_ 1 ' �
<br /> z . �, .
<br /> � C�'VAI.ID PRUYISIO�$t If�nr pm�i,cart ot thi.centst:t�u�{sta.thc!ru.uiJ i:�tnc urrs:+h�c.tf r n, nt thc co he�ulid.(f,iny p:ut uititn runtr:ut reya�res
<br /> p�}meotofine�stir.t�resnh;uithelaKpertmn.thenc�iuw�tlt�nl�ha�tth:r�gtutacollert re�mm:fhefefiiau em. •hthete�calh�wctauturollec[. `
<br /> COt�Pi.F:7F.\FS.40FTNISCO`"f'RACT:f'hi�contract�a�►on1�f+echanged�f hr�tA}atfanS l a,r�e�rt wntia�: -
<br /> Thefo!louiRgrtoticehnnQStomtattrntionthcrigfit,thai3tutire+anaAen�hi.cuntta;tn.ni3t��atinanc�alin.titutwnarabartk.:usdishnuldnota:etha[theunput• � '
<br /> � tame of this pm�•�tiwn i�.tm�ccdi+}it�appeaartce in ten pom�,twtd f:crc t}pe- �O��y�� _ .
<br /> NOTlCE �_�� �
<br /> Thls credit eontract tirances a puachase. All 1eg81 �ights wttiCh the Buyer hss 8�g inst the Seiter arising
<br /> � out af thls iransacflot+.i�lerding a1! ciaf�a ar� ds�anzes, are afso val�d agaInst an�haider af this contract.
<br /> Tha Nght to recotier mortey from the hoides under this provlsian is fimited to the amount paid By the t�uyer
<br /> under this contract. �
<br /> A ctaim is a tegatty valid reasnn for suing the Seiler. A detense Is a tegaliy vaiid reason to� not paying
<br /> � tha Setter. A holder ts anyane trying to coltect for the pur�hsse. , � �
<br /> Y.'V`S'L'RA.'�CECA.tiCELLATTO\:Iflhati�ereµue.tedinsuran �nthitipur�ha�e,Imaycan�el�uchnyue�tforia,ursnceforu,�x:�,xspnKiihirtfifteen(iS�Aaysfromthe '
<br /> date of this contract b}•aotif}•ing}au cn the tu�lder af this can in areting.1 l:ne�w th�t the�caneeil3tcon of my coven�ee wilt i��-:�nged with the in,ursare carsie�Ys)snd
<br /> aFull�efundofmyprea►iumisitogetherwithapplicablefinan:ec ewillbe�reditedu,thiticnntr�ct. , �
<br /> 'P1.EA5EN07E:Iflhave�tyuestedinsuranceintfiis Purcha,e.l iltreceicea�thinthirtgt30�day�acenifieateofinsurancemorefultydeacribingtheinsuranceeocerage.
<br /> 1 knoa that if there i�any conflrct in Ute cosetage e�r the iangu:ig nf the cemfrcate of in+urance and the fMtowing Noa:e of Propnsed tnsursnce that I am cuvered on!}ta
<br /> thecccentctatedinthef�ItctiwingNotireofPropased►nsurancc.l�l, knn:�thatFhstieimur►rtcero�rrageontyifthd�c'�eencftatgedfarit. �
<br /> 6 z�ke nutice that eilher Cccdit Life or Credit�.:�.i�nt and H:aEth .uran�r. r both,w i116e applicable ta this Satcs Contna or the reverse sidt onty if I have chosen
<br /> itbrs�ingtherequestforsuchinsuraner.Thi+imur�.;xu�:ftcsnt}r.n•e asigningtherrticeatattheeouf�reachtypeofinsur.u►ceshown_Su6lecttnacceptanee
<br /> • bg ihe irssurance rnmpany.the insuran:e weli be ei�e.it z a..�f:,�t an w ,c�tinu�out}Fcr�n�st�her ot mnnths aner_Ihe effectitie date equal to t6e numbrr�f
<br /> ma;sth:p�aj�ihiiu.t�anle�,isit�1f�3!liiia psriirulsr irtsa:rII�e fR:iC IIat pmti ::p+zt-agC fAi my s.;_,:sew Qaymenu.und tfiat during that peatn!of time t wilf not have any
<br /> in+utanee coc•erage_�f!brrtefits and proceeds of tfie i�surance u•ijl be pai or to a finan:iaF institutron or a bank if it�urchases the Sates Conmsct tu the extept of its
<br /> interzas and any 6sLs.-:.e aitl be payabte:o me.The initiel amouns of C it Li nsurance is[he amount required ta repay the Total of Payments:thereafter,the insurance
<br /> , derreases by the ssr.euntt�f each rnonthly payment on a schedu!rd 30 Y I7J514.I am ointly oh:igsted on the Sales Cantrac!with a Co-Bo}er,and we 6ate bat[�signtd
<br /> iherra{uesifnrCredrtE.ifelmunr.:e.deathhertefit+wiHhepayaE�fe,: •w�ithsespea t�efirst�izeofustodie.Subjecttnexclusions,eliminatiansorwaiaagperiodstated
