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<br /> . y - ' ttlliTiti .
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<br /> i � . _ .._ DflO�ST , �7V�Q1'��jL
<br /> ' lf�t� Oeai �t TsNSt !���e thl� 231'ddar af D�12�rCh . t!90 . 6r ae� �uens Ji.rmtv L_ HOtigh . .
<br /> and ���; u.,,,..t�. t�,.,ct,,fln,t anA ari fP . AereUutter �efe��si t��� �itwtet: �
<br /> � "' • �"' Arend R. Ba�ack
<br /> � v5a�e wiltN= �ttre�� te .2 BoX 1114 ur�ncl �stana �vr,: •
<br /> �t� � L�r, �ecel�attet reterred to d+ antee. �ie�e w�13te� si�ce�s /K
<br /> � GT'allc�Island NE 688Q2; •nd TI(E QYFJlW1D MAt[ONAL tANR 0►�IlAND iSiMO• ttetet[t�s sefer�H t�+��
<br /> � i t�� Mq�e �lIL��ca�� 1� P. Q. �oa li��* Cs�d Ul�n�. Ketip�lta itiD2• . . .
<br /> �ie NtY►�s eau�liesattee. Y[v�tos �tte�au�61y R�et�. trae�te��• ea�+e�� �M �s�l�� ts?p�tee. tn
<br /> tnrt. rltw M�s�t awl�. [�e ths beaetit :d Kerrit��t �e�ettelu�• �wN: wt�i�eet t� tl� t�e,� w/ '
<br /> twtltl�r�t t�ta �eN�t is�rt. th� tollo+rLS-1�tetciM/fs�Nrs�� Lrtat�ts � Nal1 C�tT� ' . .
<br /> _ 11�[M1re t�ltt �, .- ' ,
<br /> Put ot the l�o�tl�aRSt�Tter t�3)of Seetlon Fau�teec►'(1!). la TamshSD Tea�10)Hottb. i�►ege Tcm ti0)�st of Ur 6td F.M:, .
<br /> �11'C1o�aq.Ne�ra6fu►.�+e paRfculariy dcscribcd as toTla.s Bqqrmi�st tAe Northeast mmer ot sald Nartllesst Q�rter
<br /> t�i)i t����L aouth wtm�t�east lins of m�id tWrtheast Qarter(!�l a 6i}t�aoo af S!x tiuAdn�d S�ctP (660.Q) Ieet=
<br /> the�foe noei��esi ald y�ratlel to thQ iPort4 Iine of eafd lbrtJte�sL�ster tt�I a�.distanee oI One 4liamnd�eee Hudred
<br />' H1�R(1,�.OI teeti tbe�oe nnning North a distanx of Sbc ll�fe+ed Sixty t6611.0?feet tn the 1/16 mrneri thc�mm�lnR
<br /> estaiy�taa�nd upon tLe North Ilra ot ssid lbrtl�st quasttr t!�})�dfst�ao�oi Qrt.boasud 7U�a Au�dt+ed R�us and
<br /> Si�ty-five Habredttrr(1.304.85) feet w the Dofnt�of b�rmfos. � � " . .
<br /> h�eti�e* trltb all �Ml1�1wR�. !■prove.e�i�. Ilature�. �treet�. �Iley�. ps��rdevs��. �ase�ent�, tiRht�. prt�t-
<br /> � l�j�� M���rtte��ee��'leCats� thliC011 ar !n AnY var �fftilrl�f tlif�lt�� aei,th� ��ec�, l��res. p��ttt�.
<br /> �wn�lw rM ii�sw�BwR�s� tk�se�L• tnel�t�� �il �Me1���rawe�l �rey�«f tlu�t !� �at�eM1 t� RM� L�t�fN '
<br /> � MKa.N N ���u1Rt i LLCM[�� �ll �t vAleA. l�s1MlR�i eN1NwM�1t�Nt �Nltplt� t4K�tb �r�Mswj � � . . � _ .
<br /> . IMtasM b M s Mrs �t tMs cs�! �stwc� a.��n�i.b arwt 11R�1�, fi 1ati��sNi UNi �ti�t tM taRS -
<br /> Nia�Irf�1i i�.1Mt�4Mttt� nl�es�� ts�s ib� Is�l�i7•"
<br /> �.:..
<br /> �va s�s nMro�s a s�aa�c� � . ;
<br /> (�j F.I�e p�jweet �l lndebtedrtea� evl�eneed�� is��t�c�� eatf �t ao�n ��t�MserltA te , .
<br /> ' etie�s1.et�.i .�.et Fifteen thousand & no/100 Ib1j�.rs 15 000. e•�tsc�es
<br /> . � . , vltb lateseat at tl�s dce os r�td pco�i�tcd d�ecetn, er the p�iweip,� �n lete�e�t w� �� , '. .. .
