<br /> < . __ _
<br /> _.. . . _ . ._ _ . _ �-- -
<br /> � • �
<br /> ..__ �.r . � � , \ t y t �
<br /> .t . � � . � � �
<br /> , 90,� 10�860
<br /> (� Yf Lender required mortgage insurance as a condition of making the loan secured by this Security Instrument, .
<br /> i Borrower.shall pay.the premiums req.uired to maintain the insurance in effect until such time as the requirement for the �
<br /> insurance tertninates�ra��ordauce with Horrower's aad Lender's written agreeinent or applicable iaw. - ,
<br /> . 8. te�o� -I.ender or its agcnt may matc�reasana6le entries upon and inspections of tfie Prcperty. I.ender
<br /> _ shsill give�8onawa iiotice ai�thrtirne of or prior to an inspection sperifyin�reasonable cause for the inspection. -., � �
<br /> _ 9 CondemsatIoa._ The procceds of any awarc�or ctaim for damag�.;direet or consequential.in connection a��ith ,_;:.';:'.��:�.:�::. �:-;:;;.;;�i.:. � -� :";.:,:`.
<br /> . ;.`,;; �r.� ' �,�anv condemnarion or other taidng of any part af t�+e Property,or.for`c3����ie`.�eu of condemnation,are hereb�."...: ;:�;�, �. �;;;'�:;:;;.:� • ���` . . �
<br /> _ { '`�8n'e�andshallbepaidtoLender_ :�:,:: . .` . .:-'•.`�•, : j ` :� ;. . , � .���, - ,
<br /> ` ��`• Iae r��:��4f a total taki�;i�"�.� �R�pez;�,�e�,r,'ac.s���x�fie�sis�,:;z�te�.�.,�svms si�ied by�this Secvrity. t° .
<br /> �_ � .. � Insirurs��,'���er�r zc.Rt i�•z�z�..:•�:�'i`a..�;�:.�ss..��e �� ��-�:�:iiz.r.Iz�er�s:t.zt"a'partial ta�iri�of tEz��a�ert�, ' .,
<br /> � anless Be�r�a�r and�.esa���4��iwise agree rr���,the sums sQCer�sc2��..�,�is Security Instramert s�salf be reduced���::,
<br /> the azriQUa�cf the prao�'��:iltiplied by tbe f�u��g fraction:(a)tu�'g4t�arnount of the sums seeu�ed ia9me�ately• ;.� ,,�
<br /> before the i�:��,dividec3.:�(i>)the fair market ta.'ue of the Progerty inisia3iatety.beforz the taking.My balanre'sball be ''�'`;��
<br /> paid to B�rr��;er. . . . . � . �-����'
<br /> ., -,,.
<br /> If the Property is abaridonea�b�r Borm��:..iar if,after norice by�.:ender to Bomoaer that th�condemnor offers to';..': �.°�-,::�:�
<br /> ,.�,--.:�.�
<br /> r,r,�ke an award ar settIe a claim for da.�-±�g�.��c�er faits to respond ta'�.znd�r.wit6i�i 3Q days after:the date the notice is� ��= - , - �
<br /> ... _ . , �c*i2��,I,Cit{3:.f u 3iiso 6fi`.C�fu Wil�c-`t azu'app�X�r,��u�,at its option,eit��er tu reste�aatiem dr re�air uf the Froperty crr-- - - - -
<br /> to the sums secured�by this Securitg����er;��ether or a��L'�en due. ���:.:<;`..::-' :�.; :.;;:-:;- .
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrowe�_��:°rw�se agr`e�in writin�:�i1y application of pr��s Ca principat shall ati�,eut'end or
<br /> ��'':=;-:�:.-
<br /> st ne t�e��e date of the mont� ments're:�red to ui -� hs 1 and 2 or chai� e the amount of such� a eats. :. ,
<br /> . . ,Po Po . Y��Y ��p $ A.�
<br /> 10. Borrower Not,Reieased;�orbeardaoe�Sy Leader Not a Vltaiv�r. Extension of'the�time for payment or :'':::`-: ' � , �
<br /> , �odi&cation of amo "rsa�i��.of the sums secur.��y this Security Instr,i�nent granted by Lender to any successbr.:'n��.:�::':;:�,��
<br /> .I.. ...:...�.....::.:;:._
<br /> _ . s�aer�t c°1�anower s�':r.�egerate fo reIease ihe�tiability of the origini�`�orrower.or BarraWer's successors in inferest::- .�°����� > �
<br /> . . Ler.�x s�:r�.::�e:be r��e� to c��nce praceedings against any suc.�ssar in int.i�est or refuse to extend�_�cnae far .�.. �` � .
