' ' ' � '���SI63't`Y§��T'1�1�� � �,��(4�`'."< i� t.�. �-�=.:4: ,� ,.�. :��4CV:4 = -
<br /> �%�����.FSI� � .Y+±��4a.�-- '_
<br /> , �--_ _ -__".__-_ - , .. _ _-_.__ _ _ ._'_
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<br /> . . ' - ` � }� ` ' - - � � . - •
<br /> � . � . ' "- � . ( � . , ` . '' _. - . . �
<br /> i . - .. . . ... '. .. .... _.. . � � �
<br /> . '. ' ': ' - . ` . _ .. .'. . . . : . .� . " "', _ � �_-__--__� _� �� -_ ' - _"__ _-__ .<�- ..
<br /> � • �a`'�`�- � � { . .
<br /> . If Lender required mortgage i�surance as a cortdition ot making t�►e loan secured by this$ecurity Instrument. ,
<br /> Borrower sBall pay the p�emiums required to maintain the insurance in effect until such time 8S the requirement tor tRe �
<br /> ' insurance terminates in accordance wiM 8orrov�rer s and Lertder's written agreement or applicatole law, ,
<br /> � S. Inspection. Lender or its agent may make reasonable eretries upon and inspections ot ihe Propeny.Lertder
<br /> shai!give 8orrower notice at the time of or prior to an inspection specifymg reasanable cause tor the inspection.
<br /> g. Condenmallort. Thepraceedsotanyawardorctaimfordamages,directorconsequentisi,inconnectionwith
<br /> " any candemnation or other taking ot any part of the Property,ar far conveyartce in qeu at candem�ation,are hereby ,,,
<br /> assigned and shail be paid to Lender. `•
<br /> In the event ot a total taking of the Property,the proceeds shatl be apptied to the sums secured by Mis Security '
<br /> Instrument,whetfier or not then due,with any excess paid to Borrawer.In the event o!a paRial taking ot the Property.
<br /> . • untessBorr�werandlenderotherwiseagreeinwriting,thesumsseeuredbytbisSecuritylnsi�umenishaltbereduCedby
<br /> � the amo�nt oi the proceeds multiplied by tt►e tollowing fraction:(a)the totat amount of the sums secured immediatety
<br /> � beiorethe taking,diuided by(b)the tair marketvalueo!the Property immediatety betorethe takirtg.Any balanceshall be . '
<br /> ; paid to Bor►ower. � � � ' �
<br /> i !f the PropeRy is abandoned by Barrower,or it,atter natice�y Lender to Borrower that the condemr�or offers to .
<br /> , makeanawardarsettteaclaimtordamages.8orrowerfailstorespondtoLenderwithin30daysafterthedatethenoticeis .
<br /> . given.Lender is authorizedto coltect and apply the pruceeds.at its option.either to restoratio�or repair af the Property or • �
<br /> � to the sums secure�by this Security tnstrument,whetAe�or noi thers due. � , �
<br /> � - UnlessLsnderanclBorrawerothemi�eagreeinwriting.acFy�pplicati�notproc:Pedst�nrinr,inatshaflrtate�ctertdo� : _ �``
<br /> , -- - -- -•-- ----_.. ....
<br /> • ' • postponethe due dateof the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs!and 2 or change the amount of sucP��aymenta. � • .
<br /> . t0. Borrawer Nat R�teas�d: Forbearance By Lernler Not i Wat��r. Exte�sion of the time for payment or ,
<br /> � modification of amortization of the sums secured by this Security Instrumsnt granted by Lender to any successor ict
<br /> ; interestofBorrowershallnotoperatetoreleasetheliabilityoftheoriginalBorrowerorBorrower'ssuccessorsinin;eres�
<br /> � ' Lender shall not be required to aommence proceedings against any Successor in interest or refuse to extertd time��r �
<br /> ,� � � � payrt[ent or Otherwise modity amortization�f the sums secured by th�s Security Instrument by reason oi any dema=zc� � .
<br /> _ . _.
