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M 1 1 C-, e) <br />-�. <br />n <br />li <br />! N _201 --c --q. M co <br />c < O O M. <br />�q o <br />i <br />On <br />• <br />WARRANTY DEED 200104730 <br />Jack A. Luth, GRANTOR, in consideration of Ten Dollars and other good and valuable consideration <br />received from GRANTEE, Red Wolf, Inc., a Nebraska corporation, conveys to GRANTEE the following <br />described real estate (as defined in Neb. Rev. Stat. § 76 -201): <br />Parcel 1: The Northerly One Hundred and Five Tenths (N 100.5) feet of the Easterly Two - <br />Thirds (E 2/3s) of Lot One (1), in Block Fifty Four (54), Original Town of Grand Island, <br />Hall County, Nebraska; and <br />Parcel 2: The Southerly Thirty One and Nine - Tenths (S 31.9) feet of the Easterly Two - <br />Thirds (E 2/3s) of Lot One (1), in Block Fifty Four (54), Original Town of Grand Island, <br />Hall County, Nebraska. <br />GRANTOR covenants (jointly and severally, if more than one) with GRANTEE that GRANTOR: <br />Jac <br />STATE <br />(1) is lawfully seised of such real estate and that it is free from encumbrances except easements <br />and restrictions of record; <br />(2) has legal power and lawful authority to convey the same; <br />(3) warrants and will defend title to the real estate against the lawful claims of all persons. <br />d May d/ , 2001. /) <br />K" <br />to Jani Luth, spouse of Jack A. Luth <br />RASKA ) <br />ss. <br />OF HALL ) <br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on May ,2/ , 2001, by Jack A. Luth and <br />Janice Luth, husband and wife. <br />,,g;NERAL fate of Nebraska - <br />MARN IE SCNAGER SUNOERMEIER 0 <br />ads \luth deed051701 I My Comm. EXP. Sept 8, 2003 otary Public �— <br />