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<br /> � �rKU��r i�cd:�
<br /> � �"�" �0�.�0 2
<br /> 'CHIS lI�.EU OF TRUS'1;n�sda ancf ent�rtd in��this_._. 9th �_��,�f A�ri 1 � . !q90
<br /> Tinwthy J. t�leyar and Locraine J. Trw Title in�urance Company
<br /> : by�nd bstwticn___. ,�1t�f3tTr,�nd ,Truster.
<br /> � Hu�bun3An �t t• s• Jn nt Tenant•
<br /> �.-� _ 8�curity Facilia l�in�nci�l Sesvic�• o��cj�
<br /> WI�'N�SSETH:That tho Trustor daes by tt�nK prcsents�tr�nt.bargain and sell,caovey a�d confirn� with P�iw�e:af Sal� unto the
<br /> �t!�foll��iNi d�dk�d Raa4 Ea1�t�i�t����all huiklin�s.impr�ven�ent�,and fixturrs of'ev+ery kind novv or hercalte�ensted o�
<br /> piaced an tho re�l asti�te,situated in Coumy,in the Sute af'TVebnska
<br /> Lo� 1�, in Villa Mar Drea subdivicion a 8�bdivi�ion locat�d on nli of Lot 12
<br /> � o! 9ub�liv�l�ion o! Lot 9 and all o! Lot• 7 •nd 8 ia Mfndolph•� 3ubAivi�ion
<br /> � o! psx� Or .tA� li0lthfi�! �1 0! Lh� idorth�e�t y and part ot eh• 1iorLhvr�i!
<br /> , � o! th� North�ast � ot S�ction 1�. in To�+n�hip 11 North, Ranqe 9 Neat
<br /> o! th� 6th P.M., !l�11 Couety, Nabr��ka.
<br /> ind poWestioo of said pct�a�is naw delivercd unto said Trust,ee; '
<br /> � TO HAVE AND 7t�HOLD thc same.with all righis,privilegea and�ppurtenances thereto helonging unto lhe Trustee,his executors,
<br /> adminiatrat�xs, heir�s.and'assigns forover.And the Trusfor herch� exprcssly N�uivc�,rcleascs,and rclinyuishes unto thc Trustee all right.
<br /> titk,ci�im,ittttrest,benefit.and estate whatever.in and ta the above-described prcmises arrd each and every pan thercof;which is given
<br /> by or tesults Pro�m atl laws of the Stateef'1Vebraske pertaini�g to tha exemplian of homeste�_And the T�ustor covenants with the Trustee
<br /> that he wilt foreve�wareacet and defend the title ta tha same against the lawfe�!claims ot a11 peaons whomsae�er.
<br /> !N TRUST HOWEVER.far ttet falowing descr+hed pur�7ses:Tn sece�ro fu1[und pn�mpt pe�fnrmance e�f nll �he terms s;�d condi-
<br /> tiom of that '
<br /> 0 Revdving Loan Agrcement of even date herowith Iincluding panicutarlp, but nol e+cclasively, pmmpt pa}ment o1' ��tl sums � _
<br /> whict►art or msy becomc p�yable from time to time thercunder)end any cxccns�ons,rcoewals.modificationc or rcfinancings thercof; � ---
<br /> which Revalvina LnAn Aarceme�t obtigates &neficiary. subject to the canditians stated t�ercin, tu advance to Trustor up to :
<br /> S ,dus fnance and Mher charges. (or) - _
<br /> � �atr of eti�ea datr herewith, in ttsc�Srincipal sam af l�.S.S 6314.53 �;�y-,;��� �n monthty inst�ti�nents of {�rincipat
<br /> and interest, with li1�C b�lance of the indebtedness,if nc.t s���er �wid. Jue and payable�n . �9_�,.
