.� '- .L:�1� .-%'.���i���rts�.i�taa5�.,��Ca`q�i,�,�y�-�sL��faGX�►�i `E,f �y;� _.-�,`,ak�i4��•,��`F�j� :,�:, s. , �i `�''�1�t`'_t:j'�v`"r�-
<br /> �f.S�L!°i__rtf.e. _:�� '— ' —ss sn��1�SY�ILf'nl�y�f�f��f►�9i�fll� IY'�11'��`��Yi�� X1(s[.vwc i�
<br />_ �
<br /> - _ . � ` � . �
<br /> } , , - - ' •
<br /> . - -- - �oRTC�c� � j4�':-.141$2 2 �
<br /> � � , . . . .
<br /> ' � TAS�Moetp�efsenterrdintobet�rcen� Ronnie.D. Miller and Rowena F. Miller,
<br /> � Husband at�d Wi fe ` � • (hercia"Mart�or")and
<br /> r FI VE POII�ITS BANR .. (�eiein"Mort�agee"). .
<br /> i 5,dOQ.00 evidenad
<br /> �torepsor es tAaebua co a�urcy�ee tn cne pewap.i sma or s , bp Mortp�or`�note •
<br /> . dnted 3-2 3-9U (herefn"Note")[xoridlnQ for psymen�ot prindpay and tntenst,with We bal�cce oi the
<br /> . Indebtednesi,ii aot wonsr p�id,�e and payaNe�- 11-02-92 ',� • �
<br /> � �. Tb�ecare the payment of tbe Note,�ritb iatenst as provtded thereIn,the p�yment of alt ot&er sums,with interest, �
<br /> . � adrana�by Martp�ee to protect the sec�uity oi tbis Mort;qe,and the.pedomiaace ai tlse covenants and�emeats of
<br /> me Martp�ar contained kezein, Mottgagor dces [sereby mortpge ucd convey to Mort�ee the tollowing descrlbed
<br /> prupesty located ia Aall Couaty, Nebruta:
<br /> .' The -� South Sixty—six � �66.0) Feet of the FJest On2 Huridred
<br /> -- -- - - Fast���Eight- 43�38-3 Fe��� a€ Lat -E3es�er� (I1�, Vantin�s� Subdivisian., � _
<br /> ` , sn adc3ition t� the citiy of Grand �Island. Hall County. Nebraska,
<br /> � except the Westerly Seven (7.0) feet� thereof. , �
<br /> � To�ether wltb�l!buildin�s,imPrnvements.�.st�ts,alleys,P�abs,.�ments,r�ghts,privileges aad
<br /> aPPwrtenances locatcd thereon or in anywise pert�ining tiiezeto,and the a�r�ts,iss�tes ar.�i��ts,rev,e�sions aad remainders
<br /> Wereof;Includit�;,but�pt limited to,heating and tooling equipment ae�.�uch persona3 property th�t is attached to the •
<br /> . improvements so as to eonstitute a fixture;all of which,inctuding repl&x+p�+:ats arid a��itions thereto,is heteby declared '
<br /> to be s part of the tr,�l estate secu.�3 by the lien oi this Mortgage and alt of the foregaic�g being referred to hereln as the .
<br /> , ..�9=�.�,,.
<br /> Mart�or lurth�r convenants end egieea,with Mortgagee,as follo�vs: -
<br /> � 1. P�yaua�. To pay the Indebtedness and the interest thereon as provided in this Mortgsge a�d the Note. -
<br /> :
<br /> �.'�Ytle. Mortgagor is the awner of the ptoperty.�the rIght an�i authorlty t,^mortgage the Propert},.and ��
<br /> warrants that the lien crsated hereby is o f1�st and prlor lien on the Yro�erty,except as rnay otherw�'se be set farth hereln. ;
<br /> O�e piropeaay*ls subject tos Mortga�z�herein S.ld�terior MQr�tqa�,� �'�
<br /> b We Mart�s�et,necotded at Book ,I'�ge ot the Mort�ge Records of County, . .