<br /> maQe by the original Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest.Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any r'tgtit or �
<br /> remedy shall not be a waivar o}or prectude the exercise ct any right or remedy. �
<br /> 11. SacessorsandAas[g�s8ound;JointandSeve:atliabitit�y:�as[gners. Thecovenantsandagreementsofthis �
<br /> . SeCUrity Instrument shall bind an0 benefit`Fe successors an�assiy-s of Lender and Borrower,subject to fhe provisio~S
<br /> � of paragraph 17. Borrower'S Covenan!s a°d agreements shall be joint and several. Any Borrower wh��,a-signs this � '
<br /> Security Instrument but does r�i executethe Note:�a)is co-signing this Security Instrument onty to mori��r�,grant and ' ' '
<br /> cOnveythat BorrOwer's infer�s;i�ihe Praperty underthe terms of this SecUrity Instrument:(b)�s not perso�a:'iy ob[ig��ed � ,
<br /> ` to pay the sums s_�ured by this S2cunty�nstrumeM:and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Sorfower may agres�-� � • ,
<br /> extend.modiiy.�a�bear or make any accss*-modat�ons with regara r�the terms of this Secusity Instrumeni,or the f3o�a �
<br /> . . . � _
<br /> ' without that Borrcwer s conSent. ' ' •
<br /> � .
<br /> � 12 Loan CAdrges. If the loan secured by this Security tnstrument is sub�ect to a law which sets fr.aximum loan -
<br /> ' Charges.and that law fs finatty interpreted so that the mterest or other loan charges coltected or to be collected in
<br /> , connection with the loan exceed the premitted limits.then. (a)any such loan charge shatl be reduced by the amount '
<br /> � necessary to red�Ce the charge to the permitted limit;and(b)any sums already collected fram Borrower which exceeded . =-
<br /> ' permitted timits wt�(#se refunded to 8orrower.Lender may choose to make this refund by reducirtg the prinCipal owed ' ._'
<br /> : under the Note or by:^�aking��irect payment to Borrower.If a refund reduCes pnnc�pal,the reduction wil:��treated as a
<br /> partial prepayment w�thout a�.y prepayment charge under the Note. � .,��
<br /> 13. Legis�a�anAtleGtinglender'sRights. tfenactmentorexpirationofapplicabtelawshastheeffectofrendering � 3�
<br /> ' 8(ty pfOVIS10tt p`'+h°Alcste or this Security Instrument unenforceable according to�ts terrrFS �snder,at its option,rray �.
<br /> ' require immediat�v��yment m full of all sums secured by this Secur�ty lnstrument and may m�;c��ce any remedies perm:*.`3.0 •
<br /> by paragraph 19. tf Lender c�srcises,th�s option. Lender shali take the steps specified in the secon�paragraph af j
<br /> � paragraph 17.
<br /> , �
<br /> . i • �
<br /> � 14. NottCes. Any nvtice to Borrower provided for in th�s Security InstrumeM shall be given by de::ti•c��ng it or by i,, r�.
<br /> • maiting it by tirst ctass mail unless app:::.�.yte law repu�res use ot another method. Tho notice shall be directad to the
<br /> Property Addies�:�any Other addrQSS E•�rrower designates by notice to Lender Any not�ce to Lender shall be given by ����
<br /> . • � firstclassma�Itc:e�der'sadCr�ssstatedhere�noranyotheraddressLenderdesignatesbynot�ceWSorrower.Anynotice '��
<br /> prowded for in tr:sSecurity Insirument shall be deemed to have been g�ven to�SCr��wer or Lender when g�ven as provided `'�..
<br /> in this paragrap�
<br /> � � 15. GoveTingLaw;Severablllty. This Secunty Instrumer.t shal;be qoverned by federal law and the law of the . .
<br /> � junsdiction�n v�rr'ch the Property is►ocp,�t! tn the event thal any proJ�S�an or Ctause of thiS SeCUrity tnstrument oc tt�e
<br /> . , Note confACts with appliCabte law.SuCh�mnilict shall not afieCt ather prows�ons o1 this S�curity Instrument or th�N61e
<br /> which can be given effect without the confircting prov�s�on.To this end the p�av�s�ons ot th�s Secur�ty Instrument andthe
<br /> . � Note are decfared to be severable.
