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<br /> � If Lsnder trq�int!mQrt��imprAnco ss a condition ot'makina thc Iwn secured by this Security Instrumenl,
<br /> Bor�ower sbdl p�y the prcnn�ums rrquired to maintRin the in�urance in elfect until�uch time a the requirem�ent for th�
<br /> � insur�ace termin�tes in accordance with Borcoker'�and Lender'a wri�trn��rcement or�pplicabk law.
<br /> A. 1�loR. l.cnder or ita ssent nuiy maice raso��bk entria upon and inspections oi'thc Propeny. Lender
<br /> sh�!!�ive l�orrower natice at the time d'or�ior to an inspection specifyin�ra�son�bie c�we fp�the inspection.
<br /> � f. Coniewn�tio��. The praeeed�d'any award or claim for dama�e�,diact or consequential,in connection with ,
<br /> any condemnat8on or olher takin�oi arty pan oP the Property.o�ior canveyance in lieu oi'condemnation.are hereby
<br /> _ aui�eed and�h�ll be p�id to Lendcr.
<br /> ln the eveat of a tot�l�akins os the Praperty.the procads sh�ll be applied to the sums socured by this Securety.
<br /> lnstrume�t,whether or not then due. Mith any exces;paid to Honowrer.ln the e�ent of a p�ni�l takinj oi'the Property.
<br /> unle�Borruwer�nd Lender otherwise�atae in writin��tha sums Secured by this Secur�ty lnstrument shall be rc+ductd by
<br /> tbe smount of the p�eceeds multiplied by the follo�rinj fnction:(a)the toul�mount of the aqms secared immediately
<br /> lxfon the takina.divided by(b)tlu fair marlcet value oi the Propetiy immodi�tely befo�e the tskins.Any b�l�nce ah�l!be
<br /> - pRid to Borrower.
<br /> lf the Property is�b�ndon�d by Borrower.or if�alter notice by Lender to Barrawer that tha condemnor oRers to
<br /> make an sward or�cttk a claim for d�maaes.Borrowcr fail�to respond to Lender withio 30 dsys�Rer the d�te thc natice is
<br /> �iven,Lender is authorizod to collect�nd�pply the praceeds,at its optiat�eithe�to restontion or rcpair ol'Ihe Propeny or
<br /> to the sums secured by this Security lnstrument,whether or not then due.
<br /> Unkss Lender and Borrower othenvise�gree in wr�tip�,any�pplic�tion of procecds to principal shall no1 eatend or
<br /> postpone the due date of the manlhly payment�referred tn in.�zaraa�aphs 1 and 2 or ch�Rge the amaunt oPsuch paymeots.
<br /> 30. Borrower Not Reka�ed; Forl�ar��ce By l.eedt� Not a Wsi�er. Eat��sien of the time far payment ar
<br /> modiflcatian of amortization os the sums seeuttY9 by this�ecurity Instrument granted by Lend�r ta any suc,cessor in
<br /> interat oP Barrower shall nol operate to rek�e the liabllity of the originaF Borrowe�ar Honower's successc�rs in interest.
<br /> � Lender shAll not be required tq commence proceedings against any successar in �nterest or refuse ta extend time for
<br /> qyment or otherwise modify amartization of the sums secared by this Security lnstrument by reason oPany demand made
<br /> by the original Barrower or Borrower's successctrs in interest.A�y forbea�ance by Lender in exe�cising any right ar remedy
<br /> shsll not be a wsivet oYor preclude the exercise oEany right or remedy. ,
<br /> 11. Sacce�wrs sad Msipa Bor�d;Jotnt and Se�eal 4iabtlity;Co-signers. The co�enants and agramcnts oP
<br /> �his Security Instrument shall bind�nd benefit Ihe successon and auigns of Lende�bad Aorrawer,cubject to the prov��ions
<br /> dpar��rsph 1T.Borrower's covenants and agraments shall be joint and several.Any Borrower who casigns this Security
<br /> lnstrument but daes nnt execute the Note:(a)is ca-signing this Security Instrumem��nly to mong�►ge,grant and eonv�y
<br /> that Horrowet's interest io the Property under thc terms of this Sccurity Instrument;(b►ic�ot personalty obligatai to pay � �
<br /> �__ e:t�enme ce.cureA hv tl�is Security tnctrument;and(cl aerees that l.ender and any rnhu Bnrrox�u may ngree ta eatend.
<br /> � modify,fotbtar or make any y�•commadations with reg�rd to the terms of this Security tnstrument ar the Note without , :_
<br /> that Borrawcr's consrnt.
<br /> 12. Lw�Glunes. If the Ic�sn secured by this Secun�y tnstrument is subjeet to a law which sets maximum loan
<br /> eharges, and thst law is finally interpreted so that the interest or othrr loan charges collected or to he collected in - __
<br /> eonnection with the loan eaceed the permitted limits, then: (a)any such loan charge tih:�ii ix �cduced by Ihe amoua�l
<br /> , necessary to reduce the charge to the petmitted limit;and(b)any�ums already catlected from Horrower�vhich oxceeded
<br /> permitted limits wiU be refunded to Borrower. Lender may ch«ne tu makr this refund by reducing the principal owed i
<br /> under the Note or by making a direct payment to�orrower.If a refund reduces princip;�t.the reduction will be treated as a
<br /> p�rtia!prcpaymeat without any prepayment charge under Ihe Note. �
<br /> 13. LeRislatioe AReeting Leeder's Rights. If'enactment �r ex�iration of applicafile lawc has �he eflect c,f
<br /> rendering any pravision of the Note or this Security Instrument unenfnrceable according to�tc�ermc,I,ender,a�ilc optian. ;
<br /> may require immediate payment in full of all�ums secured by this Secunty Instrument and may invoke any remedies "
<br /> pertnitted by parsgraph 19.lf Lender exercisas this opiion.I..ender shall take the steps s�crified in the second�aragraph�P . •
<br /> P�n6*�Ph 17. �
<br /> 1�. Notices. Any natice to B:�rrowcr provided Por in this Sccurity Instrumem shall be givev�by dclivering at or by �
<br /> msilins it by first class mail unless applicable law requires use of anothtr method. The notic.e Shali be directed to the .
