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<br /> i�, I�O..7.�Y R.�.M�ORTGAG�C��`���Y! ���MT��A�O RO�R�LL�1 CY�Y�iR1Ap��GYI�Mt
<br /> � � � � � � MORT�A�E � ' � 9C---���.85�: ����; .
<br /> �� �fji�c �nb�nture Siade acd F�ecnted this� 15th ^ �� a�� Merch � A, p 1�J90
<br /> s" •>:�
<br /> ������„R Darleae.pea Laurier � Rene Des Laur�er (w�fe & hushaad) � _ � �-T:; �
<br /> a ' — .�..t.of t�&st Part.. ti��' .
<br /> �� SIDLES CREDIT iJNTON of 11319 P S�reet, Omah�, NS 68137 '
<br /> � � �*�v of ihe�ecoad part. ,
<br /> t�ITNESSETFt�t6st the esid pssty ot the fust p.rt,for and meone�deration oc $8,569.88 (fiight Thousend Five ��
<br /> . Handred Sixtq Nine and 88/100}--------- ---------------_.,-- �y�, pud by eaid puty�of the -
<br /> ��ecoad part,the receipt whereof is hereby acYnowledged,has�aa.ted>bargained,ao�d and caa�ed�and by t��h�me preeeats,does�rant.bac ",}
<br /> ._ r.s� .. ..s�t�� .. . s,�� • �..��_� t _......:......_�. r -
<br /> ' l3��.'•iS.'Z tC,'S'.'�� 9 '»'�.'�« .�C�'`'P(�. , .�. Y...:. +..a. w�r u�kc QOtII'a Ga
<br /> �r�r a. �M�t: i„ e.-- ^—.a�-.».—`-.. �:rr, 1"'t.... �jT . �
<br /> `' -.1;�.:wnd Btste ot Neb�ael�a, • � , � _ .
<br /> ... Packer & Barrs Second .��:.�it�on '
<br /> ' I.ot 4�2, Block �24 ..�._.._,....._._. _.------------ . •
<br /> , �
<br /> -w -- -- -� y� - _..� ._.�__. ._..._._,.—
<br /> H�a�l oG u'nt � Granc�I�s3an�, h'E _T. .�
<br /> -- - �- - - - . . .. _ -__ . -- -
<br /> � � Street Address� ' 232 [emldo., Grat�d Island, NE 6���3 � l
<br /> ...,._,. ..._..�,..:. . .............__ _ ._........... • . • . :
<br /> , ................_.. _.r__�.. _ ----��._.........r._.__.._._._.......�._._.._.�___ ...___._.�
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<br /> � _....._._.... T��' :� . ~ ' � � ..
<br /> � to�ether Rith ell the tcnements�hereditsmeate andapp�teaanaesto tHe eame beIonging and sl!the eatate,title,dower sigbt of homestesd. , ,
<br /> elsims and dewands whstsoever of the esid party at the firatpart,ot,in or to s�yremises or anq part�thetcoE;and eaid psrty AE the Sret
<br /> psc�does hereby cavenant,thst ssid psrCq o!!�e 8rst psst ia U►wfuU.q aeiaecl at,ns_St prem3c�,that e�id grem,��ase tsr,�frnar�mama�s:auaa -
<br /> . vther than Fir'st aiostgage d that ssid psrty ot the�&ns¢r..�rc will .
<br /> warnnt sad detead t6e title to ssid psemisee agsinet the 4wfu!alsims uud demands of all pereons whomeoever...... ..... ,
<br /> PROVIDED ALNAYB�an3 xheae preaeate�se upon tLeae conditions: ' � '' •, � _,_
<br /> NHEAEA3, eaid party oi the first part has esecuted and delivered to the eaid'party o[the eecond part____w._..__� ....,._ �
<br /> � promiesorynote�.......� ........,.................in„the_amount of $.,,�569�88 with,.termss._,,,,,....�.,._��.� _ _T^ , ,
<br /> � �...�.......�......_.�.........._.................._......_.____ 59 m�o��a►�ments of$193.00 each to ...__......._�..._.........................._._
<br /> — -....� ._..,.�....._._
<br /> 4 begin April 15, 1990, with Lntereat at '� - -
<br /> .
<br /> �, :
<br /> � ..........�.......«.._........................................................................ ................................«........................... 3
<br /> 12.Ob% APR. .-....._........................................__.......... �-
<br /> y _......w._..._.._......._._.._..__.._..._....................._........__._.................._...__......_....... ....................__....._...................._...._...._._...._..._.___..._._... �-�- • 1
<br /> � ......�..._._._..._........._...�.......... �..�.................�...�......�..........._.................._.._.^._..�............_..........�....M_.............................__._.__..........._.............._._ .