<br /> int��� �i�aeee not to esceed she cot�l'pHnelpsl �n� feltlali' �eerrd herel�a� edte�esl--- - - .
<br /> ' . !� �swl�Nrf wet�� �t�tln= they e:e �ecurN hecfbl. M/a�1 an� �il renevii�,ne/Itle�tlw�� � ,
<br /> ' as�tstMSlaM o[ �� nets�. both psleeip�l �n� t�btt�t �n tM�ts� Ml��q�fl� !w -. ..
<br /> :� � �ee�rla�Mit1� tii� t�sa� ut tortN theceln. �+blel� �� tkt� sstta�e�t�Mn1��M •ptt
<br /> I�f[ML1 ' . , .
<br /> ' ,(�) tb�peK�r�ea of eaeb aste�ent ni ceren�t e[ Tewter hersiw ew�Eaiaei{ ani . .
<br /> (eI tiw pf�a�t tE �f �+�or su� a[ �e� wbld�M�ti� he�esiter ��t/ es air�nee� . • � . .
<br /> � �f�tief�q Ml�t tM� t�� ot tJ�la Oed �E.4�wt, t�ptk�e r1tA lwt�t��t tfrs�w at tA� '
<br /> nt� �cwl�t fw tiw Mts. ' �
<br /> i�}��t�et"�tIM seeoritr ol et•l� Deet o[ ?swt. i���tsr h�rNr� e�*sn�nt� �� �=ceis �� [�linr*t . _..
<br /> 1. !� eat �t InlsLtedne��+. To pq v��m fu�� tfs �rinel��i �t. an� !A� t�t�s��! M• eM tet�1�M• •
<br /> M�• �c� y tM�ot�. e :te�, [s�� �n� �11 �e1Ne �� u�eNliM !� t���� ln�trsnt�. •
<br /> !. tlt �. T�a�t�e i� cha o�net ot tl� pro�st�aM I�N th� sltkt a� a�tiwtit� t�es�pt� tMl� ' ,
<br /> ad�[Trwe ts r�qat te cl�•o:cparc�.
<br /> �. Ts�r�� �n� Mts�sr.eots. ?e r•r. vhcn dus. wll taxe�. �oeel�l •��et�e�eE �r� �11 sth�r eM���t� ' . �
<br /> �s�t��t ti» �ry�rt�, bte�e cb� �e�st bstow��t1laqutnl. �n�. !e th� ��eee.lese[tet�s� �t�s11 �� ff�Y�f�� . . �'
<br /> E`d1 t� tM pa�rss�ta :e�usced �r�der the eate sscastad hneti�. weA r.ss-�s es.*ss bs wt[lal��t te�++�
<br /> sil� �twiltlsrr t� p�'�utb ta��a. A//f1/AfIK�Ot ����!lIIA�R�� �� ttsf iee�s t��.
<br /> '_��
<br /> �. 1an+i�nee. To keep ela Iwptovewent�a�r 4s he;esttsr 1x�teJ�R tht it�l t�tRt� ls�e�lAe� �`.'
<br /> UerNt� IMrR� A�AI11a� �Il��l.e by t1Ce and uieh oth�t hss�r�s �� RIMIIC1�i� M� ttqYsff� 1� �w�t� ani ��'
<br /> eayMte� sssepts�i� to lenetlefn�y, and vlth loes ps�ab�e io �eneltelu�. iR te�� �t le�s �wltr �ueA
<br /> �ltel��. ie��tlef�rY 1� autt�oslsed to �dJu.t. celleet �nf ee�rwl��, fn !t� /I�e��tlon. �ll el�!■�
<br /> tM�s�w1�t ��, �t it� fole eptiee. ts �ut4osl:e� te�ltlKr ��1� th� pr�e�N� ts tM se�t�rattw� �/ tM �
<br /> �r��t��e qew tM fMeltsdner� �eeur�a h���tiy. iot �a�t� ie�ird y tM Mt� dNl� eMtl�w �eii ' �
<br /> tM ��ee�cN 1��rN��s� �a10 Jn 1u11. • • .
<br /> f. Ren�ts. Nslncenanee aod Uae. To pro�tl� rep+�is, ccstare er ��ullA �ny�uf1Al��� or twp�sse- _
<br /> �t� �Mr�r M�r�� tec an f�e property; te keep the �reKrq� !n Rmei c�etitton �n� re/sir. vltbeut r��tt �
<br /> w� fr�� �rM�eh�ste� ee etl�e� 11ene aot arpae��lr ��AsNtn�t�� t�t� �lte hert�li te e�t Nt�, �ytt�r. ' ' �"
<br /> � �r /�c�!! �sy�vl�ase� to ��lwt noe to dlwlni.��os l��te ttK v�3w �t !h� rreptttr �� M�aet �� Mlutwl ,
<br /> t��et� � N e�lr.vlth �11 raqvire.ent� �t IIav vlth ��rHet t� tM ►r�prt�. ,
<br /> ' � i. CanlNnation. tn the eveat tha rr�r�.�y. o� en�p�e��! tbt��et. �h�ll b� t�kM �r e�lntnt Iewsln,
<br /> ��tlelaq !� ��CLt1N ts eoileet an� te�el�� �I1 Ce�ptnl�l��w�ltb My �� ��1� ��! 1111r �=f�Ift� t����
<br /> �r l�s lrrsa� te �reprtr not cnkee, end RenettllerY sh��� �r�f� �uel� esi/�e��tfa�, at It� �pttaw. .