<br /> Property Addr�s or any other addras Borrower designatts by �otice to L.endcr. Any notice to Lender shall be given by
<br /> fitst class mail to Lender's address stated hercin or a�y other address Lender design:ste�by not�ce to f3orrou�er.Any not�ce
<br /> provided for in this Security Insttument shnll be deemed to have been g�ven to Bonov►er or Lender when given as provided
<br /> in this piragraph.
<br /> ,. IS. Corecnin�I.�w;Sertntbitity. This Srcurtty Instrument shaQ be go�erned by federat law and thc law c�f the
<br /> jurisdietion in which the Propetly 'ts loeated. In the event that any provis�on or clause s�f�his Sccurily Ins�rument or the
<br /> Note co�►flicts with applicable IaW,such conflict shall not affect othc:r provisions of thi�Security Instrument nr the Note
<br /> wbish can be given ef�ect withaut[he conflicting prov�siae�.To this end the provisi+�r:s eP this Secunty Instrument and the �-
<br /> Aiote are deciarcd to tx severabie.
<br /> 16, Borrower's Capy. 8orrower shall be given�ne r�mfotmed c�py of i he Note and��f th�ti Sctiunty Intitrumen�.
<br /> 17. Tranfter of the Pro�erty or a Beneficial Interest in t3orro.rer. If:,u �,� a�,y r;irt ��f�hc N��perty ��r any
<br /> inteses�in it is sotd or transferred(or if a beneficial irzteresc in&�rrower is sold or trantiCerr��i and fiorrowcr��r►nt a netural
<br /> person)without Lender's prior written consent, Lender map,at its option, rcywre�mmed�ate E�ayment�n full��f ail�um�
<br /> secureti by this Security lnstrumrnt. How•rver, th�s opt�on shalf not tx e�►ac��d hy Lender if eaercise �� �ruh�brtrd by
<br /> fedenl law as of the date of this Security Instrumcn�. �------ - --
<br /> If[,.endtr exereises this option.Lender shall gi�e Eiorr�wer no�uc nf acceleratinn.The ni,tice�hall prm ide a�enexl �
<br /> of not less than 30 days from the date�ht tionct i�d�li�ered or maited withm alnch B�+rre�wrr mutit p�y all�um��rcured hy
<br /> thls Security Instrument If Bc�rroµ•er fails to pay these sums pn��r to thc e�rtirn�inn c�fcht�pen�id,Lender may inv��kc ar��
<br /> remedies perm�tecd by this 5ecunty Instrument w�thout funher nc�uce�r dem�nd on i3a�rr�wer
<br /> 18. Botrowet's Ri�At to l�einstate. (f Bc�rrower meets certa�n c�ncl�nrni�. F3urr<swer .hall ha�c�he r�Fht ti�ha�e
<br /> enforcement of this Securit}tnstrument d�szontu�ued at ar�y ame pnor �n�he earlier nf ta)5 day�r�T;such�thrr peru�l�, �t
<br /> applicablc !aw may spectfy for re�nstatement)befclre tialc of the F'ruper�y pur,uant cu any �urr��f calc�unt��r•rd �u th�. y
<br /> L Sccurity Instrwttcnt;�r(b)entry of a,{udgment enfnrc�ng th�y Securety� In�trument 'Th.:u c��iz�lit�unb dfi'IF13: i3��rr��wcr� ��
<br /> (a) pa}s Lender all sums whtch thtri v►ould be due uncier th�s Secunty° Iri�trunrerct a7d �he N�te had n.+ s,.cclerah��n �v
<br /> cxe�::red; (b1 cure� any� detault of any other co�enan��, or agreement5, tc► ��3ys a{! e���n�ew �nc��tred iu enfurcw�; �h�} ���
<br /> SecurRy lmtrument, �neludmg, but not lim�ted to, rea4�nnable anurneyc' fce.,ane! t�1► taF,es ,�ch acu�ai a�. I ender rna
<br /> reasanab{y requ�re tn as4ure that thc lstn of th�s Secunty In�trument. Lendcr`s ngh�ti �i� the Pr<q+eri� and th�rr��uer'�. r
<br /> G�iiiu,ifif��} t� �r.e} iiir ,uin� tecureci oy this 5�curety ir�5trument �hali �timhnur URt;I'1311F�rd l'�m reimtalemr��t h}
<br /> 43orruucr,this 5ecurny lns�rui�ient act�S the�*bl�gattcsnt secured heceMy tihall reai�m fully effr.s�.e�.�f n��a��efcratum fia,i
<br /> nce:,:t�u Eleiue�e�,thts rsght tQ ae�nstateshatl nen apply����he ca+�nf a.reler.�nut�uudeq�•ars�rapt�s !�+n {"
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