<br /> . . : ..
<br /> . .
<br /> � .:�ay:a:s��oi a��:erw�se�-��:fjr asn�r,.i�tinn of the sums secured hy this 5ecqrity Znsfruiiientby reasan af any deinand made'�-;;��.'��"�.:. ,..
<br /> � -:�k y�;��ir:,g:nal Borroa�.i�e�-Tiorrowes's successors:�s jnterest.Any farbe�arance b ,i.c,mderia exerccscng any right.or:remedy .� ' ' � -
<br /> - . :��izroxi�-a+�iv�c�€:n�;ecIsdetttEGse;eiscofsryrsgt�tarxcmcdy. . . '� _. „. - __. _ .. _._. .. __ . .. -. ,. , . _ ' .-
<br />: ;:':;':�'_ ` ll.:Successors su�d Assi�s Boand;Joint�d Seve.rr{itt Lts�bi{ity;Casi�ne;rs,...Th�covenants and agreements af � �
<br /> '. ; this Security Instrument shall bind and�benefit the successors attd'assigns of I.eitder an�Borrower,subJect to the provisions � .
<br /> of paragraph I7.Bonower's covenants and agreements shal{be jaint and several.Any Bonower who so-signs this Security
<br /> Instrument but does not eaecute the Note:(a)is co-signing this 5ecurity Instrument only to mongage.grant and convey
<br /> that Borrawer's interest in the Property under the terms of this Security In�trument;(b)is not personally obligated to pay , � �:--
<br /> the sums sp.cured by this Security Instrument;and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to extend, , �
<br /> modify.farbear or make any accommodations with re�ard to the terms of this Security lnstrument ar the Note withaut ` ,
<br /> thai Horrawer•sconsent. -
<br /> . 12. Loan Charges. IP the loan secured by this Security Instrument is cubject ta a law which sets maximum loan � '
<br /> charg�s. and that !aw is finalYy interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges collected ar to be caliected in =
<br /> connection with the laan excced the permitted limits, then: (a)any such loan charge shaU be reduced by the amaunt �<�i
<br /> , necessary to redace the charge to the permitted limit;and(b)any sums already coltected f'ram Hnrrnwer which exceeded � '; .`
<br /> permitted limiys will be refurtded to Banower. I.,ender may chocne to make tbis refand by reducing the principal owed ?
<br /> under ihe Note ar by making a direct payment to$arrower.lFa refund reduces principal,the reduction will be treated as a
<br /> pa;tial prepayment without any prepayment charge under the Note. }
<br /> 13. I.egisl�tttoe AtTeeting I.�nder's Rjghts. If enactment or expiration of applicable laws has the effect of � ,
<br /> rendering any provision of the Note or this Security Instrumeni unenforceable according to its terms.Lender.at its option, '
<br /> may require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Security instrument and may invake any remedics ' y.'
<br /> permitted by paragraph 19.If Lender exercises this option,Lender shal!take the steps specif ed in the second paragra�h of :�r=
<br /> paragraph 17. �
<br /> 14. Notiees. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Instrument shall be given by delivering it ar by ;�`: .
<br /> mailing it by �irst class mail unless applicable law reqaires use of enother method.The�natice shaU be directed to the .
<br /> Property_Address or any other address Borrower designates by notice to L.cnder. Any notice t�l.ender shall be given by •
<br /> first elass mail to Lender's address statecl hereis�or any c�ther address Lender designates by notice to Borrawer.Any notice .