<br /> �1tMt t�� tNYettw� Ot the lndebtedne�s �eeprN htrs�r�r t� syai��n� t��t�n th��tM�rtr �� t�kM•
<br /> . . .-_---... _.. . ---- . 7...1'esl�cw�nee � Ilene/lelas ....Uenetlel�s!-�ur. bYt.�h�ll ha�i ne o111R�tlM te, .�s.�n��et_rh1eA_ . . .. ........ ..... .....- .---..-_----- --
<br /> Trwbe M�� eRree irt +111ed te do� end feeetlel�rr �u� �l�s 1s �nr �et !! IteM neN����y t��t�t�tt
<br /> t0. 1!M Mre•t. Ttn�t�r ��ree� to sep�y. upOn�e�An�� «�� .+... .e .,�o.�r.� �r�.�.r�e�.n r.r e�.
<br /> �Mn /YrNw�. � �� �w rv espmded D� sene(fef�t�r �Uall i� dtsf N tt�� inteit�IMi� ��e��N h��t•
<br /> �r�11� �lM� �1lYft� �r !II! 3�QA �tCflO�. ��tiei�r� a1�!w�e lee�rr �e� �ee��i �ta1l/tt� Meaw��t •
<br /> . M�tt�f�j !L rf 1��s�t! !s So heoand�s. '
<br /> �. �Asi! nwent• et Reee�. Aenetlefscr �4n■DC h��e c�r s6t;�t. pwec �n� =uthetlt� irrin� the e�n-
<br /> . ttw�e���tb1� pee� � Tc�st to eailee! tl� teetw, leax� wn1 peettt�et tb� ei�pi*t� �t1 �! aRf p�r
<br /> ��i�l �ry�rtr lee�td th�rean vltt� or vithout t�iin=pe��n�ten�f eh� �se��rt� �t[�et�� h��e1�. �n1
<br /> . t�wt�r Mr�y �f��i�e�lr .n� ��oneiiio��»r ...tsn. .�t .��es �.�c�. 1����� �n1 �r�tlt• t� 1�MfleUrf. -
<br /> �aNflet�t�, Mre�a�. herei� eeneena to Yrae4me•• esileeelon �n! s�ttneten et ��eeb r�eta, fnr�� �e� :_�`
<br /> �nttt� �� tAy �eerw s� Y�eows peyebie, es �r,n� ��Trwster l�eet. ,�t �yeb elN, fe i�ta�lt M1tA *r '
<br /> �/!et N M�t �( �nr tnAetitedness �ea�.ee�s:•tir. os fe th� oest�rw�ne� �t anr qr�t�ent k�r�iM��.
<br /> It �u� ��tat �t t�fael! lewertbad hereetter le r�speeR eb ebtr D�N et lswt �M11 ba�� ere��r�eA�nd b
<br /> ewtlwf��. Maetlalahr. AA O wlltt�t et �Iallt All� V��hO{It e0��l� ��TfY���1 �f �IIrM� el�t•iw� �n��e
<br /> TrwtNr, wN vithaNt ra��rA to ehe volue et ehe tfU�! lAtAt! Of !1N 111!lflat Ol lllf TtYt��f �hftflw� �
<br /> � � stssi!baTS ilra:!glsC !o aypip sa Aay coust tusviag ��islsdlct/ca ta a�lat a �ac�l�as as t(+a �t�a:t;. • '`"�
<br /> !. tn�neetton�, tenetict+��y. es Ite �aent�, repre�at�ttre� os vozt�en� •rt wtUvelte/ to tet�t ��
<br /> �t ae� sa���U tt�open os In �ny pa�t oP ttN p*sp��tr les th� Out/o�� �t In�p�telnj th� ��� �e�
<br /> t�r tM /Yr�� st ��rl�r.tnR any ot ch� �ee� !t i� wtlNrl�e� t�Hrtur�N� th� t�n� �t �n� i��n • ��
<br /> lMectw�t. .�a�te�y Tcusta:. ' , •
<br /> �
<br /> 1Q. xr��tkr e� f�dp.rer. 1! .i� or any oaee o! t!r�re��ety �s �ey l�t�n�t �! t���tor eMs�is ��
<br /> -i- . ,
<br /> ,�� . .
<br /> . �
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