- , , ! - ` ' ` ; � .
<br /> . ` ' � ' . _ . : ���..���� ` � . _. .
<br /> . Noh-U:�`It�ottM CovErtw?�75.Barroaer and Lend`er furtliei covenaF►t and agree as fonovvs:
<br /> • � 14 Acceieratioe; Rsmedies. Leader sha41 giYe notIce to Borrower pdor to�erauon following Borraee�s .
<br /> 6reach aisny co»nsat or agreemcnt in t6is Security Instrament(bnt aot prior to�cceIeratIoa dnder paragraphs I3 sRd 17 ' �
<br /> nu2ess applirable ts�+v provtdes othenrise).Tlie notice ahaIi spectfy:ta)the defant�(b)the�ctioe reqnired to cere the _
<br /> ;-� � defaa[�tc)a date,pot less tlrnn 30 d�ys from the date the not[ce is gisea to Borro.ver,by w6ic6 the def�nit mnst 6e cured;, .
<br /> and(�ttat faIIure to cnre ffie definit on or 6efore t�e d�te speci8e�!in the not�c�e may resWt in scceleration of t6e sams
<br /> secered by this Seentity Instrnment and sale ot t�e Propesty.The aotice�sball tiurthpr inform Burrower of t�e dght to �
<br /> rtinstite after iectla�tioa an�th�rig6t ta briag s coart aetion to�ssert t6e aoa-eacist+ence of u defauit or any other - . ,
<br /> dcfenst oiBorrowu to scceluatfon aud sat�It We defiutt is net cmed on ur 6efore tbe date specified in the nottce,I ender
<br /> -�at its,option may require Immedizie payment In fail ot�Il sums secared by this Sec�Ity Instr�ent�RiMaut�er � �
<br /> dtm�nd�nd msy imrvake the power ot sale and a�otber remedies permitte8 by applicabte law.Lender slutl3 be eatitled to .
<br /> coflect iti Espeases inaarred in pnrsufmg tite semedies prodded in this paragragh 19, Incindiag;bnt not limited to,
<br /> rea4onable:ttorneys'fees and costs oi titte eridenc� � � ' , .
<br /> If t�e power of sale is imoked,Trustee sLali record a notice of detaWt in each ro�mty in xi�ich any put of the � � - ,
<br /> � Prepartp'ss lacatd and shall mau'1 coptes of sachnat£c+e in tb�m9naer prnscrlbed by appl�cable laR to Borrower and to the �
<br /> ather persons prescribed by appllcable la�r.After We time required Dy applicabte taw,Trustee shall give public nat�ce of
<br /> s9Ie to ffie_persaas�nd in the manner prescdbed tiy applitable law.Tr�€ee,without demand on 6orrower,sh�Jl sell the
<br /> � Property at pvblic surtion to the 6ig6est bidder at tke Ume aa8 pl�ce an��es the terms designatc�in tbe eatice of sAte.in �
<br /> one or mare parcets and in any order Trustee determines.Tr�utee may pvi�one s3�e�SaU or any parcel of the Property by ' , .
<br /> _, . pBblic mmnuaricement at ttte time aad plstce oP any previ�usty scBedated sate�':.�a�ec ar it deslgn=e c����hase the . •
<br /> - ° - � � �- Progert�si any sal�. . � ' �
<br /> - .. . .. __. .
<br /> . : . __.._
<br /> - Upan recefpt of psrymen!of the price bi�),Ttostee sfial} deli�r ta the puich�ser Trostee's d�€�siieyiag t6e � �
<br /> Yroperty.The recitaLs in tLe Trustee's deed shsll be prims Facie e�eace of the truth of the s�a3�ements made Werein.
<br /> � � � .�:��mstee sh�11 appty the proceeds of ti�e sale in fhe foIIoning ea�r:fa)3�aA ezpenses ot the sate.incit�ng,bnt not timitea.
<br /> � �' Eo,Trustee's fees as permttted by applirable law and reas�r�'.e attoraeys'fees;(b)to�ll sums secured by�is Secarity
<br /> Ynstrament;and(c)�my e:cess to the persan or persons leg�:�errtitled to i� �
<br /> � 20. I�tder�n,Possession.Upon acceteration under paragraph '9 or abandoament of the Property, Lender(in ' �
<br /> , , person,by agent or by judiciaUy appointed receiver)shall be entided s:�.enter upon,take possession of and manage the . �
<br /> Property and to collect the rents of the Property including those past due.Any reats collected by Lender or the recei��er �
<br /> shall be applied first to payment e`the costs of managetnent of the Property�nd collection of rents,including,but not �
<br /> ;
<br /> limited to,receiver's fees,pracniu�ss�n receiver's bonds and reasonable attomeys'.fces,and then_to the sums sec�tred 6�, �., .
<br /> - -- - _ .
<br /> , .this Security lnstrum�a�. .
