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<br /> � � - . � , �p=- 10�.82�3 . . .
<br /> . . � � . � ,
<br /> � AI1 right, title and inteicest of the Mortgagor in, to and under � �
<br /> any and all contracts heretofore or herea�ter executed by and�between the
<br /> Mortgagor and any pe�son. firm, or cozporatioa relating to the Mortgaged
<br /> . ' Propezty together vith any�and all othet accounts, cor�traeta rights and
<br /> : general intaa�gibles (as such terms are defined ia the applicable Uaiforn� • . .
<br /> � � Commerc�al Code), heretofore ar hereafter acquired by the Mortgagor; . � �
<br /> • °.---� -- - - � — - - -- - - � --- �--- - - - --- ---- - --- — - ._ .... . - --.
<br /> , . , � . . .
<br /> � � A}.so. all rfght, title and interest of the MortgagQ�c:<;n and to all.
<br /> � oth�r preperty. rea2 or personal, tangible or iatangible� ,o�.every kind, � �
<br /> . , . nat�:e ard descriptian* .and wheresoever situated, now.owtied or hereafter ' '
<br /> . - acquired�by �e Mortgagor, it baing `�he intention hereof that all such
<br /> . � � p'roperty nm���Y��ed but not specifically described herein ox acqu3xed or �ield �
<br /> by the Mort��iip after the date hereof shall be as fully embraced withfn.and � '
<br />: . _ sub�jected to .�he lien hereof as if the same we�e now or�med by the Mortgagar �„
<br /> at�.�:sre specifically described herefa td the extert on�y. hawever, 'that the .
<br /> sub�ection of such property to the lien hereof shall not be cantrary to �aw; � �
<br /> . � Together with all zents� income, revenues, profits and benefars at ;_�,;.,,
<br /> .• any �Yme derived, received or had fram any and all of the above-describeat ' ' �
<br /> property of the Mortgagor. �, -
<br /> � ov ded, owev r, no automobiles. trucks, _trailers, tractors or
<br /> ' other vehicles (including without limitatioa aircraft or ships� if any) owned �_�
<br /> or used by thg Mortg3gor s�}all be included in the Mortgaged Property. � � ___
<br /> , . '�
<br /> � ; � �t? HAVE AND TO HQID all and singular the Mortgaged Pr�a�erty unto `��
<br /> � the Mortgage� and its assigns forever, to secuse equally and ratably the
<br /> , pay�ent of t'he principal of. preaiwa ar�t int�resC on the Notes. according to , , �
<br /> , , � thefz tenor and effect� without prefe�ence. priority or distfnction as to � ;
<br /> � interest o� �a�tincipal (except as otherwise specificallp provfde�:Ceerein) or as
<br /> . to �iea or ec�esswise of aay Note over any othes Note by zeasa� ��Z� the priority , .
<br /> in time of the executioa, delivery or maturity thereof or of the assign^�ent or
<br /> neg��iation thereof, �r otherwise, and to secure the due �erformance of ��e ':���
<br /> covenants, agreements and provisions herein and in the �.oan Agreement �
<br />' contained� and for the uses and purposes and upon the terims. co�ditions� �
<br /> : provisos and agreements hereittafter expressed and declared. , �
<br /> • , � ARTICLE II
<br /> • ----..-----��- �--=--. ._.---._..._.._. . . _ ..--�---�---�- -._..... ..ADDITIONAL--NOTES--�--- - ---�---�--� --- - -�
<br /> , SECT�ON 2.01. Additioeal Notes Secured bv This.Mortga�e: The
<br /> , Mortgagor, when authoriaed by resolution of its board of directors, may from '
<br /> . time to time exeCUte and deliver�to t�e Mortgagee one or more Additional
<br /> . 3
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