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<br /> tNiS IIDEMTUgE, Msde and executed this�,_3 dsY of March. 1990 by and bet�teen 9iit L. Hait�es ar►d •
<br /> • Ma�9aret N. Q�rnes. A�s�d ard �ife, of Der�ver, Coloesdo prties of�the first WK, arsd NASH FINCN fA1DANY
<br /> ; of 33a1 Gorheo Aveswe. Mier�eapolis, Mirnesots, psrty of the secad prt. .
<br /> • � Y1TlIESSEiH, Thot said parties of thtfirs!part, for artd fn�anxideratfm of Seventeete Tho.usat!d.and-� .
<br /> � �ncl1QO.�otUn �f17,00G.00) paid by tE�e safd parEy of the secad part, Che �eceipt whereof is 6ereby:: •. -�
<br /> ' aci�wiiE�t4qed, have 9rnted. berqained, sold snd carreyed, ard bY thae pra�ises, do prant, bery�in, sett aiid�_�_�`� � .
<br /> ca�vey, �+►to said partY cf;�secoM Wrt, the�acticstin9 described rcal estete, �itusted in the Canty of . - .
<br /> ' ,-Hatl.'in the Stat� of Net��,� to•dit: " � .
<br /> The westerLy Sixi�--�;��es G�?kr`*��a#.tt7e��terly Ei9hty-Teo t�') ot Lot Fouc,(4). f�.;".;,��:.'�-
<br /> . .
<br /> ' . Btocic Cne tU in�t�r£tc4��$.?Fir'se's�i'vi&4cn in the City of Grand lstani � . -
<br /> . .
<br /> --, - .�_. . . ...� . . _ . . .
<br /> _ . . ..,.._ :• .: .:, .• .. . ,"°:.:. :.
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<br /> . te9etfier rith all_the teitie�es�ts', her�q�ts as+d.�ppurterw�ces to the seaie belan9in�.:!and`etl`tf►e'estate, ' . �(
<br /> � title, darcr, c��zt of ho�estead, cEa;�ss::��d�de�yhauoeber.:a# the ssid parttes ofj�Elitr`first part'af, in . ;. :<
<br /> • ' . or to said pra�ises or any part there,�¢;�ihat saic�;pree►ises are free fraa atl"incurbt�atfees except an '��":'_•�:�:: •,
<br /> ` existiny firat �ortgage of cecord (fraa�parties'af:�Kt first part ta The EquitaDle Buildin9 and I.oan . , _ . ,':•.
<br /> � ' . Assoeistian of Grand lsland. Mebcaska, reeorded oi►�Jaly 8, 19E6 ss Ooeu�ent No. 86-103b93, a�l e�pL . , . ;. ..
<br /> easemmts ard restrictians ot record, erd thet said parties of the fi�et part i+ilt rrercaM and defend the ',,-;.,.�"`;'
<br /> • titte to seid premises against the la�ut claims and demaMs of att persons r hansoever r�ccep t'a s-a b o v e •
<br /> provided. . , • ; • ,..,, ''�:;;:
<br /> . �. .
<br /> � � Provided elways. and these presents are upon these c�rt+litiais: lfiereas. said psKirs ot the first � ' i.µ
<br /> ; part hsve eacecuted and delivered to the seid party of the seca�d part a Pruaissory Note of even date hereof, � ; �
<br /> payabte on de�erd in thr an�ots►t of Severtcem Thousaad and ne/100 Ootlars (f17,000.00);Witb interest et the : -
<br /> rate of twelve percent I12.0%> pe� a�rx�• Mow. if the ssid parties of the first part'shill wetl srd truly . � : ,..
<br /> pay or cauce to 6e paid the said sun of ewney in said note mmtioned. �itb interest th�reon accordir� to the � :"`
<br /> terwr and effeet of aaid note. and shall duly keep, perfarm all the other covenanta and ayvea�er►ts herein ;
<br /> contained, then these presents to be null and vo�d. But if said su�of moneY ar erry part thereof, or any `,
<br /> interest thereon, is not paid Mhen tbe same is due, or if said parties of the first pari ahall feil to keep
<br /> and perfor�any covenanis herein contsirxd, the holder hereof shall have the option to cterlare Lhe whole of ---
<br /> : �{� {�y�,,.�as �k�e An!1 oaYabte at enY time after sucA faiture or default, and may n�aintai�an action'at � .
<br /> . � • taw or equity to recover the same ard the cumnencement of sucb actien shalt be the onty raiice ot t�e � � �; -
<br /> exerctse af ss:�aption cequired• '. '::
<br /> �i '�t
<br /> �. . . , . . , r.;{:.'c
<br /> ' IN TEST1ilONY YNEREOF, We have he�eunta set our hands the day above written. �
<br /> '. . � ' •��, .4 �+.
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