r ..,� � _ : . . ,: ._
<br /> ,. •
<br /> d t ,�•'`�r{ �#-, �r '' 4<��.� �,�� "a �L�.-i�€.�1..'+f`�b.4 '�fI 7•`' �.�.�`,�'�Y..�°�.�i.e t�� •�, , �.c�� .n.•.• i.�r+�[�`E- °_�
<br /> - �'�+�.._ _ T.}i,���A,.`.'�5..*`�;��� i �'�k7B�� �� ' ��S`�.�.��� 'l�d3d�� �,, . �_�--'-- --.--
<br />_"_ ' ` : . . . ' ;c . _ � . - - . . .. . . .. — -- � . _._- - - ...
<br /> . _.'-- . ' . . . � . . . . -- . .�
<br /> . - . fC8050i1
<br /> � 9Q--� 101'7'7�. P�eZo�2 .
<br /> Trustor{s)�and�teh oT th�en iunhsr aav�nmis and pnes�rith 8�nefklsry as toiTows:
<br /> (y To pay a8 tierti.l�dIIrt�rus,or other assessments esstnit the P+�PMY.�nd tu P�Y wAen due ait assessrte�.�es.rene►.hres.or char�es upa+ilse properry w
<br /> urtder ry Maw.Dsmut&mns�.a prtvd�qs assiyned m Bertefidary aa additianal a�auiry m CnsTnist Oeed.+ndudrtp those in or on pubk aomain.
<br /> (2} TO inaun�nd keep insurad bus�inps and other improvemenu includrg fiknuas anC ettachmeras now art ar hereafter piaced on tAe propeny 0�O+e sacs+accon of
<br /> � Benefldary.Sufi i�vraneswfli bs approved by and Ceposited with Benefidary.and en�rsed�tass payaIIte dause to 8eae�rdazy. Ar�sttms so teteived bY Betie5datyt -
<br /> may 0�usM b pry tar recansUiuc6on at�e Qestray�d improvements or it not so eppGeC may be apptied,at the option o!Benet�ciary:in payment of arry indebteQrtess
<br /> mtncad or unmauxoB saeute6 iry ti�i�ttust Dae�2.
<br /> � ' - � To iwp afl bui[6np�,tuORfs.anadtmertts,and o4�er imyrovements now an cr hereafter plaoed on C�e pmpany oavpiad and'm good repair,mairttertarxe.artd
<br /> eartd�on artd b t�ltNt mrtmdtror part�t m�r aets ot waste ar arty impai�ntol the vatue ot tRe property. Henefidasy may enter upors Itte property ta(nspeu ttre aame M to �
<br /> ' Pxtam anp acD��d herain ar in ths toan apreement(s)_ , � ' .
<br /> (4) kt rtN ov�nt Trustor{�fai(s oo WZY�1►��s.Iud9me�tts.assessmet�s.taxes.rertts,tee�.a charQes or mainrain any ins�ns.�'..a on the properry.bwldinge.fixtures, �
<br /> athd�menb,ar improvemer�as provlded heretn or in the toan agreement(s),Benefiaary,at iis opDOn,may make s��ar�inanTS or prov�.de insurance,maintenance,ar ,
<br /> repain and�ry►ametmts paid 4rarefar wis bacarrte part oi ihe prinapa!indeLteQnes�seatted hereby.be immediaLey due and payaWe and bear interest at the deFwt[rate
<br /> pravfEW in Qr rot�(s)han Ih�Qat�of payment un51 paid. The advancement by 8enefisxary ot any such amcunts will irt�o manner limit the right af Benafiday to deds�e �
<br /> Troslor(s)In d�tautt or�x�rd�e any of Banefidary�s other dQncs and remedies. ,
<br /> (� fn 1M svani Bns�fidary is a pany O�any li�qatian afiectinp the properry a the lien of�Is Troat OeeA.indudirtp arry acdon 6y 8ertefivaryCC m entoraa thts Trust Deed a
<br /> ary witin whid�8�nefidary is namad a defen0ant(nauding eandertrmation an0 bankruptq procee�nps)BeneTiBary may inau e�renses ans�ae paymenss tar ah+ftrarot
<br /> - tee�.aIIameYa fees(tn ths entent atlared by law).eos[s.eapenaea.appralsat fees.�d other charges and any amacros ra advanfed wi0 beaome part ot the p�irtdpaE .
<br /> wRaser.dn.ss,.cu�aa neraojr.Ds irtxnad�atey due and payabte and bear interest at me detitult rata pravide4 in fie rtats�s)trom tha dale ot advaru�umil paid.
<br /> (� Ifny awarda madt eo TrustaKs)or 1i�air successors by the e:erdss ot em?nerrt domai�are hersby sssigned to Beneficary;ertd Bene6dary is hereby auRbr(zaA m �
<br /> eoUect and appty ttu aam�in payme+rt af an�indebtedness.maaue or unmawred.semrad by th:s Trust Deed.
