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<br /> • �V'�,.,uA j'�►.a.l.1 V .
<br /> 16. COUenants 01 ynlStOr wlth f�eSpBGf(a LRBSes. Without th�pnar w►iftt�n cpnsonf of Bor�ohciary. Tri�stor shnll not,dioecfly ur indrictctty,
<br /> wlth raspeat to any 18rase ot spa�e In tAe Tiust Praperry,a any patton Iheraol,whather such foc►sn!s now o►horoafter 1n oxlstenco�
<br /> (a) Rccapt a psmN1 A�y prepayment,discuernt a�dvence payment ot renf hereunder�n excess ol ana month,
<br /> t�J csnc�t or ronerrnaro me a�me,or ecce�Of eeny esace"a?ton,termination or surren�er thoreol,a permit eny evanr to c►�eur whlch wtwld
<br /> aecur thcroundar to t�rmlrtete or cancel th.e seme,otlr�ar tharr termina�Non lor norrpayment ot rent,
<br /> Ec) Nnend a modiy ths aeme ao e�w nducs ms carm thereo� �he renre�payabFe thareunder,a to changa any renswat provlsions
<br /> � M�rrin ccx�taln�d,
<br /> (d) W�lvb xny detauN t�srst►ndrr a breach thereol,
<br /> (e) Giw any cauint.wdver ar epprovel Meraurtder a tske eny other aca'an!n conner.Na�the►ewith, w wlth a lassee therGUnder,which
<br /> w+o+�td haw the�ct W trr�petrirp!►r�val�ua ol the lessor's irtie�est thareundar or tlre proparty subject therato.a at/m�.+ahirtg Mre
<br /> po�lt+�n a lnMrost W BercNklarY M1eroNi.a
<br /> f�1 S�M,a.*�gr►�Pl�dge,mortg�a oth�w/as dispos�ol,or arcumbx it�lM�rest M�n�r aiNd leaa�or�rry ronts,lssuas.ProlFts issWry�
<br /> or ari�k�p d�eneunder.
<br /> 1 T. WiKv�r ol S7ahx�d Lknkatlons. Tkne is ol tha es.sertca tn N10l Trustor's ob�i�allons arrd duNes f►araernder,and ro the axtent permftted
<br /> +Dy kiw. vnata wa�wa�uu present a hitu�s�tAtutas or MmrtAtion�whn respsct to any at�at demsnd w obNyatlon securod hemby end
<br /> srty acHon a procercAh►�AcK ths purposs o1 en/acing NNs Qsad M trust a erty�hts or►snNdre�cont�ineal hereln.
<br /> ta. Ae�r►�►Mnt ol Orpa�.M fhs�wM consohticMon ol lm�xovvmenh ts conhmppiMd by Ms lou��vid�r�c�d Dy Ms Mntr a�cwsd
<br /> n.+.ny..s.cidrororNw s.cwxy n�eneb►..r�vsror►�.r.�za, , ..,��•_•r�ro eens�cr.,y.e�r n�r�x,ens�d�nnKSS�b sr►y.nd.a
<br /> mw�Ms d�pwNrd Dy a on beh�M ol Tiusror wld��ny cl[jr�counry.Pub�c bodY a QQ�nCY�sar�itery dimict��tY aomAaw►Y.a�d
<br /> �rty ofMr body o►agency.Mr fhe lnataM�tlon a ro sscun ths/nsteNation oi any uGNty by Trusfor,p�rtalnMQ to t1►s Tiust Prq�ry.
<br /> i�. GbePo►+iuon or Par�s+shlp Exs'xs�rtcs. M Tiusb►!s s co►pwAdon.�sn�ral psRn�raMp.a tinrit�sd part,ne�shrp.it w�1f do aN fh/ngs
<br /> �n�csssary��a� parMSraMp sxlsl�srtcs,s�tM c��s may bs.and aA�iQhts and prlvtl�s urra�er Ms laws ol the
<br /> ?O_ Forb�nu�c�by BsnsAclary Not s Walvar.My forbearancs by BeneNclary in exercJsin�any►ight or ren►edy Aeroun�er.a othenvlse
<br /> �fMrdrd by qppMcabN Nw.sf►aN not bs a wahror of w precluds Ms exenclss ol any such r�ght a romedy.Trie p�ocursment ol •
<br /> !r►ataancs a the paymsnt of taxss a ths dlscMu�e of A'en,s a charges by Beneficlary shaN net be a waiver ol 8e�e�iclary��n�n�ro
<br /> �cc�Nrets ths matw�lt�►o/ths Mdsbtedness.
<br /> 21. ANf�dl�a CumWaavs.NY tsmedrea provided 1n thls O�eed o►Tiust ero dlstincf and cumWadve ro any other�lght or remedy�naler this
<br /> D�eed ol Trtut a sAb+dsd by law a equity,and may be exericlsed concurrsntfy,lndepsndenty or successlvey.
