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200104772 <br />QUITCLAIM DEED <br />THIS DEED, is made this day of OVa s , 2001 between MERLIN RATHMAN and MAXINE <br />RATHMAN, husband and wife, Grantors, whose address is 11955 WEST GUENTHER ROAD, WOOD RIVER, NEBRASKA <br />68883 and MERLIN H. RATHMAN and MAXINE D. RATHMAN, as TRUSTEES of THE RATHMAN FAMILY TRUST, A <br />Revocable Living Trust, Grantees, whose address is the same. <br />Witnesseth, that the Grantors, for consideration of One Dollar ($1.00), release and forever Quitclaim to the Grantees, as <br />Trustees under the terms of THE RATHMAN FAMILY TRUST, and to the Successor Trustees thereof, all right, title and interest <br />which the Grantors may have in or to the property located in: HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA, and described as follows: <br />The North Half of the Northwest Quarter (except two acres in the Northwest corner thereof conveyed to John S. Donaldson, by John <br />G. Schaupp and wife, by warranty deed in Book F Page 613 of the records of said Hall County.) Also the Northwest Quarter of the <br />Northeast Quarter; also the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter; also the West Half of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest <br />Quarter all in Section Fifteen (15), in Township Ten (10) North, of Range Eleven (11) West of the 6th P.M. containing in all 178 <br />acres, more or less. Also a part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of said Section Fifteen (15), in Township Ten (10) <br />North of Range Eleven (11) West of the 6th P.M., described as follows: <br />Commencing at a point in the North line of said Section Fifteen (15), Thirteen (13) chains and seventy -five (75) links West of the <br />North East corner of said Section 15 running thence West along said North line, Six (6) chains and fifty -three (53) links; thence <br />South five (5) chains and sixty-seven (67) links, to the center of the bed of Wood River, thence easterly along the bed of Wood River <br />to a point due south from the starting point, thence North to said starting point; containing 4 acres more or less; EXCEPT THAT <br />PART DEEDED TO THE STATE OF NEBRASKA IN WARRANTY DEED IN BOOK 75 AT PAGE 71 IN THE REGISTER OF <br />DEEDS OFFICE, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA AND ALSO EXCEPT THAT PART DEEDED TO EARL GREENWOOD AND <br />JACK GREENWOOD IN WARRANTY DEED IN BOOK 151 AT PAGE 15 IN THE REGISTER OF DEEDS OFFICE, HALL <br />COUNTY, NEBRASKA; all in Hall County, Nebraska; and all that part of the North Half of the Southwest Quarter, lying North of <br />the right of way of the Union Pacific Railroad Company, in Section Fifteen (15) in Township Ten (10) North, Range Eleven (11) West <br />of the 6th P.M. in Hall County, Nebraska; EXCEPTING THAT PART THEREOF DEEDED TO THE STATE OF NEBRASKA BY <br />WARRANTY DEEDS RECORDED IN BOOK 71 AT PAGE 232, BOOK 75 AT PAGE 71, AND BOOK 122 AT PAGE 521 OF <br />DEED RECORDS OF HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />Previously Recorded: SEPTEMBER 21, 1984 DOCUMENT NUMBER: 84- 004959 <br />Together with all improvements thereupon and the rights, alleys, ways, waters, easements, privileges, appurtenances and <br />advantages belonging or appertaining thereto. <br />This Quitclaim Deed is exe, Ilted pursuant to the terms of an intervivos trust agreement entitled THE RATHMAN FAMILY <br />TRUST dated e , 2001, under which Trust the Grantors of this Deed are also the Settlors, the initial Trustees <br />and the lifetime Beneficifiry. <br />In witness whereof, the Grantors have hereunto set their hand and seal one the -4te set forth above. <br />MERLIN H. RATHMAN (Grantor) <br />MXXfNE D. RATHMA (Grantor) <br />STATE OF /y C��. /� P• <br />COUNTY OF ABU - <br />L <br />The foregoing Deed from Individuals to themselves as Trustees was sworn to and acknowledged before me this`/ t day <br />of — 'MQ , 2001, by MERLIN H. RATHMAN and MAXINE D. RATHMAN. <br />Witness my hand and official seal. <br />My commission expires: 1,4d, c <br />Notary Public <br />Please return to: <br />MR & MRS RATHMAN GENERAL NOTARY - State of Nebraska <br />11555 WEST GUENTHER ROAD WILLIAM C. ALTMAN <br />WOOD RIVER NE 68883 Prepared by: Merlin m. Exp. Z-2 9-+0 Sp <br />CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION <br />The undersigned certifies that the transfer of the property referred to herein is made under such <br />circumstances as to come within Neb. Rev. Stat. 76 -902 () and that evidence supporting the exemption is maintained <br />by the undersigned and is available for inspection by the Nebraska Department of Revenue. <br />t� <br />DATED this If day of , 2001 <br />MERLIN RATHMAN <br />