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<br /> �,s.M��,p�o,�„� :, � �: .. : 9a--1 Q�S 4�1 . .
<br /> � (a) Borrqw�Not EtN�a�d-Extension ot!he time tor payment or modi6cation of amorti�tion oi the sums secured by this • �
<br /> Deed oi Trust granted by Lender to any successor in interest ot Borrower shall not operate to retease,i�any manner,the liability
<br /> ot the orig[nal8orro�rsr and Borrower's succes§ors in interest Lertder shalt�ot be required to commence proceedings againat •
<br /> such successor or retuse to extend time tor pajtment or otherwise modify amortizauon of th�sums secured by this Deed of T►ust
<br /> by reason�t any demands ma�fe by the originaf Bonower and BorrowB�s successors in iMerest
<br /> (b) L�nd�r'�Fow�n.WiMout aHecting the liabifiry of any other person fiabte for the payment of any obligation herein ,
<br /> mentianed.and without aflecting the lien or charge ot this Oeed ot Trust upon any portion of the PropeRy not then ar theretofore •
<br /> reteased as security tor the fuH amoun!of all unpaid a6ligatio%�s,Lender may,trom lime to time and without rtotice(7 release any ,
<br /> persa�so iiabte,(ii)extend the maturity or alter any ot the termsof any such obligations,(iii)grant other ittdulgeaces,(iv)retease
<br /> or reconvey,or cause to be released ar recomeyed at aoy time at le�ders option any parcef,paRion ar all oi the Property.
<br /> - (vj take ot retease any other or additiortal securiry tor any obligation herein mentioned, or(vi),make compositiqns nr ather
<br /> arrangements with debtors in retation thereto. �
<br /> (c) Fort�atane�by Lende�Not�Wahrer.My forbearance by Lender tn.exercising any�ight or remedy Hereunder,or �•
<br /> . � atherwise attorded by applicaBte Iaw,shall not be a waiver of or prectude the exercise of any such right or remedy.The �
<br /> procurement of insurance orthe payment of taxes or other liens or charges by Lender shalt not be a waiver of Lertde�s�ightto �
<br /> aceelerate the maturiry of the indebtedness secured by th+s Oeed of Trust
<br /> (dj Suce�ssots snd bsipns Baund;Joint and Saverai Liability;Captions.The cavenants art�agreements fierein cort-
<br /> • tained shatt bind,artd the rights hereusder s�all inure ta,the respective successors an�assigns of Lender and Trustor.Atl
<br /> � covenants and agreemeni�of Trustor shait t�e joint artd severa�.The captions aad Readings at the paragiapi�s of tfiis i}e�s3�rf � � -
<br /> � Tiust are tor convenience onty and are not to be used to interp�et or define the provisions hereoL '
<br /> (e� R�quist tor NoNca.The parties hereby requestthat a copy of any rtotice of defauit hereunder and a cepy of any notice . . �
<br /> ' of sate hereunder be mailed to each party to this Deed of Trust at the address set forth above in the man�er prescribed by .
<br /> . appiicable law.Except tor any other notice required under applicable taw to 6e given in anather manner,any notice praviQed
<br /> . tor in tttis��d of T[ust sh311 b6 given by maiting such notice 6y certified mai!addressed�to the other parties,at the address set ,
<br /> tarth a5otr�S�ny notice provided for in this Deed oi Trust shall be effective upon mailirtg in ths manner designated hereln.lt
<br /> Trustor js:��re than one person,notice sent to ths address set forth above shall de not�ce to all such persons. .
<br /> - � (�insp�ction.Lertder may make or cause to be made roasonable entries upon an�i n.spections of the Properry,�vided
<br /> : :":at Le*��r shall give Trustor notice prior to any such inspection specitying reasona�!�cause therefor retated ta Lender's
<br /> �.�sr�st�+tha Property. ,
<br /> . {g) R�conv�ysne�.Upon payment of all sums secured bythis Deed of Trust,Lender sflall request Trustee to reconvey the • ,
<br /> Properry artd shall surrender this Deed of Trust and all notes evidencing indebtedness secured by this Deed otTrust to Trustee. � � •
<br /> : Trustee shall reconvey the Property without warranty and without charge to the person or persons tegalty entitled thereto.
<br /> 7astor shall pay afl costs af recordation,it any. � '
<br /> i (h) Peno�ra!Prop�rly;S�eurity A�reart�ent.As additional seeurity for t'�e payment ot the No:e-1"rustor hereby grants �
<br /> Lender under the Nebraska Unitorm Commercial Code a security interest in a(�fixtures,equipment a��c:`.ar personal property � ;
<br /> ' used in connection with the real estate or improvements located thereon,and noi otherwise declared ar�eemed to be a part of �
<br /> �- the real estate secured hereby.This�:�stirument shall be constnisd as a Security Agreerr.ent under sa�d Code,and the Lender
<br /> shall have alt the rights and remedies oi a secured party under said Code in addition to tf�e rights and remadies created under _ ___
<br /> and accorded the Lender pursuant to this Qeed oi Trust;provided that Lender's rights and remedies under this paragraph shall �
<br /> be cumutative with,and in rto way a limitetion on,Lender's rights and remedies under any other securiry agreement signed by
<br /> �oRawer or Trustor. --
<br /> � � (i) Lt�ns and Encumbranc�s.Trustar hereby warrants and represents that there is no default under the provis�cns of any t :' --
<br /> . mortgage.Q2ed ot trust,lease or pu�cbase contract describing all or any part o;the Property,or other contract,ins"�^�rnent or •
<br /> agreement constituting a lien or encumbrance against all or any part at the Property(cnllectiveiy,"Liens"),existing as of the ! a
<br /> date ot this Deed ot Trust,and that any and-all existing Liens remain unm�dified except as disclosed[o Lender in Trustor's . , ±
<br /> wrltten disciosure of tiens and encumbrances pravided for herein.Trustor shaU timely peAorm afl of 7rustor's obligations, � �
<br />' covenanls,reD�esentationa and warranties under any and all exisiting and tuture Liens,shall promptty forward to lender copies • �
<br /> ' of all notices of default sent in connection with any and all exisf�ng or future Liens,and shall nat wlthout Lender's ps�ior writton ' � '
<br /> � consent in any ma�ner modity the provisions oi or allow arsy future advances under any exlsting or future Liens. f '
<br /> ; (j) AppUCation ot Paymtnts.Unless otherwise requifed by►aw,sums paid to Lender hereunder,including without limitation �,.:.�jrt.:_
<br /> payments of principal and interest,insurance proceeds,condemnation proceeds and rents and profits,shall be applied by *�•
<br /> • ', Lender t0 the am0unts due and owing irom Trustor and Borrower in such order as Lender in its sote discreGon deems desirabte. -
<br /> (k) Sw�rsbitity.If eny provisior�ot this Deed of Trust confticts with applicable law or is dec�ared invalid or otherwlse �'�
<br /> unentorceable,such conflict•or invali�ity shall not aftect the ot�er prOvisons ot this Deed of Trust or the Note which can be � '_: •
<br /> � given eftect without the conf8cting prov+sion,and to this end the provisions of this Qeed of Trust and the Note are declared to be +. .
<br /> severabte. '
<br /> ' ' (I) Yitmi.The te►ms'Truator"and"Borrower"shall inctude both singular and plural,and when the Trustor and Borrower .
<br /> . are the same person(s),those terms as used in this Qeed ef Trust shall be interchangeabt •
<br /> (m)Governlna Law.This Deed at Trust shall be governed by 1 laws of!he State o �ebrask �
<br /> T�ustor has executed this Deed o1 Trust as oi the date written abave.
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