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200005199 <br />16. To Appoint Guardian and Conservator. To nominate a <br />guardian for my person and a conservator for my estate if such <br />protected proceedings are commenced. <br />17. To Consent to Medical Treatment. To exercise full right <br />and lawful authority to make and execute all medical decisions <br />concerning my person, including, but not limited to the selection <br />of physicians and health care services, and the use, withholding or <br />discontinuance of mechanical or other life- support systems, and I <br />hereby direct that all physicians and other health care personnel <br />shall act pursuant to the direction of my attorney -in -fact. <br />It is to be understood, however, that I have strong <br />objections to the administration of medical treatment to any person <br />solely for the purpose of preserving that person's life, when the <br />patient treated is neither physically able, nor mentally competent, <br />to enjoy further life. I therefore request that my attorney -in- <br />fact be guided by this expression of my wishes. If I am physically <br />unable to care for myself without constant help, and mentally <br />incompetent to understand my condition and recognize those about <br />me, and my physical and mental condition cannot be significantly <br />improved by further treatment, then I request that no treatment <br />intended solely to prolong my life be applied, and that my life be <br />permitted to end without medical interference. <br />It should be understood that this statement is not <br />intended as a complete rejection of medical treatment intended to <br />relieve pain, or sedation useful in providing for my care during a <br />terminal illness, but it is intended to prevent the application of <br />oxygen, intravenous feeding and similar treatments intended solely <br />for maintenance, when no significant possibility of improvement in <br />my condition is foreseen. It is my wish that no treatment be <br />applied to me when I have reached the condition hereinbefore <br />described, when that treatment is intended merely to support and <br />prolong my life, and not to cure me or improve my condition. <br />18. To Do All Other Things Necessary in Connection Herewith. <br />In general to do all other acts, deeds, matters, and things <br />whatsoever in or about my estate, property, and affairs, or to <br />concur with persons jointly interested with myself therein in doing <br />all acts, deeds, matters, and things herein, either particularly or <br />generally described, as fully and effectually to all intents and <br />purposes as I could do in my own proper person if personally <br />present, it being my intent to grant to my said attorney a general <br />power to act for me and in my behalf, and not a limited or special <br />power, limited to the specific acts herein described. <br />51 <br />
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