<br /> , � and�heseas,the�iEy o!the 8�L psrt h�a agreed to keep the h�tdia�,if iny,ugoa eeid premises,iaeured in aome compsny or compsnies ;
<br /> �ppmaed by said psny ot the secand part,Ior the sum aot lesa t�an............�..........._............:............_.........._......_......................�........DOLLARB. '
<br /> ,� nnd deli�er ta eaid pa�sty ot fhe seaond pnrt the polIcy or policies contqisiin�a clause with the loss payable to eaid pnrty af the eecond part
<br /> j or assi�ns.uadhas�yzreed to pay all tszes and a.z�9ments agaiast snidpremi�s 6eto=e the eame,by law.becomo delinquent,and hns aqretd
<br /> ' tLwt if said party oi the firet patt doea not provide auch inaurance,or fails to�ag ali taxes ne atoroasid.t6an eaid parEy ot the aecond part,or , "
<br /> holder hereof�may pny euch inaurance and tsxca,or either of them,and all amonnts eo psid by euid yartp of the eecond pert ehaq beas iu- r
<br /> teseat e►t the rate of niao Der cent per annum from tho date of pay�meat,and tLie mortg�e ehall stand sa eecurity theretor,snd eatd aum msy �t;'' �
<br /> be add�d to the amount oi the mortgage debt,and the eame recovered aa a part thereot.1�aw,if the euid psr6y of the fiset peFt thsll wcA • '
<br /> and tru3y pay or cauae to be psid the eeid eum of money in enida�te.._....mentioned,a ith intarest Lhe:eoa according to the tenor and ofleot .
<br /> ' of e!►id uoto....,...and ehn111ceep eaid bwldiaqe ineured ne aforeesid,and ahnil lceep sll t�e�aq�l s►sseesmente psid,and abatl dulp keP ,rnd ` �
<br /> perlorm sll tbe other covenaata�nd sg:eemeate he:ein coatsined�then theae preaenta to be null snd void.But i!es►id eum oi m�s any i
<br /> . ps:t thereot,os aag iaterest the:eon,te noL paid when the tsma ie due.os if enid bnildin�s eha1J not be kepL insared se aforeasid,or if ths ' •
<br /> s tuces and aesesameats against euid premiaa are not p�id at or Deiore the time tLe eamo become by Is�v datiaquent�or ii esid partp ot tne
<br /> t flret p3�t qtssil iaii to iceep sad pedorm�ny coveaants here�coatained,the holde:hereo(eholl save the option to dealire the A$ote ot�sfd '
<br /> � iadeLteu�eas dut and psysble at awy t�me Jter aucL tailure ar default,and msy maintnin aa actioa�L 1a�v oe equity to recover the esme,
<br /> � I rnd the commencemeat ot euch ssa;ion ebe11 be tbe only notice of!he eaercix of ea[d optioa required. ,
<br /> 1 I AND IT I9 FURTAEIi PROVIDED AND AGREED. TLat t6o�►id Mortgagor studl and�vitE pay all taxe�levied upon�hia mort- '
<br /> sage or the debt eecared thernby,toaet�er aith aup othor lu�cee os aeseaemente xLiob may be levied undes the Lnwe of Nebrssks�aRsinet the l
<br /> i ��id 111ortgssee or tl�e leaal holdes o(the esid�srincipsl nota........on acco�mt ot thia indebtedaeee. •:
<br /> . .__..---. ..._._._.... .._.-- --�- ---- -- ._. .---�-------�--��---..__. ._.. _ ...-------��---- ------------ --�---- ----._. . ... ..._. _ ._..- --�-�-----------------�- -- --�- - �- --------._.._ .
<br /> � � 4 �n �egtintonp � ereaf� _.....�.�'��..._._..._...._hereunto ee6� aur _.�...,........band s.,t5e date above wrltteo Y+
<br /> � II �N PRE9ENCE OF '"c••• j[�YG�� 5� .�.{s�� -�/:�P {
<br /> r •� �� ���� � ���
<br /> + :'�.�.., �y .�ai i� �GC�!{:cS'.d7. .......f:�„C�:j,�.....................:....
<br /> 1 �� �r�� .-r.�..o�.�r I� .....r.._
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<br /> � BTATE OF NEERASKA. � �,
<br /> � � County ot..---....................�e�. oa this.....e.........15th.....................__..�....day ot......March...............................:.A. U.. 1990
<br /> F. � '' � betare�ne,s Nossry Publtc in ead toe ehe eeid County poreoastly oomo the ebove nsmed..�._._
<br /> � Ifarlene Des Laurfer &'Rene Aes Laurier (husband & wi�e) ! '
<br /> �� - --
<br /> � -- =�- ----�
<br /> . � I . �'" , ._.�.....�..�:� , ..�..._.._..w�.._......�..�......................_........__..�........_... -
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<br /> ' t �.�� ' ........... .....�.....................__...._.._............_........_�..................who.ar�^............pereonslly knorrr�en me F�
<br /> �? �-' ' to6ethaidenticst � �
<br />,� , =samon..8 whaee nomo_.,5.___......_...fiL�._.......nQ'ixed to th�nbove inetrument ,� ��,
<br /> . : ee�rantbt.s....nu�...__,._tll�y.............._scicnaaledged es�Ed inelnuncnt to be ..k he.?tolunt�sy '� 1�
<br /> �, . ncLanddced. : . �4 ' , i��
<br /> . , � 'l5:;5 my Anad and I�ots t� 1 ehe J:►tu laet e/ore . �: ��,�
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