<br /> 2?. Succsssor�and Assl�ns Bound;Jolnt�nd Severe111abiMy;Capdons. 1he cove�nants and agreements hereln contalneai shall bind,and
<br /> fhe rl�a htrreuunde�shaN inws to,the rospecdve auccessas and esslgns al 8enelklary,Tiustee,snd Tiusfa.Alf covenants and
<br /> �Qrosnrsnta ol Tivsror ahaN bs jdnt and aeve►�l. The capdons a�nd headings ol the paiayr�phs o/tMs Deed of Tiust are for
<br /> convenknce ony and ere nof b be used ro Inlerpret a de�ne the provislons hereo/.
<br /> ?3. NodCS.Except fpr any nodce reqWred under applkable/aw to be given!n anothsr manner,(a)any notice to Tiust�nr prov�ded 1�r icr CT.�
<br /> De�d o/Tirrsf a!►eN bs grvsn by mNMng suc�r notJce by certNled mall,►etum rocNpt req�ested�ddre+xsed to Tiusror at!ts m�ltirrg
<br /> eddross set Mrth ebove a et such other ed�di�ess as Tiusta may deslgnate Dy rrotice to Beneliciary as prov;ded l�ereln,and(b)any
<br /> nodce to BsneticJa�✓a Tiustee shal�be given by cert;lPed mail, retum�,c�t requested,to Benelrciarry's and Tiustee's mailing �
<br /> addnas ataMd hersln a ro sucA olher address a�BsneTiclery a Trustee may oesirJ��i+y�.otice ro trustor as provided herein.My
<br /> noE►cs provideal lor In thls Desd ol T►ust sMN bs desm�d to h�va been given td Tiusta.8ensliciary a Trusieu when given!n the
<br /> manner dsslQnaMd here/n.
<br /> ?I. Oovsminp Law;S�verabiliry. lhls Oeed ol tiust shaN be govemed by the/aws o/the State of NeAraska.In the event any prov;sion or ;
<br /> CNf/SA OI dils DOAd�OI TrtISt COII/liCl9 Wlth AppNC�b�A/AW,such conNict sha/l not e/fect other provlsions ol th/s Deed o/Tiust whJch can � _
<br /> M ohrsn�flect wiMout the can�icdna vrovlslons and to t6is end the arovlsions ot th/s Deed of 7rust aie decla�ed to be severaD�e.
<br /> 25. �vsnfa ol DsfaWf.Each o/fhe lo„�wing occuirences shell constitute en evenf ol defautt hereunder, (he�elnefter caBed en"Eveni
<br /> ol Dis/eult'): �
<br /> (a) TiusMrshaN fai!t�o pay when due any pric�c�paf,interest,a p�incipal end interest on the Indebtedness, . —
<br /> (b) My wenanry ol tlde made by Trusror herevn,sAal1 be unhue, • —
<br /> (c) truata shaN hil ro o+b�terve a peAam any ol th.e covena�ts.egreements, or condidons in this Oeed ol TrusL ;�
<br /> (d) M�r representat/on a warrenry made by Tiusto►on any�nanclal statoments oi repoKS submitled�0 8enehc�ary(�y a on behaH ol
<br /> Trtaib►ahaHprove tsfse ormaterialty misleadrng, .
<br /> (s) Tiustor shaM fAf�'cq perform a observe an�o/the covenants, condiGons ar ag►eements contained;n,or bindin�upon Trustoi unde�
<br /> arty bullding/oaee agrsement securiry agreement,ban agre+ement,t;rtancing stateme�t,or eny othe�agreoment,instrument or ;�
<br /> docwnsnt executed b;Trosto�Jn connxtia►with the loan evidenced by the Note, t -
<br /> (1} A trostss,ieCMvei W Nquld8h7r�1!he Trust Property a ol Trusb►shel.'bo appointed;v►any o1 the Credifo+s ot Tr-,:StOr shall file e �+
<br /> pMrtion in DankruptCy eQainst Tc^vstw,or lor the reorgeniralion OI T►usta pursuarrt ro the Federal Bankruptcy Code,or any simi�ar
<br /> faw,whether federal a state,end l/Such oide�oi pe6lior shell nof be disChErgBd o►diSmlSSed withlr�thirry(30)deys alte►the d8te
<br /> on whkh such ader a petidon wes liled, �'�
<br /> �
<br /> (g) Tiu�to►sRall file a pe6tion pursuant to the Fede►a!Bankrupicy Code or any simifar few,federal or state,or i1 Trusto�sha/l be
<br /> sdfudQed a bankrupt,or be deciared insolvent,or sha/l make an assignmenf for the benefit ol creditors,ur shap admit in writing its
<br /> inaWkty M pay it�debts 8s they become due,or shall consent to the apporntmenf ol a rece�var o/all or any pan of the Trust Property,
<br /> (h) Final judgment fo►the paymenf 0l►noney shall be rende�ed agarnst Ttu&to�and T►usfa shall not diSCha►ge the same,or cause it ta
<br /> be discharged,withln thlrty(30)days alier Etre entry thereo%or shall not eppea!therefiom or lrorrr ihe order,dec►ee or pmcess uAon
<br /> whlCh or pu�suent to which said Judgenerst was granted,based,or entered,and secure a stay fl�execubon pending such appeal,
<br /> � (1) Trustor shAll Sel!or cOnvey the Tiust Properry,or any paA thereol,or any inlerest thereirr,or shall be d�vested o/etS tiNe,o►any iniereSt
<br /> tfteeeln,in eny manner a way,whether vduntanty o�lnvotuntanly,w�U►out the wntie►r e�rsent ol Benehciary being tirst had and
<br /> o0dd�iin�d,a
<br /> (J) N Trostor!s s capo�etlon or paRnershrp and more thtue hfty p�rcent(50°0)01 fhe shares a benef,c..^a1 intp.rests in Such CoipO�el+On or
<br /> part�ersMp,as ttte cass rttay bs,stta!!��f+Crrct!os CorivBycd,wtssthar valurstanty or�rrvofur�o�y,w►th.auf tt�e w�+ftan cons6nl of
<br /> B�neNclary being Nrsf had end oblalned.