<br /> Neb�l[s,�vhlch Mo�g�tge Is a lien g�i�a to the iien cretted hereby. ''+
<br /> O Other pz�as tiens or encumbrances: ' �
<br /> 1
<br /> �. 8. Taxes,A�e�menta. To p�y whe�d:ie all taxes,speci�l a5sessraeets a+rtd all other charges agti»st the property
<br /> - ��� - -� - -� - u�d,upon+�Itteu detn�rid by Mort�,s�ee,to add to the payments required under the Note secuted hereby.aach amount is . .._. .._......_
<br /> msy bc sufadent to en�bte the Mort��eee to�sy aueb taxes,uaesaments or other ch�s as they 6ecome due.
<br /> �. Iiwr�nee. To keep the improres�enta now or here�iter tocated on the real estate described herein irsvred
<br /> � � yainst damaje by fln'�nd eurA other h�zards as Mortga�ee msy require.�n amaun�u:d�ith eor�qaniesaccepiab3e to the ,
<br /> Mott�,qee,and with loss psyable to the M�a�e. In case of loss uader sush po7-ries tDe Mort�se is aui�oslzed ta �
<br /> ' �djust,edkct �nd compromise,ia lta dbceietia�;all ctaim�thereunder�t its sole a��9, iuthonzedtoeithesa�ply�the
<br /> praceeda to.tbe nstoraiion ot ihe Property or u�on the Indebt�Me�s sccured fie�eb�,�:E p�ymenis hereundea s3��11 con-
<br /> tinue�uatil We:um4recured bemby ua ptid i�3�11. ' � - .
<br /> � � 5. ❑F.�crow�'or Taues and Insursnee. NoEwithstu�dle�anyth9n�car►tained in gan�taphs 3 and 4 hereof to the . , __ ____
<br /> conUtry,Mort�t�or s�.�.F p�y to the Mortgs�ee at the tlme of p�ying!he moathly inst�llments of�princlpai and Interest, .
<br /> one•t�relfth ot the yeariy taxes,asseasmenta,h�zard iasurmce premiums,an8�rona��nts(if my)which may se:ain a
<br /> prtorlty over this Mortpie,aD�s reasontbly estlmated from Nme to time hy the Martpgee.'ihe amounts so p�id s��lt be
<br /> ts�23 hy!!:o Most�Y¢o-siiti�tw4 iatosgst a�3�tled#c ller psyaeont ot!he ltrlus!u resgeet to v�h3cte st�rh amo�ts g►ere� � . ' . , .
<br /> t{epasited.7tie sutns pdd to Mortg�gee h�tez::det ue pled�ed�addltional securi[y tor the indehtedttess secured by this ,
<br /> � - Mottp�r.Mort�oretuU p�y to Mortpgee!he amount ot any deflciency between the actual taxes,assessments, insnrance
<br />' � : peetniu�s and Qound rents and the deposlts herpunder wlthln 10 days afler demar�d is tnade upon Mortgagor rnquesting � �
<br /> p�yment thereof. [�C`
<br /> 6. Repais,Maietenance uiA Uae. Td promplly repalr,restote or rebultd any buil�ings or improvements now or jR
<br /> � heteafter on the propeRy;to keep the Proyetty in gaod condltion and repUr,without waste.and free fmm mechan3c's or , ���
<br /> othet lfens nof espressly suba�rdinated to the lien hereo?;not to mske,suffer oi yermit any nu3sance tfl exist,nor to dimin-
<br /> �sh or impal= thr value of the�ropeHy by any act or om}sston to act;and to romply with°a11 mquirementa ot law �th � �'
<br /> teapest to the PYoperty. � � .
<br /> • �
<br /> _ � _ -
<br /> — +i+r�'��•—' s,z._"Y .`. +.- .I 1 . , .. -ti-�.
<br /> � �` .-t.;'�i=:4,��i�3i',�'� .4-�� � � � .y= tG . . . . .. �'C. , . .. . ' .
<br /> � -
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<br /> - .-1- c�,.:- _--� -_z }—� �, _• -_ - -- . _ —_ - 'e-_ _-_ _ _ .__ ._ _ ,_ . _
<br /> • s - �`�j�}�L - . c� -.
<br /> A . , ' ,t, . , � .. ,7 , s.`VY{r, � . . ' . . . . .,, ' . . .43.5�{fm�.' . ` � " ..f,fl..r. . . . . . . � ' ..
<br />