<br /> (7) tn Qsa�v�nt7numr(s)QeEauRS in tne paymem when Que ot any aums seeured herebY iprinr�p�,interest,advfu�eemenca.or proteaive aevances),a iails tn perlortn a -
<br /> obeervr any aavenanrs and mnditims corttaaed herein.in the no�(s).foan spreert�errc(sy,or any ather instrurt�ents.or any praceedings is brought by oF egainst Tcttsta(s) .
<br /> under anY�x1t 1aw�.Besre�5ciary.at fis opCan.may deeare fie 6nVre indebteEness sewred hereby m be immsdatetf Que and payable and fhe whale wiR trear interest
<br /> at QM dstadt tau u provWed L2�hs not+e(s)and Benefiaa1r r ay imtttediaoaty auficriz�Tnntee ro eseaise fie Pcwer oi Sate granted herein tn�e manner pravided tn the
<br /> _ , �i rttat Dwds Ae7.a.aw�'•a�w�.�s aC L`�3 tf8+'st,�a'g.:�cfa.��iha'.'n:si t3.:.:d ia L�e man�tr psa�;i....�'^d�yy�!x�se fc:w�ss�e[s af esea:L¢�rs�e s�!prap,..^�ty. .
<br /> � ' indu6np tl»�PDointrrwnt ota R�wiwr upo�s�cu6r aPP�ar.aceae ha�eg hereby e�pressy vaivee�wieiart sega.-+d to�e valus ot�hs O�eP�1l a aN wfficten8ll tMreof to
<br /> d�xhrp�Ou ind�6t�drMSS nar�d h�rWy a m Cw to�agrwlr�enr{s).Oe�r by Benefidary inexerciainp irs ri�AU;ipon Qetautc xrill not De cons�ed a�a walMar Aisnaf ane ,
<br /> � any�ct of 6u�lkiaf►waivinp ami sp�afied dafaiRMnll aat be cmicued as a xrarver of any funue defauh. (f the proweds undet sud►salo ffi iaa'.acswre�e insufficent to pay
<br /> � . 1l1�bW ktdrbMld�MSS s�cur�d hstel�l.Ttustx�a)do hereLx�:ee m bs persanal�l bamd to Pall the unpa�be�axe.ene eeneeaeryr wfn ne e.+�._e�m a a�r�aen�r Iudame�c
<br /> (Sj ShaAQ B�fkiary allct to sxerdaa the Fower o9 5ai�yranted herain.8erseficiary wfll nadty Tnistee who Nn'II reavrd.�ri�fuh.and de6ver tu Trtutos:,'sy s,rd�No6ca of ' '
<br /> �efautt aM Nodcs ol Sato as fian requlrod by law anQ wf(f A:rt!a manner proviEed by faw.se0 the properry at the 6rtse and�ac�at sale fixed fi the[Jotioe cf S�[a.ettt�er as a . .
<br /> � wtntr or(n�iots.P�s.a itema a�C iR actth orderas Tnntee will Qeem s�enL-AnY Peraon maY bid at the aab errc�dmp Trustor(a).Trwtee.a Benenc�ry. �.; =• r ,
<br /> . (9) Tnutoc(�)NK�by rpuasts a aapy d�Notiae of RefeuR a NoGce ot Sa�a tiereunder to be mai!ed�fr r�tifree mail m Truamr(s)at tt�e addrase(es)aet forlh h6rein. ' �
<br /> ` (t0) Upon d�tad;B�nsBdary,Qidwr i��son a 6y apen�with orvrthrn,�t�inp arry xtion ar proc8e��g and wifi or wid�out repard m the vafue af the proporry ot 1he . -
<br /> �ufliderwy QNnof b Cisd��t�a InEebtaCrcess secured hereby,ta authorized and ennded m eater uRan a�*�taice possessian of the proparty ln its own name cs r ihe nams
<br /> ot th�Trua�and do artY acs�expend eny aums it dee.:s neeessary or desirabie to pro�or preserve itre vatue of the propeny or any interest therein,o-i:�^*aass the •
<br /> ineome th�rKrom;and w"w`.a�iiNout tak�g Oasseas':c-:.04 Cte Property is suthorized to sus tor or otherwlse wlleet the renU.issues.crops.Profib.end incprMt thereof,
<br /> indudinQ fioN O�t Ew�:,t�paid.antl a�'p me s�e:pon arry indebtedness secured�ereby a in the Ioan apreament(s)• . .
<br /> Ko sam�dy h�rNn co�imd upor.ar reaarved to 7rustea a Benefi�.�yr i�intended tn be sxclusive aFa.ry othx remedy herein or by�a pr,cvided a permitrod,b�
<br /> eadt will b�c�anula6v�,will b�in addi6on to every other�emeQy piven hereunder or now a herealter ezistir,p at law or in equiry or by s�!:s_s ae�.d rtwy be exe�asee '
<br /> conamntly,Ind�p�r�dantlyr a succa�uvoty. .