<br /> provided for in this Security lnstrument shall bc deerhed to have been givcn to Botra�ver or Lender when given as provided
<br /> ' in this paragraph. '
<br /> 15. Governing I,stw;5eve�'�ility. This Security lnstrument shall be governed by federal law and the law o1'the
<br /> jurisdiction in which the Property 'rs tocated. In the event that any provisian or dause of this S�curity lnstrument or the
<br /> �-�-- --- -�-�-�-- Note conflicts with applicable law;such canfliccshall not affect atherprovisirms nf fhic Security Jnstrument or th�Note----� -��--��-�- � � -���---��--� -
<br /> which can be given effect without the conflicting provision.To this end the pravisinnr af lhis Security Instrument and the
<br /> Note arc declared to be severable.
<br /> 16. Boirower•s Copy. Borrower shall be given one canformed copy of'the Note and of this 5ecurity Instrument. ,
<br /> . 17. Transter of the Property or a Heneflcial Interest in Borrower. lf s,ll or any part �f thc Property or any ,�
<br /> interest in it is sold or transferred(or if a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or transferred and�orrUwer is not a naturn) � �
<br /> �+erson�without Lender's prior written cottsent,,l.ender may.at its,option,rcyuire immediatc paym�mt in full of ali sums '
<br /> secured by this$ecurity lnstrument, tkswever,ehis option shail n�t be cxrrcised by I.cr�der if excrcise is pr�hibited bp
<br /> federal law as af the date ofthis Secr.:-nty Instrumrnt. � --- _---
<br /> 1f Lender exercises this opti:;:;.Lender shal!give Borsc:�er nutice of acceleratier..'The notice shall provid.��erEod . •
<br /> uf not less than 30 days fram the date the notice is de!ivered or�ai':d uitl:in which I3orrc>wer mutt pa}all sum�.secuted b�
<br /> this Security Instramer,t.If Harrawer fails to pa�a?�=se surr.s pria�±r-�the e.�iration of this period.➢.,rder may invc�ke any
<br /> remedies permittcd by��::s Security Instrumens w;-:�:out furtH.r 3'.Cl::e cr d::*naad on H��rrower. •
<br /> ... .' .. 19.Nnnn�ve�'s Ria�t ta Rei�st8te. !f#3cirrower�e�'�rertain can�itians.Ilarrower shal!have the right tc�hsv� ,
<br /> • , enfotcement of this Sccurity Instrnr:nt discantinued ot any time pri��t t�the e:�tlicr t�Pi�a)5 days(or such��thcr period as
<br /> eppticabte t�w may spec.f�. �^°re;asiatement)bef�re salc of'thr Property nursuant to any pnwer of sale contained in this ;'y
<br /> l5ecurity lnstrument;or{{��enuy of a jud�ment enPorcing this Sccurity Ir.tittument. 7hnse�,:onditions are th�t F�orrntiver: ��
<br /> fa)pays Ixnder all sums which then we�uld be�iue under this 5ecurity Tmuument and thc Note hud n�r :�ccrleratia» ��
<br /> occurre�f; (b)Curcw�»y defau!!of any other cove��ants ar agreements: (r>p:sys�Il cxpenses incu'rred in e,nfi�rcmg Ihis
<br /> 5ecw•jty 1»strument, irtcluding,but m�t Lm�ted to, ressnnablr attorney4 fec�: a�rd(d)t�keti tiuch �,cunn ati T.ender may r1��
<br /> reasnnabty reyuire t��u�sute th�t the Iten ��f th�s 5crurity Intittumcnt. l.endcr'c ngMti m the Pru�,erty� ;md iiorru�cer'ti ,� =a:
<br />' i�b3ig�hv�� tu p�y thr�sums src�reci b}- this 5rcunt} instrument ShaH c�ntinae unEh;fflE,�•d t:�;�,t► rcii��fate�i�en1 ht _ =F `
<br /> . Ftnrf:sKrr,tM4 tietuftty Inctr.?*TfC[t2 RSt�3fl�ti��ify'.tl:tat:s:sss:�heselt;�!:,:!!ras::a:s:f;:l!:e!?e�s:. .:f::s:,a.::str:.:s:a�::l�.s::
<br /> orcurrr�! l��,ue�cr.thr�r�ght tf,re�r�state�TnaU not apply m the c:iee a,f�:u reter:rtu m u��drr p:uay..r:��•h� I��,r 17_
<br /> � . . .....
<br /> , , �
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<br />