`""��"�:ef�:.__�.�•��awasc•.:-ca. .... ... . . � . _Et.�t ..:�.,at,y��y;t� ,\ ..-f-1a�"4n.�..-..' ., riu�l` �1`��53._ %.;.a�.ltl.'3YZ'� v�,�oii(�u�•. :<•r�0.%ad��ifu:. w =_
<br /> 6f191BiY�ilie - �4ILl�uU' S`e:. " ��llQlil'fll�,�.�:�s3�Y" . _.._— _
<br /> . _ - � � -. '� � � . � . - _._., .. �, �
<br /> �: .
<br /> f ' . _ _' _ _ �" '_' _ , ' _� . __ . .._..._ . __ _ °.."'_. _.. ... . ..,�_ �. ..-, '"� �
<br /> _ __'_�� 'S":"..^'' _' . � ' '_ _ • __ . . _ . . . . - .. . . ,.. _ .._. _ .. .,.. .. . -.. . ,
<br /> � ` 9,3 . . , Huttman and Fetton b walf.Wa�tan,Ne 68461 '
<br /> ,
<br /> --- -_.—W __. _� �..`..----.
<br /> �__��;-- -_____ , � --�ia��s � .
<br /> � �� I#EAL P�(DPERTY MORTGAG� ��� �_�___._.��T., . .
<br /> , � �: .
<br /> i� : �pen�end.ta�ecure present and futnre ab}igatiflns�und advanoeH ! ; ,.
<br /> � � !
<br /> ',r� ' , DAN GEIS, A S�n�le Pexean { ;�
<br /> �� � � i; . � .
<br /> . +� { herein called the"1Vlortgegoi'wheEher one or more.in cwnsideration of the advanceof the gzincipal sum recited in the � ;�
<br /> i� k n a t e h e r e i n a f�e r d e s c x i b e d a n d in co n eideration of a n y future adv a ncea m a de b y M o r t g a g e e t o M o r t g a g o r a s f, �
<br /> � hereiaafter prnvidecl,hereby mortgagee and canveys to ' � ° � .
<br /> I
<br /> �f
<br /> ; i` - JOAN GEIS, A Siagle Person �' . ; �; . _ `�`.� � .
<br /> � � '' �:i::.` . .
<br /> �� herein called the`�Viartgagee'.the following described real eatate together with all the right,`title and intereat j! _ _ ,.,
<br /> of the Mortgagorthereinorhereafteracquiredincladin�alibuildingsandimprovementanowoqorhereaRergla�o�i }� = `��
<br /> � �� � onsachreal estate: l ;: : . .
<br /> �f ; , � . .
<br /> �, � . .. _ . 1� .
<br /> �::: :� ' . . _ . ; , ,f , ...
<br /> k.:`:'��';; ' � � Fractf��al. I.css:'�a (2), :.� Fractianal Bl.ack Qne Aus�dre3 �; :jj. .
<br /> { ' " �ea ��+Zx2y{�,� �n�Railr��..'Addition and its Camplement�, . '°,;'':,".:•;� �� ,- �
<br /> �: � . � '�:,� ;; F�� . . . �'�r.' . .
<br /> ,' .� �' `-� ra-w������ �iact�onal Lot �'i;�a (2),.#a Fractia�nal Lot� Twentq .`!.�`,. , "i�� .
<br /> '' �"�';i I . . '.�20)�, 34� Arn.a�i�.and Abbott's ��i�ian, both being:Additions�, . ' E�, '
<br /> ' � 'to the 'City o�:��and Island, Hall Caunty, Neb�aska ' ' �'� �( ��
<br /> . � �� ; ` , . . �t ... �
<br /> � � � .
<br /> � ,} � , ,.• . • - . . ... . - - :�
<br /> �` t � a .;r �'
<br /> . .,;�; � - _ _ .. . . ' . ����: :r: ��... ,".�..::..� l� ' �
<br /> ..j� -t Tt�' . , ' '•+ . . � ' . I� (.�•.
<br />. 1 ` � . .. . • • ..� .. � I I I . . .
<br /> � , �f �'..__'.
<br /> � i This mortgage is given to secure: , ` ''
<br /> � � 1 A8 Promisaory note dated—3/29/40 given by Mortgagos to Mo ' �. '� .
<br /> rtgagee in the principal aum of � ,.