<br /> intteinsuraneepolic}orcertifica::.CreditAcciJeptandFtralchtrs nceisfartheben tamourstofl-3Qthofeacbmonth'spatimentforeachdaytttatlamtotallydisabted
<br /> � due tcs an injury,ar siekness wbite S cue any payment to you:fiow e� v,l under5tand that 1 ce to be prevented from working dur co suth total disability for more than four-
<br /> � ceea I,fa)consecutice days befare t�e insurance 6enefit i.paid • k to the tic+t day nf my to I di,ahiluj.I also know that!ea+�ot nMat�e sew insuranoe frompon if 1 � �
<br /> � amoser65yqrsofagetad8y.andlaiwknowt6atthelmur rnverageprovitledtome ayconta[namaximumatnnuatofcoseragewhtchwpinotp��insome •
<br /> . cases.tbeentire emount that I ow�e y'ou.Due u�"the maximu mnunt nf cm•rr�ge�tafed in the t rance policy,l&naw that am unpaid amour.t in excess of the insutanCe
<br /> c�i�'rase wip still have to be paid.lf thr Sales Contr.�c�t i.pn-p d"m fulf prinr to the last paS men[d•rtc,•ny uneamed intiurance przr.;ioms will be refunded to me in the maa-
<br /> r.�-rr�icribed by lau•.Within t6ir�s,•30�aays.l u-i�l recei1e e e,:eificata uf in,uraner more futh�des 'bing my insurance cr.�r�r�,;e.If the insurence is not accepted by
<br /> cl:e i.-,�:.--�nce c�mpany.l will recei�•�z-efurtd of the in5ur nce r�^iu^iti t have paid.
<br /> �f,El'F.B:Thenexttw��paragraphuuntair�u•uranuesrelar..s:o.i�i.r5alegirenbyustnthefiran�ialinstitun �rbarkinordesf��rittobuyt�iscontruct. '
<br /> F[3R YAI,UF:RF:CEI�'F.p,setler hereb}sells,as�igns,con�e}•s.u;uititer+and delivecs to �
<br /> lAs,��ee)�I!nf it+agh�.,title and intem�t in and ta the IntitaFl-ctien�Sates Contrset and:►?urtgage,t��gether with atl liens e�:,;c:g co secure i[�payment;and the propeety
<br /> enesmhered hereby.Astiignee i�hereby�ubtitituteQ as;�longa�ze ur�er the 4lortgage pruvi+ion+��C thiti contrdet.Setl�r esarr n:�w;�represents:l l)It hac the right to make � � '
<br /> lh3s��gnmen�12)All statementti and itKUre+in thi�contr�E-�an9•in itee Auyer'c statemCr�i are matetiaf Iy tnie and cc�n•ecr.(='�e'i,t�coatract arose from the bona fide sale '
<br /> oTt��gaiJc and sen•ic�ti dr+criheJ herrin;l�l�Thr es,h Qou r.garment,huw•n in thn cuntract ua�aclual(y paiJ by Buverand r.o p;trt af saiJ dutivnQayment was loaned di-
<br /> recttt ar indirretly My Seller tu Fluyet:15►F::scb Buyar iti kea:i;aimpetent tn cuntracr.�6i This cvntract ia nnt and u��?aot he,ubject«,any claim,defen,e.demand or nght
<br /> of o{t;et:171 The execution uf thir a+nuact and the uaQerli�in�tiales tren�acnan gi�ing ri�e tfiereto d�d not viulate aac-Yederal ar,tate law,directive.rute or regulation naw •
<br /> in efftet:(811n the ecent that Ih�+c�mtrac�t or the un:!Ki}�icr tidle,tran,acunn i,,ub�ect tn a right of rexissiun ar�sacella:ion�ti•the Buyer,such resci+�ion or eancefla- •
<br /> tion�rie�d hati expired:�nd t�enher Ihe sale rtor tht+cunua�t Fa�Fc�n cancelled ur re.cinded.THIS CO!liRAET IS S!';D�Y SELL��iY'UTHOUT RECOURSE.
<br /> �i TF:ST11�tONY WHFRFOF,the undcr,igned is an auth��rir.;r�aresrn4au�c uf lhe Seltera�d har sicr.;,.�+Er�t�u•on*c;?�;::',;the S.:Iler on this .
<br /> �=Y �� -- -- -------.�.__�._. ._�__ .!�_. :. - =--=>r-s:
<br /> . � , � 'z
<br /> Th:soregomg im�run�ent wati ackui�wlcdged hetnre me on _____ ___ THE PACESETTER CORP�TR�iTION(Selter)
<br /> . . ,
<br /> _ _..-•- ----�------.- . 19___z �
<br /> . H} —. - -_--__._.__.._ .__.__.�-.._�_.. . . f',�
<br /> hyt:�.aufhuri�eJagcnlnf5c�lcnahoi. ----- .-. .._�_..__ .____._ .
<br /> � M}tnn�<a:i��iuncKpitCti:
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