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<br /> . LIS PENTiENS A/!— i,�l��� �
<br /> �y�
<br /> Notice is hereby given that a Petition has been f�Ied in the
<br /> District Court � of Hall County, Nebra�i�a, wherein C�ty National
<br /> Bank and Trus� Company, Hastin�s, i���i�ask�, a National Banking
<br /> Corparation, is Flai�tiff, and Kea�.y Construction Cc�npanY, a , , •
<br /> - ` -- �:e�r-a�ka-Gor}�aration, and K-�1.��:t.:.r??c. , a• Nebraska Cozporatioa, , . -- -------- --- ,
<br /> are ths Defendants, the objec� aad...��ra��er of whicn is to �btain �
<br /> an accaunting from said Defendants 'o€ the amount due Plaintaff on
<br /> � the Mortgage dated October 29, .���3., a�d fil�d in the Office af , . �
<br /> th� Register of Deeds, Ha1T �ounty, Nebraska, an November 6, . ,
<br /> .
<br /> . 1981, as Document No. 81-OCt��5�8, wherein Kealy Constructian •�� ,
<br /> _ • :..,:,..-. _. .._� ��...
<br /> � Company, a _ Nebraska Corporatian,- and K-M Co. , Inc. , '_a Nebraska . _ ...�, • ,
<br /> � Corporatxon, mortgaged and con���3�ed to City Natiotta.l Bank and .
<br /> Trust Company, Hastings, 1':�braska, a Nationai Banking �
<br /> Corporation, the �following ��c�ribed real estate �itu�ted in
<br /> � Ha11 .County, Hebraska, to�wit: �
<br /> All that part o� Lot One, in Section One, Townsl�ip Niu� : �
<br /> North, Range Eleven West �of the 6th P.M. , in Ha�I � .
<br /> `�.�;� County, Nebraska lyinq We�� af the line dividing Lots . :
<br /> Six and Seven in said Sect_an as said line is projected ;
<br /> north to the North lin�. of said Section and more , F ,
<br /> particularly described as :�ollows: Commencing at the
<br /> �. point where said projected line intersecta with the � _
<br /> r►orth line of said S��tion, thence in a westerly . , _
<br /> - - � direction alang the north Iine nf said we�ti�n tQ the . -_
<br /> bank of tha channel of the Platte River, thence in a :� �`;i
<br /> � southwesterly direction along the bank of said channel �r �
<br /> to the Southwest point oE said Lot One, t.�ence easterly , 'i
<br /> alang the south line of said Lot One to �ha point where :�`
<br /> t the south line of saia lot intersects with said
<br /> • � , � projected line, t�ence north along said projected line Q
<br /> to the point af beginning, together with all and r �.
<br /> � singular tha heredi.taments thereuntv belonging .,r; .
<br /> ' , including easemEZL�s and rights as specifica�Iy _ �
<br /> desc�ibed in the d���3 recorded irc Book 96 on P�ge 60 of ' ;�,�
<br /> the ?�eal Estate Deed Records az said County ih the � ; ��
<br /> office of the Register of Deeds thereof;: � �
<br />,
<br /> to obtaia� a foreClosure of said Mm�tgage and to have the same
<br /> _ declarea a lien upon .the interest o� I�ea1y Construceion Gompany,
<br /> . ..... .- ---�-- ------ ---- -�--�- -- ---.._ . Inc�.�,�-�-a�---Nebraska------._._...__....-- -�----... .
<br /> � a Nebraska Corpo7cation�, and------K--M---��Co: �,���-� �
<br /> � Carporation, in the real estate and appurtPt�ances thereto; to
<br /> �3�ave said rea� estate anc� appurtenances sold tio satisfy the
<br /> amount so founc� due, ��agether with the cast of suit, and to
<br /> fareclose �he �aid �afendants of al�, right, title, interest,
<br /> - . ., .
<br /> . _ �. . - .. . ... „ _ :.... � , . . � . �
<br /> �
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