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<br /> ___�' __ f �'f7Cf.Gs'�4� 17 _" ya. ' �"_� ''C e��_£a.c._
<br /> . ' ' . . . • . , . � . . , � -_._�_ : �
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<br /> { , .
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<br /> . '1----- .' " _ .- � - � - -..- -. - __- -a _-�_-_=_���-�j�i7�-- - _- ---- �..
<br /> � 1S. �equest fas NoLiee. Fcvecor fitreby requeats a copy of any notice a. defaulc and thst aap
<br /> notiee of esle h�reuader be a�alled to Tsnsior at the eddreas set forth !n the flrst paragraph of this
<br /> � Deed ot Tcwx. - �
<br /> 16. A�pointsent of Sueeessor Trnstee. Be�eeficiarq may, from tlme to time, by vrlttea instrvment , _
<br /> esecuted and aciatwledged by Benefieiary, msiled to Truator an8 reoosded in the Councy !n vbich che
<br /> � psoQestp ie 2outed and by otAesvise cemplying vitfi t8a provisiona af the,applicable lav of che State �
<br /> of Nebsaefu. subatitute a euceeasor or sneceaaorn to thz iruscee nasied herein os aeting here�mder.
<br /> I7. Suceesaora mmd llsaigns. ihis Deed o£7rust appliea to and inurea to the beaeftt of aad binds �
<br /> a21 partiea hereto, thei�r heira,_legatees. devisees, peraaaa2 represeatativea. auccess4r� aud assigas• -
<br /> T[fe tess"nene£icisry" ehall �eatt the wnet and holder of the aote. �+hether or not naaed as senefici�►
<br /> hereia. . '
<br /> 18. Beasflciar5►'a Povers. Kichout affectirsg the Ifa2iLlfty o£ as�y other pessan liabla for the pay- '
<br /> sestt of ar�► abligation hetein seationed. and aithout affte�itig the 2leA or charge of ctiis Oeed of Trust � �
<br /> . �pon any portian of the propercy aot then or ehe�cetofore teLes�ed as seeusity for che full p�ys�t of - :� � � ''
<br /> all uapa#� ebltgatiaaa� IIeneFfciary may, Erns tfae ta tias asid viehout aotice: . , `:: ;�:�:
<br /> . :'� . ",_.r, •
<br /> fa) releaae aay persoaa sd'ICabTe; , . ., • � "
<br /> �
<br /> 1_ � (6) Gctea3 the maturitp or alter any of che tetma of �y such�obligatioi►; . '
<br /> � (c) graat other indulgencea; ' �
<br /> `:�`i::;
<br /> (d) release or se-canvey or.cause to be releaaed or se-coaveyed at any ��`''�'�'.'��..
<br /> time at 8eacficiary's option. an�',ga�cel, partion os all of the prapertq; .�+ ' `, �r
<br /> . .... .- • .
<br />, . ` . . • (e) take os release auy �;:;`ar.ad�ltlonal securiLp..for.a�..4bli�a'ti�n�. `;�_ •, , -_ - - -r
<br /> ..• . � t
<br /> -- . _ _ .. . , . .. ,. :
<br /> _t.
<br /> . -- -- - hfsela�eacioned; or ; - �: . , , ,
<br /> ,/`i:a. �,
<br /> (f) aake compositians or eikes arr�geaeats vith debtors ia ��aLion thereto. • .; ;�.�„. .
<br /> . . • . �i; •. ,.....�,.;c.-.
<br /> ' 19. Cavernina Lav. Tt�is Oeed of Trust �shall ba govesaed 6y the lavs pE the State of Nehraska aaA. � `•' i�;�,,;�,``''�; .
<br /> ' �ia the•event any one or moie of the ptav�sfrc� cantained in this Deed of Tctl�.s,t; or Che aose or any other �
<br /> � .`secarity inactwoeat given in connectiaa cSt�:�ahis transaction sball be far aay reaaon be 6eld to be in-
<br /> • ' � ' ' oalid«�`311ega1 or unmforceable in anp r��ct, auch invalidity, i1leRalit9,cr uaenfozceabf�itp s.t�s2! .
