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<br /> i , deposits or pledges for purposes of like general nature in the ordinary course �,
<br /> of busfiness. , '
<br /> _ . ` The Mortgagor will� .so long as any of�the Notes shall be ` -
<br /> oatstanding. matntain and preserve the lien of this�Hortgage superior ta all
<br /> other lfens affec�ing the Hortgaged Fropertp. and wfll fot�ver'warrant and
<br /> defend. the title .to��he property described as being mortgageti hereby to the �
<br /> Kortgagee against any and a�l c2a�tas aisd deaands whatsoever: The Mortgagor .
<br /> . wi12 gromptly pay or aischarge any and all obiigations for or an account of
<br /> which aay su�h Iien or charg� might exist or cauld be created and any and all
<br /> . lawful taxes, rates. levies. assessmas�ts, liens, claims or other .ctiarges �
<br /> im�ased upon or accruing upon aay of the Mortgagor's property. or the . ,
<br /> ' francbises. earnings o�,�.�ssiness of the Mortgagor. as and when the same shall ' ,
<br /> � � , becorae due and gayab]Ee;;, �d whenevex called upon so tn do` the Mostgagor will , �� , ,
<br /> iurnish eu zhe i�a�t�a�.�daqtfat� praaf of s�h-payieent nr di�ch�_r�e: _ ; e = .-._
<br /> • ;; . . � . .
<br /> ` � SEC1"L�� 3.03. Pay�ent of Notes: _The Mortgagor will 'duly and : � � � . '� '' - �
<br /> � � punctu�lly pay �t�g.prf�+eipal of and interest on the Notes at the dates and , � '
<br /> � places and in the man�� proqided therein. according to the true intent and . .
<br /> . " meaning thereof. and: �L cither sums becoming due hereunder.. _ . .
<br /> � SECTION 3.04. Pre�ervation of Corporate Existence_and � ,
<br /> . � Franebises• Campliance �c£.t.*► Laws• Limitations on Mergers. Transfers and � _
<br /> Purchases: �The Mortgag���vill at all t3.�es, so long as any of the Notes shall � ,
<br /> ' be outstartding, take or cause to be,takE�e sy�: such action �s from time ta time � �
<br /> � may $e necessary to pr�serve its c�zporaze �astehc� and to preser�r� and �enew �
<br /> all franchises.. rights a€ way, �c�ents, gezmits and licenses nors ca�. . ;:.:
<br /> heteafter to it granted ar ripon it con€esred, and will comply with all vsI id �;,;:��;.
<br /> laws, ordinances, .regulations and requirements applicable to .it ar its • I �
<br /> � property. Ths Mortgagor will not, without the approval in writing of the '
<br /> � Mortgagee, take or suffer to be taken any steps to reorganize, or to : �� �.
<br /> consolidate with or merge into any other corporation other than as provided �� -
<br /> � . for in the Loan Agreement. The Mortgagor will not without the written , .,
<br /> approval of the Mortgagee � purchase, lease or otherwise acquire any additfans � �__
<br /> _ _
<br /> or exteasions to its system. - - -- - . -- - - �`
<br /> �.�
<br /> SECTION 3.05. MaincenaRCe af Mort¢seed Progettr: TE:Q �
<br /> Mortgagcar will at all times.maintain ar.d greserve the Mortgaged Property in �
<br /> good se�sir, working order and condition,,and will from time .to time make all ; �
<br /> . needful and propar repairs� reaewals and teplacements, and useful ard proper :.' .�T
<br /> alterations� additions. bettesments anci improvements in accordance �:ztt� .
<br /> prudent industry. �ractice. aad w111� subject to contingencies beyo�c� its � � '
<br /> � reasonable control, at aLl times keep its plant aad properties in cantinu4u:s �.�,�`
<br /> operaCion and use �all zeasonable df lf.gence to furnish the subscribers served
<br /> by it threugh the iia�tgaged Property with ad��uate telephone service: �
<br /> SECTTON 3.06. �utchase of Prooertx Free � Liens: '�xcept as ' ,
<br /> '. � specifically authorized in writing in advance by tne Mostgagee or in the cas�
<br /> � . of vehicles, the l4ortgagor will purchase.aZl mater�als, equipment. supplies - �
<br /> � �- �---�-� -�and replac+ements to be�incorporated-in -or�used-�in-connection with -or otherwise-� �-- � --�,----�---�-
<br /> ` constituting Moregaged Pro�eYty outright, and aot sub�ect to any conditional .
<br /> " � sales agreement, chattel mortgage. ba�f�men,t lease, or other agre�snent •
<br /> � 5
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