd m�he 8c�nd teeured ltereby,wfi�k Ihis nKxl�age re�nams �n e((cci tl►c mu�l�aEee rnvy herafter adv�nce idditinnal sums lo tk
<br /> alrtMs of Mid ooAA,lheir assi�ns ur sucoeaun�n in��r�st,wlrch s•!ms=halt ht ��lhsn!kr s:r.�u�i�e�i tAn►�r+N=� tfx sstae as tlst futWs at�inrtly
<br /> �!lM�RIDp,t�0 total ariarurs!u!prtruipal dtbf riei Iu exo�x�i at aay nn�r i t�c���!�:3!ai nsm:unt t�f:lsu rncsts€zgc
<br /> Dw:d ehN 5tt� �" aay or Apri 1 n t�,iy 90
<br /> `'`'�A + ' L -��• �` � L_L_.. _.. _ .
<br /> Bene i t P. Was nger-�J� ,------_---.
<br /> . .'., :
<br /> STA7E U�N�I!lZASlUt. t)n�his 5th
<br /> COUN'tY Oi=NALL�� Jay uf Apr i 1 ly 90 ,befate mc,
<br /> ihe unJtrs�FncJ.a Nota:�+Puhhc in and f�r saKi County,perv�nalfyqme �t
<br /> Benedict P. Wossinger, Jr. and Arlene G. L•Jassinger, each in F�is and
<br /> � her own right, and as spouse af sa�,ti other `"�1O ��'e a►sona�lykna�ne�
<br /> me tu be the ident�calpet�r,n S whnx�ume s are alfixrd in�he ahove�nstrun►en1 as own "t
<br /> p,�gut S and LhCy uvtrativ gj�
<br /> stkeoxkd�d ttte s:�d instrumrnt to he Lh8].T vrrlun�>>y sct and decd ���
<br /> K�f(NI•fiS tny hand ar.s'.1t��fa�L�i tical Ihr 4�fc a�����sn�d i}
<br /> � My fonua��n e�p�ics �• � � f ' / .
<br /> � CE�A1!�AI'/,�M�Mllr . � �
<br /> -- �ar.rM n� OMAfi►00lMAtN Noteiy P�!�!�
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