<br /> (1t) Tnumr(a)edcnowledaes 1�at d�e du�ies and obliDaria�+s ot Tn,stee wf11 be detertnine6 sa�ery`by t�e express provisions of this Tnist Deed or�e Nebrasxa tfiist peed� �
<br /> Aet and TruuN wal nat ba Gabta axeept tor Ow peAortnanw a`sueh dudes and oblipations as aa speeifically set torth therein.and no impAed mvenanis or o�:r�..�-fans wiU be ' . .-
<br /> impoi�d upon Tnu6M:Trustw wilt nat be tiable for anyr acr�by it in gaod faid�arsd�easa�.y believed lsy it to 6e auttsotized or within the discretion or ri�,�:ts af powers .
<br /> conhrrad upon it Ey thls Trust Daad a srate taw. ,
<br /> (t� Th�intpAry and rosponsib�liry of Trustor(a)cunsotutas a paR o1 tfw mnsideration for the oblipatiar.s s�wnd hereby, Should Trusmr{s)sett,trenster,or oonvsy Q�e
<br /> prop�ny dr�cr(b�d Mr�in.w(Ihout pria wriuem m�sent ol Benefcaary.Beneficiary.at its opdort,r.iay Qedare*�e enure(ndebtednes�immediately due end payabls and may
<br /> praMd in dt�Nfforo�mMt ot rts riahn af an arry odter default •
<br /> (133 /�t�p�rn�n�ot Recs+�indudmp ProeeeGs oi A6rwral Leasoa. Trustor(s)hereby a:siarts.tanste�,anA aonveya to 8enefidary aA renp,royattia�,bonuses,and Eelay ' • -�.
<br /> mon�ya a othM proa�ds c'+�may from dms to tirtw becamo due and payablv under arry ra�►atate leaaa a under arry at,qas,prawl,rod�.a oC+er mineral Ioas�o!any ;-
<br /> klnd inehJdlna g�OlMtmal rszcnlraes nOw ex�snnq ar!h?t m3y h9realRe►cnmP inra exirtAnrn,�.overinr�the prooerty or any part lhereoi. Atl au�aums ao recaived by ' '=-�;
<br /> B�rNPel�ry wiN b�applMd to the indabUdnass aewre0 Asreby;or Beneficiuy,at iis optlon,msht Nm over and deliver tp TrustDr(a)or their auaceswrs in interYSt,arryr a WI of . .
<br /> such wmt w(fiout pr�jud'its to arry of Banefiaary/a riyhta to talce and remin future sums,and witfwut prejud�ce to any of Its other ripha under Ihls Trust Oeed.Thla assignment ` �
<br /> wi�br constru�d b bs a pravis{on for dse peyment a reduetion o3 the debt,subject to Ihe Benefidaya Option as hereinbe►are provided,independerrt af fie lian on the propeity. ��
<br /> Upon piymmt�h�l ot ths debt and the recanveyance ot[his Trust Oeed of remrd,this aasipnment will becort�e inopera6+re end of no lurther(aroe and aHect. �
<br /> r
<br /> (14) Th�oovrnanu eontained ln d�is Trust Daed will be oeemed to Ee eevenbte;ln u�e evertt tl�at any porcion ol thl9 Trust Qeed ia detertnined w be vaA or unenfuoeaDte, ;
<br /> Qf�t E�4rtnlna;tan will not afteet�e vatidity o}Aie remalning�s�rrena of O�e TNat Deed. -
<br /> /; i '
<br /> �l� C� � ( ��L�G'!-!�� �(�ma.,�� .
<br /> �_� � r�ca�v , .
<br /> Ernest R. Ohlma�, Jr. ' . Alvera C�}.man �f ''
<br /> , t;,
<br />, ' , . �.
<br /> . . _ f.
<br /> �? s�.
<br /> COUNTY OF L:'.c�t,L • y ,
<br /> _ __.__._..__ .On this�y,�day.of Ap�r._„g� A.D.,ts �0,before me,a Notary Pub�ic,person�;:y��pearect �
<br /> -�- -. . ...----- --..------..__....
<br /> FrnAat u_ nhlman_ Tr_ Ea/k/a Frnest R Ohlman) and Alvera Ohlman, husband and?aife ' _ _
<br /> to me knew to be the peraon(s)named in and who executed tha toregoing AcEcnowledgmont and Trust Ooed and acknowiedged lhat tl�c;r`
<br /> oxecuted the seme as their votuntary act and deed. '
<br /> f•
<br /> �:�,i-!� l .
<br /> (SEAL) ���,�� Kan�ld L. Re ser ' � Jy�
<br /> (Type or print name under signature) �, —
<br /> ��fl�� Notary Pub6c in and(or said Counry and Statv � ___ _
<br /> My oommission expires ;
<br /> V, .
<br /> . �. . :. �, �
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