<br /> � ; $ 3 .5 4.33 payable with intere�t ac:cording to the terms ofeuch note and any inetrument taken in oonnection with �� ;. �
<br /> re�nancing,extending or renewing the indebtedneas evidenced by auch note or any part thezeof; I� ��
<br /> ` i B.Aayfutui�udvtu�cu(e,),witbintez�t,whictjmaybemade&om�timetutimebyMoztgageeatiteoptianinany ' i; '�'
<br /> amuunt(s)�provided,however�auch future advances shaU be eo limited that the tatal principal amounts oatetanding I i� �
<br /> i� I at any one time ehail not exceed the sum of -�-' dollera,to be repaid in a�ordartce with the termaofa
<br /> I ' promissasy not,�(s)evidencing any auch advence(s). Any auch advance(e)ehall be additional to any advanoe(s) � (' '
<br /> � � hereinafter authorized to be made by Mortgagee fur the protection of the aecurity a:Mortgagee's�nterest therein. i�
<br /> �f
<br /> ; j ; MortgagorherebycavenantswithMnrtgag�eanditeisucceaeoreaqdadsignathatMorgagorislawfullyseisedof � t�
<br /> p� .� such real estate and ia the fee owner thereof,that Mostgagor hae goad riKht�nd lawful authority to qonvey the same. �`
<br /> '� � thatMortgagorherebyrelinquiehesallrighteoYhumesteadtherein,�ndthatMortgaRorwarrantsandwilldefendthe � `
<br /> � I tltle tosuch real estate againstthe lawfup claimd ofall , �.���
<br /> � pereni�a whomeoever.r Additionc�Gy�Mortgagorcovenanta and
<br /> j ; agree�with Mortgagee se followe: ' ' . ; ' �,.;
<br /> �� 1. Mortgagar ahall pqy all taxes s.tnd ubde�gments in re�prct nf nr lc+vied qpt�n'such:eal eatate before the eame ,'
<br /> 1 � become deliquent and ahall pay whea dr�e any lien or judgmrnt nn xuch regl�psitate: � , � �. �
<br /> 2. Mortgsgor ehall pmcure and maintain�re,windatorm and extended aiverage in�urance on ell buildinga or � "
<br /> I i other improvementa now un nr hereafter placed upon sueh reul e�tate in ui�amount eatiefactory to Mortgagee,euch ( 'Ij
<br /> ' ineurance to have a mort age clause,loes thereunde:to be a �ble to Mo - -- -- - �I -- � �
<br /> � i � B p y rtga�ee ae ita interest may appear: � � i,
<br /> � �� 3. Mort$agor�ahall not cnmmit nor pernnit any wASte un such real estate* ehall keep all buildinge and ;' '
<br /> ; i improvemente in gaod repair and eha�l not impair or permit the imps�irment uf Mort.�agee's security in any way. ! i�
<br /> i � , 4. Mortgagor hereby asdign�to Martgagee all rent�in cannection with such real edtsite. � j; `
<br /> '� � In the event Mortgagor.fails tv p�v such tauces and assesamente or fails ta prceure such inaurance or faila to � i:.
<br /> ;� � canse the removal of any lien on auch real e5tate,Murtgagee may at ite option pay sueb tuxe�end a�sessments or i 1�
<br /> i! , procure euch ineurance nr pay an amuunt necessary to satiafy.such lien,and all amounta advxnoed therefore ehall � �� � • _
<br /> j` jbecome a part of the indebtedness aecured hereby,ahall be dueand payable immediately and ehall bear intereat atthe - --_-
<br /> maximum rate allowed by the lawe of the State,���Nebraska at the time of guch advancement.
<br /> ' , j ; .
<br /> � + In the�.ent Mortgegor defeults fn) in the paym�nt when due oFeuch princi�aI'�ur�arany inetallment�:�;;,�-�af ( I'. � �
<br /> ;, _ �r aEn y in t e.�there�n, (b) in t�a repaymen t w hen due o€any u dvaoea ma de as���vi d e c 1 herein ur any.'ut�.:st_ �. �_. � 1
<br /> , � �'- 1 �.'nereon,ar(ea,��z+Ii reepec�ta any oovenant ar condition contained in thie mortgage.Mortgagee may,at its ap��ion I �
<br /> • �j without n�tice aru3 c�t eny time during the wntinuance of�uch default,decl�re theentire indebf,�.�dn�ss�cured by this ; � ,
<br /> � , martgage to be immediat�ly due nnd p�syable with intere�t at the m�ximum rate then�llowed by Nebrs�ke law and , ; '
<br /> �� ; may immediatefy farecluse thia rriort�age or pur$ue any��thc�r avaitahle iegal rcme�ly. in th�event of any action by , ; � "
<br /> � � Mortftagt�tu enfo:re enlleetion oF ittdebtedne�s �ecured hereby,Mortgc�};or t��;r��thHt uny expenxe inrnrred in � t�
<br /> r.��nnc�ctidn therewith inctudin�aoste and r�usonnble uttorney fcrs ah�ll bprome c�pari uf th�inclE�htEVlness secured by ' ��
<br /> ; thiH mnrtkage. �
<br /> �� ln the�v�nt,►f nnv�Efi�alt srt furth in thN f��regain�q p�iPtlbf`<lplt. :O�n1'f�;<��t�e shnll be e��titft�tt f��in�mc•�iiatr � �
<br /> � pr��e:�eiun uf Kueh reul e•Ktuter t�d �tll!ha rents, rrvrnue tuici itic�.�ta�E��It,river!Lherc�frum durin� tuch tim��f�.�t}�c�
<br /> .indcbb:�#tiCBH.HE'/�uttal het��t)�tCftlipl184p�'1:11lI HFk1II ItE'-;i�)�)Iff'fI I�{i 1I�fN`���CI�:,��:��•ta.th�'�lfltllt!•i�t��f�:i�i�lt uute�bt�•rint:�:: .. .
<br /> . ` m�ludinK.�m��untti rlt�t�ied ttr b�u yf�tf ibc�r�v�f us r�t•t fi�rih hF•r��i�ial���cr� . ' �
<br />