<br /> .._..---------�------._. . .-- - ---��---- --�------ --- ----------� --�-� �-�-----�---- ----- - �-- --� ---.._._.----._.... ....__----... .-------��------� --....- -�-- -- . . .. .
<br /> 18. �Borrowe�'s Copy. 8orrower shafl be g�ven one con}ormed copy a!the Nate and of th�s Security Instrument.
<br /> , 11. T►ansferoftheProperlyoraBer.efieiallnterestin9orrower. Itatlo�anypartr�'.a►vePropertyoranyintoresten
<br /> it is sold o►tr��giened(or it�benel;c�a�interesi in�onor�er is sold ar transterred and BotvG�r�ur is not a nalural pe�Sb�)
<br /> vr�tl��ut LenGer's prior wntten consent,Lend�r may,at its opUOn,require imrnedr�t�paymE�?�r�futl ot atl sums secured by
<br /> thisSecurity trss[rument.Norrever,this option shall not be exerased by Lender�f exercise�s prohibited by federal law as of
<br /> the date of th=5 Security Instrument .
<br /> U lertder 2xercises th�s opUon.Lender shall give Borrower notice o!aCCeleralion.The notice shall provide a per,o�
<br /> - - otnotlesslhan30dayslromthedatethenoticeisdehver�dormad�(fw�thmwh�ChBorr�wermustp�yal►sumssECureQ�y
<br /> this Secunty Instrument If Borrower tails ta pay lhese s+�ms p►ior to the expuat�on ot this penod.l.ender may mvoke any - - - ---
<br /> remedies permdted by this Secunty Instrument w�thout further notrce or demand on Borrower � � ' �
<br /> 18. 8orrower'�iiight to Relnitate. 'H Bo►rower rpeels certa�n condihvns.BOrrower shall have the nght to have ;
<br /> eMorcement of this Secunty Instrument d�sconbnued at any time pnor to the earl�er oi.(a)5 days(or such other penod as � �
<br /> a hcable taw ma 5 eC�t for remstatement)beforesale of the Pro ert � �
<br /> pp y p y p y pursuflnt to any p�wer bf sale eontained in lhis �
<br /> . . _ Sosusitylrtstrusts�nl.r�r(tstoa3ryui�judgsnon�tsnitsl�inglhi:Sc�uci3yl�slLi3tR0=i! T#113:�COt:ditiDri��iiCl�if2!$btFt��tCt.(�) ' :
<br /> peys LendP.r�1115tIms v�h�Ch then viou�d be due under ttus SeCUnty InStrumen!�nd th2 Note h�d no�CCEeleration accurred.
<br /> � (b)cures any delault�t�ny olher covenants ar�greemeMs. �c}pays all expenses incurred m crnlorCing this Socunty �
<br /> Mstrurrient.�nCluding,but nollimited to.re�sonablcrattorneys'teCS.and(d'117ke9SUCh�ction�s LCnder rnay rE�sonably
<br /> � raquaretorisSurblhtilthel��rnotlh�sSeeuntylnslrumctit.LentJE•r"srightS:nlh�Prvpqrty��nciBbrrowtr'soC�lig�hbntuptiy �
<br /> , the sums 5ecurecf by th��Set:ur�ty Msttument sh�l1 evntin��e tinr.h�riyFd Upvn rE�nstatHment by E3[�rrpwe►.this SE�t:�u�ty h•
<br /> InShun�CM t+nd tt��nhl�g�tions scrnurE�d hetchy 5h���►Emt+rn faiHy eftt�r,hvc�as�f r.o acr.�teritron h��d or.r.uned ti�wcver. �.
<br /> IhrS��9ht Qa reinstate Shal{nbt.�p�,fy uti 1hE•c�SE�ot,iCGelErtt�pn i�riCle�p,fr�tq�tiphs 13 or t? ,
<br /> . . :. �_ �.
<br />� . ., ;Ik :�h" '
<br />. . . �
<br />