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<br /> To U c.C. F�NANC�NC STAT�HT. � � .
<br /> - ' �S?M (�s�F�I�4�I�E�,�. - �
<br /> ' AS SfiCURED,PAR� . � �
<br /> , All machinerq, aPparatus, equipmeuC,. fittinge. fiutarss �preseucig iocated ..
<br /> oa real property describad an Exhibit 8 attached hereto an� made +� �art .
<br /> , . hereof) whether actueillq or conatruetively attach+ed ta said propertg aud '
<br /> iacluding all trade, domestic and orsiameutal fixturea, ar�d articles of , _
<br /> , � peraoael propertp of every lcind and nature whatsoever (here�af ter � , . ,
<br /> collectively�ealled "Equipment"), now or hereafter located in, upon or under '
<br /> - - � said property or arp gart thereof and nsed ar usable in comnectian-��i�e aag�- .
<br /> � present or future operation of said property and n.aw owaed or heresfter • , : . �
<br /> :. =�. acquired,-bp Debtor,. including, but without limitzr€g'the generalitq of the .
<br /> �1 ��-:.:: for�;iiag� all heat3ng, air-coriditioning,�freez�ng, Iigfiting, lawAtdry, .
<br /> . ' . inciiver2tting and gaKer equipa[en�; engines; pip�s; p�unps; tanks; motors; , � -
<br /> . � condufts; switcbboards; pluinbing, liftirig, cleaning; fire prevention,� fire -
<br /> exting�tiehing, re£rigerating, ventilating sud �ommuaications apparatus; •
<br /> � boilers, raages, furnaces, oil burners or uaits thereof;, appliances; �
<br /> air-cooliAg aqd air-cond�tioning apparatus; vacuum cleaning systems; �
<br /> , � elevatora;..escalatora; shades; awninga; screens; storm daors aud windaws; ' � : ,,
<br /> : ataves, Walls 6eds; refrigeratasz�; attached cabiae�s; partitions; ducts and • • ,
<br /> ° � compreasors; rugs and carpets; ��ageries; furni��s�� aad furaishi�ngs in • ':, :
<br /> cummercial, institutio�aal and i*�i�ustrial buildings; toge��aer �i�h all building ' . ' �,
<br /> • materials and equipment noW or �+�sreafter delivered to t�ie �remisea and . � -��' r
<br /> � intended to be installed therei*�; toget�sr with all. add�tions thereto and : �.,:5
<br /> ' replacemeats thereof (Debtor hereby agreezng with reepect to all additions and '.. ��
<br /> � � rapl�cemeats to execute and deliver fres� t3,nie to time such further inatruments : -_
<br /> i as map be requested by Secured Party ta couffrm the conv�y,ance, transEer_ and . _
<br /> � asaignment of any of the foregoi�g) specificallg inc�udi�a�, without � �'�
<br /> •` � limitat�on, tt�ree (3) fire extinguiaheis, refri�erator and.c�indotv coveriags;. �_
<br /> ; - . - .. - . :=��`--
<br /> . and . . ::�.;-_—
<br /> :.�;�--
<br /> ,,.�,
<br /> � Any and all reuta which are c�ow d�a� �r mey hereafter beeome due by reason � , .
<br /> of the renting, leasing and baiF..�ent o� �roperty, improvements thereon and � ���
<br /> � ; Equipment; and � , � �'
<br /> . , .f,•
<br /> : Any and all awards or payments, including interest therevn, and the right d `'
<br /> ' to receive the same, as a result of (a) the exerci�e of the right oE emine�c� �,
<br /> domain, (b) the alteration of the grade of any e�reet, or (c) any a�ther injurq " . ���,
<br /> to, taking ofr, or decrease in tt?e value of, the �remfses, to the c-��ent of all �
<br /> ;;i:,;;�
<br /> amounts which may be aecured by any Security Agreement or Deed to Secure Debt
<br /> ; and Security Agreemeut held by Secured Party at the date �►f receipt of any � �.
<br /> ' such award or paymeuE by Secured Party and of the reasnnabl8 attorney's feea, � .� ,
<br /> cvats and diabursementa incurred by Secured Party in connection wn3Cm the - �
<br /> � collection of such award or payment. �
<br /> , �500LSOf� . ,
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