<br />200005129
<br />PARCEL 1: Northeast Quarter (NE1 /4); The East Half of the Northwest Quarter
<br />(E1 /2NW1 /4) and the East Half of the Southeast Quarter (E1 /2SE1 /4) Section
<br />Seven (7), Township Ten (10) North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.N., Hall
<br />County, Nebraska excepting therefrom a tract of land platted as Murdock
<br />Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />PARCEL 2: Lots One (1) and Two (2) Mainland and Lots Three (3) and Four (4)
<br />Island, all in Section Nine (9), Township Ten (10) North, Range Ten (10) West
<br />of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska excepting therefrom a tract of land
<br />conveyed to Hall County by Warranty Deed recorded in the Register of Deeds
<br />Office as Document No. 94- 102134.
<br />PARCEL 3: The North Half of the North Half (,N1;'2Ni /�) and the Southwest
<br />Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (SW1 /4NW1;'4) of Section Three (3), Township
<br />Seventeen (17) North. Range Fine (9) West of the 6th P.M., Greeley Count',
<br />Nebraska.
<br />PARCEL 4: The South Half of the South Half (S1 /2SIi2} of Section Thirty four
<br />(34). Township Eighteen (1 0U) North. Range Nine (9) West of the 6th
<br />Greeley County, Nebraska.
<br />PARCEL Z-): The Southwest. Quarter (SW1 /4) and the South Half of the SoiithPast
<br />Quarter (S1 /2SE1;'4) of Section Thirty Three (33), Township Eighteen ',l °i
<br />North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., Greeley County, Nebraska.
<br />PARCEL 6: The East Half (E1!2) of Section Twenty (20), Township Seventeen
<br />(17) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M.. Greeley Count. Nebraska.
<br />PARCEL 7:
<br />A tract of Iand collirising a part of the Nest hair of the SOntltcost Quarter ,(N+, 51!',) and a part of the Southwest gtetrter
<br />(SNyj of Section Seven (7), To1nshir, Ton (10) Vortl+, RenRe Ten (10) Nest of the Gtlt I', {„ liail Cautttyl Iehtaska anti t+tore
<br />rnrticutarly Jescrihed as folio,%!
<br />Betinnlnt at the northeast corner of sail hest llalr or ti+e 5outl+eost uarter rN'
<br />onJ upon toe east l ir.e of <nld Nrst Ilal f of tilt .7,I „then -t ruartcr Q t 5tirc thcncc S 0u° 09' SS” N nlred
<br />a,+J rive n„nJrcJt h- < 4'�', 51!',) n JI st nncc ° f t)nc 11touSnnJ lit Rht Ilundred
<br />(I,EOu.t +S) feet; thenec N 38"'031 IG^ N n Jlstnncc of M e lhousnnd tour Ilundred 5eventr -1hree
<br />and fort• —seven IlunJredthr (1,.173,47) feet; thenc 1 V? I0' S•1" N n Jlstnncc of lug !IunJreJ Slaty turd Nineteen
<br />Ieettil dths (:00.191 sect: thence V a;° 45' 31" N a dlitnnce of Cite Hundred Fift,v -Six and T-•enty -ottc Iltmdredthr (ISG.21)
<br />feet thenec :u° 35' 35" if n distnncc or Otte Iiuntircd 1wrnty- Fit•*_ and I'lpht)' -S lx 11n,dredths (125.36) feet• tht•fire
<br />p0 SI' n dl ?(:+tier of fnur Iltunlrc,I Vinct -I'uur nnJ til.tty -tint Iluntlrcdth. 194.61
<br />a Jistnnce of Vlncty -1'{v. nnJ I'enr Ilundre,Jths (95,114) (cct; thence .V .!S° ( ) rert; thence iV 2O 37' S3" N
<br />Your and Vlncty -Unc hundredths IG•I.o ° ,t SI' •I,i" N n distnnee of one Ilundred Sixty -
<br />IlunJrcdtl,s ( , feet; the'nee V 19 22 07" N a dlstance of Ihtc Ilundred Sixty and fifty -Tvo
<br />thcncc V Un° .111 .1 n,, K a tllstarcr of Iitc Ilundred I'iC
<br />north I Inc or, snit! Sot+th� ° tv -Vine (5..1.0) feeC to n Olnt nit cite
<br />est Quarter (SN',); thcncc S 39 37' S'1" I! a;on, nnJ t+ p
<br />Quarter (SWI), a dlst:+nce or Sct'cn Iltvtdred I'Irty -Sevin and 1'Ifty- 11+ree PlunJrcdttln (1+57' +53)hrli etortheicesterhofssald
<br />Section Seven (7); thcncc continnl,tr. 5 39° 37' S9" C ❑10,17,, and upun tilt north Iine of saki Ifest half or the 5°utheasr.
<br />Quarter (if', SC',) ;, Jl,tancr of th+e 11,uusrruJ three Ilundrrd seycntecn and Seventt -Nine Ilundredths (1,317.751) feet to the
<br />point of heRinnint!
<br />AND
<br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Southwest Quarter (SW %) of Section Seven (7), Township Ten
<br />(10) North, Range Ten (10) West of the 611' P.M., Hail County, Nebraska and more particularly described
<br />as follows:
<br />Beginning at a point on the north line of said Southwest Quarter (SM), said point being Seven Hundred
<br />Fifty Seven and Fifty Three f lundredltls (757.53) feet west of the center of said Section Seven (7):
<br />Thence N 89' 37' 59' W along and upon the north line of said Southwest Quarter (SW' /a) a distance of
<br />Four Hundred Five and Forty Four Hur.Jredths (405.44) fee(: thence S 39' 29' 14' E ? distance of Three
<br />Hundred Sixty Nine and Filly Eight Hundredths (369.58) feet; thence S 51'04' 14' E a distance of Two
<br />Hundred Twenty Five and Forty Nine (225.49) feel; thence N 00' 40' 29' W a distance of Four Hundred
<br />Twenty Four and Thiily Five Hundredths (424.35) feet to the point of beginning,
<br />