<br /> 28. Acce�leratic�n o!Oebt;Foreclosure. Upon the occunence ol erty Event ol Oefault,or any hme thereafter. 8enefic+ary may,at its op6on,
<br /> deC/ere ai/ths Indebtedness SeCUred hereby immedratety due and payab/e end the same sha/J bear interesi af the de/ault�ale,i/eny,
<br /> Sei tath in the Nate,or otherwise at the highesf rate permitted tsy law, and, iriespecnve of wherher Beneficiary exercises sa,d op6on.�t
<br /> m;,�,at itS Opfion end in Its s01e diSCretion, c.�r�thout any ILrther no6ce o�demend tv or upon�rusto�, do one or mo�e ol thg loltoyving;
<br /> ...•_-___
<br /> (a) HeneBciary may enier upon,tek9 possess:c�r'►o/,manege end ope►ete the 1Yust PropeRy or 8ny p8rt the►eof,•m8ke�Bpevs and •
<br /> �/teretimns end do any ects whicb Bene6c�ary 09erns proper to protect the secunty chereof,and either w�th or withouf taking
<br /> peiss�sslOn,!n its own name,�ue/or o►otherwiso coliect and�eceive rents,lssues ard prof�ts.includ�rtg those past due and unpard,
<br /> �d e�pp/y thg sarne,less costs and expeRSes of opereGOn and co!►ecfion, includrng reasonable attomey fees and Bonefrciary's
<br /> costs,upon the Indebtedness secured he.•eby and m such orafer as Barteticiery may determ,ne. Upon request o1 Beneficlary, Trustor
<br /> shalt essemD/e and shall make available t�88nef;ciery any ol tlie Trust Pioperty wh;ch has been removed. The entarmg upon and t
<br /> taking possesslon ol the Trust Properry,the collec�on of any rents,issues end prol�ts,and tne appl,caUOn thereot as aeoresard,sha�► 1�
<br /> n;c�ure o�wa+ve eny delault theretafote w thereafter occuning,o�alfecf any not�Ce ol dH1aU1t o►noUco of sele hereunde�o► s
<br /> L ;r.v&licfete any acl done pursuant to any such notice.Natwithstend�ng Benel,c�ary's conf�nuance+n possession or rece�pt and ��
<br /> application of rents,issues or prohts. Ben�lia�ry sha!!ba entefled to exe�c�se overy nght prov�ded!o►�n th,s Oeed a1 rrusf or by la�v �t
<br /> upon or eRer;he occurrence oi an Event o!OQlaul:,i�icfudtng the nghf fo exe�C�Se the power of SQ�e Any o�the a�trons re!�ned to rn ���
<br /> thls perag�eph rnay be taken by BQnef,Gary at sucri hme as Benehcrsry may determrne w�thaut regdrd ro mo adaquacy ol any
<br /> seCUrity for th9 lrrdebtetlness secured hereby +
<br /> (D) Beneficlsry sholl, w;thouf�egard to thc�adequecy of nny sscur�ry Icr tno Indehfednes.s SPCUrtrtf hE+�phy,be Pnirt�Pd f�!h�
<br /> QpQOlt7PlnCltf OI D fBCf.�vR1 hy Rny('p(/r�h{�Vlli(f��/IiS!IrCl�4/1,lY��ItOJt RU?:CC. !0 fJkc�SSCtss:cn o'.pr�tect,�nd rn,�n�ge t►�e l�uyf
<br /> Property and ope�afa tho snme ond collocr the rents.�ssues��A pml�ls Ih�•errom
<br /> (eJ BonefiC�&ry may b�rng Any acban�rt pny Catrn of compeiont�u��stJ�cirnn rn �o�ea:insc�th�5 DAt�7 nl T•+�St nr�.n1�n�t,���,,.��r i��t.
<br /> Cnvonants he�ool
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