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<br /> t � � " : j�ED OF RECONVEYANCE _ �
<br /> _ (Under N�braska Yrust Deeds Actj �i�i$4a
<br /> � � � . . � -g0
<br /> . . � - . THA7 WHEREAS, all of the indebtedness secured by the 7rust Qeed � � . � ' .
<br /> � executed by COLLEEH y. GOODIiIN AND JIi�ES D: G04DWIN, Wife and Husbaad, . _ `
<br /> to Ffrs7ier Bac�&, N.A., as� Trustee for the benefi# af FirsTier Bank, _ �
<br /> � N.A., �tr.e 8e�i��iti ary named therein; ���� �veraber 28. 1986, and � �
<br /> . . . ., .
<br /> � ,
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<br /> �` .�. " recorde6�`�� ���ffic�� af t#►e Regist�� a� ��ds af f�aii-�cr��y; - ---
<br /> . � Nebrask�p�.as Document 86-106856 6as been �ai�, aad said Ben�ficiary has � ,
<br /> trequeste� in�writing tl�at this Deed of Re�onv�yance be� execa��ed and .
<br /> . . .. . . .. �
<br /> _ � - -
<br /> . :..�elivered as confirmed by its endorsement below; � ' � �
<br /> NOt� �I�REFQRE, in consideration of s��i��;�ayment and in accordance, �
<br /> 1 with the request of the Beneficiary.named �herein, ��e un�e�sigr�c� as�� ,� � . �
<br /> , .
<br /> ;
<br /> ` Trustes does by these presents, grant, re:l;3se, rQi�ase, aer�.rreconvey to .
<br /> . . .�.,
<br /> � " the person or persons eRtitled thereto.all the interest an� estate �� :�.'
<br /> derived to said Trustee by or thraugh said Trust Oeed i» the following �
<br /> \ � described premise� but only�as to sucb p��anises: � ��
<br /> . . . , '-
<br /> � . � ' The Westerly One Half (w ly2j of Lot Three (3), in ;�
<br /> Block One Hundred Seventeen (111) in Railroad Addition ��
<br /> , to the City of Grand Island, Nal3 County, Nebraska� � � '�
<br /> . c
<br /> �
<br /> x
<br /> ,
<br /> together witb all buildings, f9xtures, im�rovements and appurtenances
<br /> � belonging to such premises. ��!�
<br /> ,-..�
<br /> Dated � �� ��`�� ,
<br /> : '. . .- --....- -�--�-� ---�-�-----..._....._..--- --�-��---- - �- --... .. .... . ....._ _ . . ._._. _. ._F.IRSYIER..BANK�.._N..A.._�.._OMAHA_.... ..-�-----� -� - ---�--- .
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