. .
<br /> 3�'L�ia�,F ' w3 i�3�., st.e�e -_-�:.. -. f' ' - •-�:�' -��C F f - `"ts ,.� f� r• �,Za c S,,� q v c h� .
<br />� _.c:��55�s► <�,a�.� !c w4 `t �,4T c Y`�� 4 F'`' ..:_ 's�Ct�Ef�"'aF��.�a�'�sL�`9�.e`�� _
<br /> 4 �O `� .F�%������t�:�+� � � �`'a�,�'r�.�c�
<br /> — �.�� . _ ����+.����� ��en'�..�.-a�---=�..��� ----------- - ---
<br /> - � � -- - - ... .. _ � . .
<br /> . - - . . ..��. � � .� � - ' � � . �--- '- ... -. .�t.
<br /> t; � - � , . . � • .� -t,�. . .
<br /> t. . . . [`. . . . .' .. . . . .
<br /> • . � . . ... . . .
<br /> t , . i.
<br /> � . ` . . � ' ��� �O��V� • �.
<br /> � 2.06 No'actian ha� beezs brcught or threateaed which.: �
<br /> , in anp maaner is likely to in�erfere with the ri.ght of Barra�ie��i: . .
<br /> to execute or deliver this Assignment or perfcrm any of `
<br /> � � _ . eo=rawer's nbligations hereunder or und�er any of the Lease�:���•� �;��� ,
<br /> � 2.0'7 Borrower has furuished capies af a13.� af the � �
<br /> I.eases ta Leader, such aopies are true and comgle�e�capi.es of , � ,
<br /> � � the entir,e ag;eemen� with:the Tenants, . aad said�Leas.es, ar.e: an .
<br /> tu12 force and e€fec.t aad�wunodified. . � � ,
<br /> , - . ;�
<br /> �.08� Harrawer has campletec�:.al��.t improv�ments°:'`reguired
<br /> ' • ta.b�e..coastruct��b��Borrowe�� uu�de�r the Leases and aI l, of the
<br /> � T�;�;ta have accepted their� ��tased premises. � `
<br /> . , .
<br /> � :. ;:: �:R�'�ICLE I I I_ - - - _
<br /> __-- . . - -----_- :'`COVENF,NTS , - - - - : -- . .
<br /> . ,.:;,: .
<br /> - . ; '�arrowe� cove��s and agrees with L�:�er as folZows: , �
<br /> �.01 So lonq� � ;any o� the ��:.� remain ung�id
<br /> ,.. `' . Horrower will make no otHer as��c�.�ient;'.pledge; enc�srazrce or .
<br /> � dfsposition of any of the Rents. r�r Leases. .
<br /> � 3.02 Borrower �t its sole expense will: (a:l�. duly and � .
<br /> punctually perform and comply with any and all repres�ntationa, �
<br /> . , ' warranties, cove�s�ats, terms, c��ditions and.r���visioas to be • �
<br /> performed or� com�Iz�d with by i� in any. nf _t?"_e .�:-eases; . (b) na� � �
<br /> voluntari].p terminate, car.�el or waive: i;s ri�hts or the � � � ;
<br /> obligatioas of aap othe� �arty under aay of the Leases without . � - � '��;�•��---� .
<br /> the express wra.tten cons�az� of Lender, unless required to do so �. :.�'�� ,:��,
<br /> by the terms of the Lease, '`{c) maintain all the Leases in �£ul�, , ' � : `
<br /> .r ; "
<br /> force and effect; (d) en£orce, short of terminatiaa of the
<br /> Lease, the Leases in ac�axdance with their terms; (e) appear in �
<br /> and defend any action 4�. proceeding arising under or in aay _-
<br /> . manner co�ected wa,th any of the Leases or the representations; ' - -
<br /> warranties, covea�ts and agreements of it or the other party � '��
<br /> or parties there��� � (f} furni�h Lender upon demand with truQ '
<br />� and complete executed c��ies .of all the �eases now existing or � :
<br /> , hereafter executed, (g) if requested b� �ender, at least - ��
<br /> ,_;
<br /> fi€teen �15) daps priar to ex�c9��ion oE any Lease, submit it to �°+� �
<br /> L.e��r for approval, which approval shall not be unreasonabl�. _ ��� :�`
<br /> � . wit�held; (h) not accept payment of rent on any Lease more than ;,',� ;;-
<br /> � tbirty (30)� days in advance without Lender's express written �
<br /> cor�ent, except customary deposits as securit�r for the
<br /> perEormance by tk� Tenant's thereunder; and (za give prompt � '���
<br /> � written nvtice ta Lender of any claim of de£au::t' under any ' ;
<br /> Lease eitTzer qiven by any Tenant to Borrcwer or given by � ' � �
<br /> . Horrower to any Tenant, toqether with � tr�se and comp�ete copy �
<br /> , of any such claim. � ,
<br /> - 3 - ,
<br /> 4950LSON '
<br /> . � ' � �
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