- - - . _: 1 , - - _ . �_.
<br /> �- � . .. :��(::. . ,
<br /> __ ___ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . 9ar—�,�sso� ��,::,,:.���� _ .
<br /> i - - - - . . .. . . .
<br /> E
<br /> 1-4 FA►MI�.Y RIUER .
<br /> � < . � ` As�gAm� ot Re�ts.
<br /> 7HtS Irt FAMII.Y RIDER is made diis 3rd day.of Apri2�� . 19 9Q .
<br /> , � �od is ins�olpo�atod inw aod shaU be deemed to amend and supplement�th�.M4ttguge, Deed of Tcusc ar Securiry beed
<br /> ' (tbe "Secatrity InsWment'�af the same date given by the undersigned (ttto,•'Barrow�r") to secure Borruwer's Note w �
<br /> Equitable Building and Loan Association 113-i15 N. Locust,:Ga�artd Ts�and,:;��f:�Q����"�f�� � ,
<br /> of t� same date and cavctiag.the pmpert�+descn�ed in the Security Insttumeat��add.located at: ;�.. . . �
<br /> 512 West .16t�s.:�street�,,Grand:,Ia1�nd��,!QE .688!G1��: - � . . �'%:`'�
<br /> � � • , (R;?a?rty,�Ct�gsF)
<br /> 2•4 FAMILY CONENANTS.'!n a�dnibn'te thc covenani��and agreemeate made in the Secarity,Instn�ment.Borrower .
<br /> - • and L�nde�r fuutt�er cau�nant and agr�e�as�:foliows: . � .
<br /> . ,.: , , . .. :
<br /> . ,. -----... _ -- --- -- _----- - .. . -- - -
<br /> A.USE O£PRtOPE1tTY;CO�.�.����LAW.��U���,��i:i::iot seek, agree to or inake a change in the - - - •
<br /> ' use of We Praiperty ar its mning classifrcat;an,4:..�*t'�Fxnder has a�eed ut£t:�ing to the change. Barr�wer shall comply ,
<br /> � with all laws, otdinanees, regulations�d requirescients of an.r��;;.'vemmeilt� 6ody applicable to the:L�tc.�esty. , , `
<br /> � H. SUBORDINATE L�1S. Faccegt as permitted by feder�:aw. Barrower shall noi altow an}:�."t�,'3'�C1"�+3C L*,`''.�C `
<br /> .. .. Security Insuumeni to be perf�against the Propecty without Lenders .�riar written peimissia�:.;;,:;=-'.:` .-. . .
<br /> _. .
<br /> : C.ItENT LOSS INSUItANCE. �anower shall maintain insurance agaar.�::ent loss in additia��3�'�.e other hazards �� � . _
<br /> � for which insurance is required by {:c=fvrm Covenant 5. , - . •
<br /> � � ' D. •BORROWER'S RIGNI' Tm �INSTATE" DELETF.:dD.,Unifo��i�;<°:�ant � :5 iieleted.::�;:�; �. � �
<br /> l E.ASSIGNMENT �F LEASFS.�:pon Lertdei s request, 8�%ower s���aas'_g:z..a%.,�:ider all s•�;,.�of the F?'operty • ' ,'
<br /> �
<br /> a�d all security deposiis made in coz�ection wi�-,&eases af t.��.L'�operty. Upon tfie assignment. Leacer shall have the �
<br /> � right to modify,eatend or terminate tt�.e�xisting :ea�and�.i�x3:.�te new leases. in Lender'�sole discretion. As�:��1 in .
<br /> ; this parag�aph E. the word "lease" �1.:;�� mean "sasiease" i.f.L�.�� Security Instrument is on a leasehold. , a
<br /> 'i .
<br /> F ASSIGNMEIV'P OF ItENTS. $oirower unconditionally assigns a�i transfers to Lender all the rent� and revenues
<br /> of the Praperiy. Borrower authorizes Lender or L.eader's agents t� collect the rents and revenues and hereby directs each � -
<br /> tenant of the Prnperty to pay the rents to Lender or Lender's agents. However. prior to t.ender's Notice to Borrower of
<br /> Boirower's bneach af any covenant as.:�eement in the Securicy Instrument. Barrower shall collect and receive al) rents
<br /> and revenues of the Property as tru�t��;�sr the benefit of Lender and Borrowcr. This assignment of rents constitutes an � '
<br /> ab�tute assigit�ai and nai a;, assi�i;rite7i fe�z ::�diiiona! sc.c,�urity an1y. --
<br /> If l.ender gives notice mf breach to Borrawer. .,�y a11 rents received by B��rrower shaU be held by Rorrawer as trustee � ��•.
<br /> for benefit of Lender only, ta be applied to the sr.e,ss secured by the Security lnstrument: (ii)I.ender shall be entitied co
<br /> callect and receive all of the rents of the Property;and (iii)each tenant of the•Property shatl pay all rents due and �anaid '
<br /> , to [.ender or i.ertder's agent on Lender's written demand tv ��� tenant. '�
<br /> Borrower has not executed any prior assignr�L of the rents and ha.� aat and will nat perform any act that would �. �.
<br /> psievent Lender from exercising its rights under this paragraph F. �
<br /> � Lender shall not be required to entec upon, take Control of or maintain the F�rop�-atS txiore nr af'ter giving notice of ��
<br /> breach to Borrower. However. l.ender ar a judicially appointed receiver may do so ar�.�� time there i� a breac�. Any � �
<br /> application of reets shall not cure or w:;ive any dcfault or invalidate any other right or remcdy �f l.ender. This assign- � ��, '
<br /> '°.�=.
<br /> ment of rents of the Property shall t�rminate when the debt secuied by the Security Instrument is paid in full. • ,
<br /> G.CR�DEFAULT PROVI5ION. Borrower's default ar breach under any nute or agreement in which Lender tia� •
<br /> an interest stiall be a breach under the Security Insttument and T:�:ader may invoke any af the remedics permitted f�y e�� . .
<br /> Security lnstrument. .
<br /> � -�� -�- •BY 51GNI?�G BE1.OW. Borrower�accepts ansi agrees to-�fu��rms and piuvisinns cuniainr,d in t�h�is��l� Femily Rider: �---�-- � � - - �
<br /> , . � ,L4�+✓Yt.. .��. . .`��.�Y�.�'4"�.. ..... ..... 5c
<br /> � �:� � 1,1 ( a!)
<br /> . . �Bo�rowe� � �
<br /> Melvin K.. (?�tterson
<br /> �:.. .��3.�kJ�v..�. �41�-?!�!:�.7:r.��. . . . . . . . . . . . (Scal) ' :=_-__=-_
<br /> �BorrOwer
<br /> Ooreen P, Patterson
<br /> . .... . ......... .... . ... . ... . . .. . . . .. . ..... . ... .. .. .... .(Seal)
<br /> • �•earower ;
<br /> ......... ...... .... ..... ..... .. . ..... ...... .. ..... . ... .(Seat) ' � ��
<br /> � , •eorruwar
<br /> � N
<br /> ���
<br /> . MUITIn'AiE f�1 fMMIY lNDEN-�.faMb M�mFMIN Mao Ififknn 1nur�mter FQC►re:��m toAS � �
<br /> �rrfi174:J C�� _. -�-:..-`- _<,:• �._.�-_._.. _. .-_... .. f� ..
<br /> . ... . . . . . . .. . ...
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