<br /> - 21.Reconveystnce.Upon payrnent of a�:s�ms secured by this Security lnstrument.Lender�shall request Trustee t� ,
<br /> , recpnvey�.�e Property and shall surreader this Security Insirument aqd all notes evideneing debt secured by thi�Sec�uity ,-
<br /> Instruira�i to Trustee.Trustee shalT reconvey the Propert��aithout warranty and aithout charge to the person ar persons � ' _ _
<br /> ' legally entitled to i�Such person or persons shall pay any recordation costs. '
<br /> . �
<br /> _.22.Substitute Trastee.L.ender,at iu option,may from time to time remove Trostee and appoint a successor trustee ,
<br /> to any Tnutee appointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in which this Security Instrument is recorded. � ;;. ��
<br /> Without conveyance of the Propeny,the successor trustee shall succeed to all the title,power and duties conferred upon • _
<br /> Trustee herein and by applicable law. , � . -
<br /> 23.Request for Notiees.Borrower requests that copies of the notices of default and sale be sent to 8orrower's � _
<br /> . address which is the Property Address. , . >� :�
<br /> Z4.Rfders to t6is Secarity Instrument.lf one or more riders are execated by Barrower an�.recorded together with 'r
<br /> this Sec�s�ty Instrument,the cavenants and agreements of eacfi sueh rider shall be incorporated in�o and shall amend and i
<br /> supplena�t the covenants and agreements of this Secureew� Instrument as,if the r:i:r(sj we�e a part of this Security
<br /> Instrum:nt.[Check applicable boa(es)] �
<br /> r ❑ Adjustable Rate Rider � Condominium Rider -' 2-4 Family Rider ,..,_ ���
<br /> . t .� ;
<br /> [� Graduated Payment Rider 0 Planned Unit Devetopment Ri�sr . , ,;� •
<br /> ❑ Other(s) �s�ecifyj , �+� ��
<br /> BY SIC3NING BEL.bW, Borrower acce�ts and agrees ta the teims and covenants cantained in this Security t ���
<br /> Instrument and in any rider(s}executed by Horrower and recarded with it. ' ,
<br /> ..........................................................:.......................... .�....�.�..•:.l�-.,,/.�-�-T�........... .(Seal) .
<br /> qxc artl F. Ness Jr. —s�►roWO►
<br /> --� --- -- -----�- ---�-----�----�- --- ------�--�---. .__....._..--- -..._._.._-�--------..__ _....._.. . ..
<br /> ........................................................................................ .. .�...�..i�G... .............. ....7r.�:�.-�..�..�........ ..�se�i�
<br /> l. Mo my��Ness , -eo,�oWe� �
<br />� � � �-_=�
<br /> . � 5tnT��c�r• Ni�unshn. � Hall (�oun�y sti:
<br /> . On this 6th �ay o�' April .1y 90,.b�t'�rc a:_, ihc undcrtignccl. a Nnt�iry 1'uhlic
<br /> � , duly commissioned ancl yualified�or said cou�ty,persnratty came R�ehBrd F. NeSS J1'. and L. Nohemy 1�;�55,
<br /> • each in his and her own right an�E as s�ouse of eas�� other ,.�o mr know•n ��,bc i1�,: . � - ----
<br /> � identical persc�n(s) tivhose name(s) are subserihed !n ti:r f�orcgoin�. in�trumen� and arkiiutitiled�cd the c�eaition �
<br /> thereof to be his/her voluntary uc� and dre�. ,
<br />, Wirness my hand and n��tarit�l sral at Grand Island��N braska 1 in�.�id ccnimy.�hc
<br /> � cfafe af�resa€d. - �,,- - � -
<br /> �
<br /> � My C�mmission expitcs: �_/- �j i � . /� , �
<br /> L �ee�t�r�rMwwr�t. .�•`._ �Q' ..��'� }�.�:�- ,�t< .. . . .. ..... .
<br /> � � �t:V tt, 1't�hl�: a
<br /> .lD�!M.� EtE: t!i��''t-�7K ILF:t�(��ivf:S�'�N( I: •� � • ra.
<br /> �G�t6���1�M U .
<br /> �" ��� .
<br /> "thr undcrsiencd �t ti�� h�,lct�•r �it EIiR' 1�(�It'i►1' 11��11'y �ti���c•�I t,G sl�i. l���r�! ��t !��•�. S.�ut �a��tc�,► ie�•E,•., t4+,�t•il�i•r i,' �.
<br /> _.. � �citb at1C t�tf�ct int�chtcduC:��cr�E�rc����tiii�.t3icd E,f rru.t.i►:I�i•brcn��.eid.ln tti61. `Y'nu.�tc lict��fx itu.;,tr�t!���.u��cl..iut u • �
<br /> , ,
<br /> n�itc e�e uisti���urat tl��� I.ired E�1 Iru;t. �t�Ettl� .�st' (I!'II4CiCCI I1CF�'hti. ai!�l t�1 �c��•��a:•t. a�tlin��! tE:�i�.�i�t._ .�Il �hr :.t.it;
<br />` . _ �iE�« t�el,' Hr, j.�,tr �uda�r thr. tt��t�d r�f 1r�r:l trr ftrC ��er.�,:r „r ��:•r�;if: i�t�t�li� ��srr:l�_t! tt�:r�:�:� . .-
<br /> � {)atc ( • ' �
<br /> � , .
<br />