<br /> '�
<br /> It is a�eeed by and bet�een part�a hereto that until �ling of N�tice of befault, the 7rustor shall:l t i pay all present :ind future
<br /> taxes snd�ssessments,aenenl and speci�l,agains!said property before the samo hecomes delinyuent �r actianaMe:121 keep al! improve-
<br /> ntents erected cx�thc land insurcd as may he rcquirrd fmm time to time hy heneficiary against Ic,ss by fire aixl other hatards,casuallies
<br /> and eontin�etre�es.in such�mounts and fi�r such periods as are reaconable;�nd may he rcquired h�� heneficiary,anet t� keep all �+nlicies
<br /> of such iesurance in force or ePfeet upon the pm�erty hercin desc►ilxd constantiy assigned and delivered t� bcriet7.,riary�:(?1 pay and � '
<br /> eomply with all the tetms and conditians of any lien,claim or �ndebtedness that may be senior to o� take prccedence ntier this Trust
<br /> Deed as soon as any such payment on or ot such lien,claim nr +ndebtedness�hall berome due: and u�n failure rf Trustor to kcep
<br /> �ny said �neements, beneficiary may pay such tax. pa}• fiyr surh insurartce or pa� otT' such henc��r claimc c.r ir►debtedness�s Ihe case ,�``
<br /> tt�y be,and the money su expendcd,Krwh interest at 95�,per annurn,shall be cecurcd b� th�s Trust Deed.and ttoc 7'rusttx agrces t��repay
<br /> the same upon demand,and upan f:til¢!e tn do so the balance of the attached nutc sl.r;tll �hecc.mc immediately duc and payah�e at �he
<br /> option of tlst 6ene�riar};!4)sperificz�ty conCer u�wn the Trustee the �wrr nf�;ile as pmvided m Nebrdcka law; {;1 retain p��ssession
<br /> of the prcmises�nd c�{Itst the nents nnd revenues ther�fmm
<br /> Upon �yment of a!1 the sums securcd by� th�s Trust f3eed.the Henefic�.ir�� chal� re�uetil the iru�tee tc. rec�m.e> the pr��perty and
<br /> sAall surrcnder this Trust Deed and all notes evide»cing in�iehtednesc secureJ hy this "fru.1 (ked tn thr l�ructar �Cru�tee chall rrcom•ey
<br /> the propeny without warranty to the�rson or nersc��j� legalfy ent�Ucd thcrrto; hut if' dclault he m,�de in thc p:+yment ��f' s;�iJ note �r
<br /> IItlj��!!Z�ttOP Of 3i3y OF tI}s inte:rst thrreQ:s�:•�:rr.du:or :n tt�e f:bthful �.;sfor:r.arce:;�n5 .,:e;�hLs of �a;d�rze;nents ac af,�n.sid,
<br /> ilsett tltt whoie�'said note shaii r�o�tic�3u�a�ni i�c �+.�i�i as i�cninafter pmti�ide�.a�sd thic decd chall rem:►�n m fi�rcc: Ihe Trustee ar
<br /> his�ttorney rnay pn►ceed to uli the propetty in its cntirety ��t m p�rcelc at the uph��n nf the lru�tec hcreinbefi�re de�crihed a� puM�c
<br /> auctiw�,to the highest bidder. far �ash. HoM•ever, thc �x�wcr af r;�le hcrein c�mlerred u��n �hc lrustce shail nt�t he e�ercised until 111
<br /> the Trustee shalt iirst �le for rccord. in the c�nce c•f the rrgister of dee�lc,�1 each ci+unt} whcrein tlze Irutit pmmrty ��r �unte p�rt ��t
<br /> p�rcel thercof is situated,a notirr af deiauEt. idcntifying Ihe 'frustet b}� �ta4�ng Ifie n,�n�cs��I Ihe lruct��r arid narnes tl�cre�n��n� gi�ing � �
<br /> the book ar�d pa�e where Ihe same is rtcusded.a d�scripUon nf the trust property.and rontam�ng a ctatement tF�crt a hreach��f an�+t+li�itinn
<br /> for whieh the �r�st property� w�as conYCyed ac securii> has c�sca�rred, and cettmg li�rth the nalure ��t such hreuch and uf' h�c elertutin t�i
<br /> sell or cause to be suld such pr�perty� t�� saUSf��the a�bl�gaU��n;and(?):�fter the lap�e��f n��t �es� ihar� �ne m�mUi. the (ru�tce �hall gi�e .
<br /> notice oP sale as provided by Nebraska law. After nutice of dcfauh artd laptie ��f not Icsc than�,ne me+i�Ih,the �fru�tee shall F��e kntten
<br /> notice oi' the time and place of �le partirularty� describing the pn+perty a. he s��ld hy puhficalion ��f� such n���ice. at least (ire limec. ��
<br /> onee a K•eek fot five cortsGCUtiti�e Merks,the last pubhe,iaor� ti� be at teatit 1(► d�yc but nnt ntore �han ?(1 d;�;5 pnnr t�� the c:�le. iu s�me
<br /> � newYpaper t�aving a genrr�l circulatu�n in ench count� in wlrich die pn►pert} to trt�c�(d, ��r sume pact therecd; i5 srtuated ('pn�n such
<br /> StIC,thc Trt�stce Shafl eYecute and deiivcr b decd of c�m�eyanre nf tlie pro�eny �nld �� th� purch�ser t•r purcha�r� there��! and an3r `�
<br /> st�ttemea�t or recizal af f:ict in such deed m relaliun t�the ererc�se�+f the paH�er a�f sale and s:�te��f the p:u(►etly d!'SCrthed lh��em.�t�Clud�nR �W
<br /> reeitats cancaning any maili�tFt, p�rsonaf del�r�er� and puhli,atu,n u1 �he nnt�ce ufi del,�ult.any ��ia�lu►R:iisd tlir puM�c:�t��m an,j p�,�lmg ��
<br /> c►E' r�oticeof�ale.�nd thecunJurt oP sale;auc!sueh rccital shal!rnri4t�tute pnm.i fa�ie er�dence�+f�uch c�+rnph:sr,ce.ind c��:tclu•.ne e�idence �
<br /> tht�eof in fav��r ��f' Fxm;� fidr purch�str� and encumb►arcer� G�v value and ��th�9ut nntice Ihe Irustee�s derd �h,�ll ���ser,ite t�� c��mey
<br /> 'rv„ou.a*�x. ,..., . ,., �
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