<br /> aot sf�Eert aay othei psoviaiopa of this Deed of Truat, but ehe Deed af Trust shall�be coastrued as i€
<br /> sach itz:z�lid, illegat or et�forceable provlsioa ha� never been contatned herein or therein. .
<br /> ' Z0. Effect o£ Forbeasance. Aay forbeatance by Seneficiarq or Teustee in exercising any right oc ,�
<br /> • • � remedy hereuader, or otheswise afforded by appllcab2e lar�, ahaSl aot be a waiver of or preclude the exer-
<br /> ciae af,aaq such right or remedy hereundes. Likevlse. the vaiver i�y Beitef�ciarq or Trustee af any default .
<br /> af thc Ttostos under this Deed of Trust ahall not 6e ceemed to be a waives of any othes os sisilar de- _ ,
<br /> , fauit�'srfi�sequeatly occurring. • , '
<br /> ,. . �2. "Re-conveYance by Trustee. Upan vrittea requeat of the 8eneficiary atating that all. a�mts aecured ' •
<br /> � t : 'here�ip t�3ve been paid. and upon aursender of tNis Deed of Truat and the note to the Trustee for cancel- '"``` •
<br /> latiaa artd retentian and upan payment by T�ustor of Trus[ee's fees. T:uatcte ahall re-car►vey to Trustos,
<br /> ar the pereon or persoas legally entitled thereto, without vartanty. any portian of ttse property thea � . �
<br /> held heteunder. Recitsle in sach re-conveyanee of aay �aatters or facts ahall be conclusive proo£ o£ the '
<br /> tsuthfulaesa theseof. Grantees in the se-coaveyance may be described as "the persoa os peraoas legslly
<br /> eatitled theseto." �
<br /> 22. Aeceataace 5� Trus[ee. Truatee accepts this tTUSt vhen thia Deed ot Tsust, duly executed and •• _ _
<br /> acknavledged, la ma�e a pvbiic record as psovided by laa.
<br /> � IA i►LTNiSS fiHE8E0F, Trnst.or i�as executed tbie IIeed of Trust oa ihe datc ftsat ot�d abave.
<br /> _� , ,s� �' , � ;_
<br /> � ,
<br /> �
<br /> .� . r�me � � � � � - ;
<br /> ,
<br /> . //:v� �,c.►,.. ����/.�-� � ';
<br /> T� Linda L. Hough ,
<br /> " 1;.:�
<br /> 5lATE OP HE6RASKA ) . '"+' �
<br /> ' ) sa:
<br /> ' C011NT1f OP HAI�, ) '*•rt
<br /> ' � � ti
<br /> � Oa thia 23rdaay of b?&FCh . 193� ._, befose me, ti:e underai ed, a Notary
<br /> Public duly coanisaioned and pualified for Eaid Cou�tg. peraoaally cameJ3:'IIIIV L. �ou�h & Lir1^.� I,,. HOt1�1
<br /> to �e kaoun to be the identical persan(a} whose nacx(s) ore aubscribed to the foregoing insssuaer.0 � .
<br /> and acimovle0ged the execution thereo£ to be their voluntary act ead deed. .
<br /> • , Kitness tsy hand aad Notasiul Seal at Grand Island. I� in said Caunty, ihe daee �
<br /> aios�s�id. •
<br /> _ ._ ....... .._ ,. _._.,.--- -- —,_._......----�--- . - �- -- -------.... .._ .,-----. .. _.,.._ .._, . .
<br /> . . ...-�-- - --- .,..._..._ _..._._ .(-...--- ��-�-- ---�
<br /> My eo�sission expires: �� �-�
<br /> , --�lu�y�'.1�2 �--�.
<br /> � ���t IA�Ms -.�-E: �
<br /> ���,� Not ty ?tlblic
<br /> tl�a Ei�l►I�iil� ' .
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