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<br /> � � 90--101�G 5
<br /> - rausTOa a�►fl nr�s a��o�E si�rv�Ha:
<br /> Truator underatands tl�at the dacumenx that Trustor Is abcut to exec��te fs e Oeed ot Trust Bnd not a mcrgage artd thatthe pawer � `
<br /> � of sate provfded tor in the QeeQ of Ytust providea substentiatiy diiferen�rights artd obiigations to Trustor than a mortgage in the event '
<br /> ot a dafauitor broach qf obtipation underthe�eed of T�ust�includirtg,but nnt limited to,the Lender's dgAt to have the PrppBtty.so'cd
<br /> by the fnutee witho�erry.judtciaf prcceecftng.Trusta►rep�eseMS and warrants that ihis acknowtedgemen!was executed by
<br /> T�ator betore?tia`ex dt�iurt at tna ttaed at Trust MI�--PIEBRASKA �ISPOSAL, INC. _
<br /> : --,t� . � ag�;�-��-e���•ac''.�,.�.�-�� a°� . � � .
<br /> - . . , .c` - ' Les11e G. Woodward, Trustor
<br /> - �:� �� • - � - President
<br /> � � : � , :::�`!1;1_� �� _ Trustor ,
<br /> " "r `_. "- ,,:,^.....-� .� :� ' � . - . • .
<br /> ' � ��"-``�`�=�'.`���� DEED OF TRUST WITH FUTJRE J�DVAN�ES
<br /> THlS DEED UF TRlJST,is made as of the—�rL day of � Apr.��:. .. .19 90 ,by anA among �
<br /> , tt�e TrustQr, �� �esZie G. Woodyrard, President of Mid-Nebraska D�QSal, Inc. .
<br /> — , 3USQ s � '.�:� 68802 � : '.: ;'l: --— -
<br /> ---•- �tru�f..�"� addr�ss%� iT. 2nc�. P. 4_ BQx-237 Gr�n I,,.s a;�� °� ..-. . -. -- ---,
<br /> � f- 1� ,�.C7L�If�it��tLY:.��i�I�'3�,�+i1�D�.�TlO:{�rJ... . .. . ,
<br /> . . the Trus�e,' ChazZes W. Hastia$s � � , ,• . .
<br /> . . wt�cose m.a:.�n���address is -SOEI �;ect_Tt,irc� St,t.�Pr. �rasr3rg=:-n�-G89t�i `there:�r��ri:stee"�.G.-�:�. � _
<br /> . � _ •t`�e Berseficiary. City Natfonal. Sank a�d TrII�t i'a�nanv • .. . ; , . . . .
<br /> � whose rstail�ng addresg is_P=0. Box 349. Hasting�., �'E 68902-0�44 � ��e��,,."�,�;���;�:. ' • .
<br /> � FOR VALUABLE CONSIOER,4TtON,Inctuding Lender's extension ai credit identif•e�i herein to �iie G.. , �
<br /> Woodward. Preatdeat (herein"Bnrrcaver', whether one or more)and the trust herein createci, � .
<br /> �he rece:�t�af which is hereby acknowtedged,Trustor hereby �r-�kac��`1 grants,transters,conveys and assigns to Trustee,IN � ; '
<br /> _ THUST.W�Tt6 POWER OF SALE,for thebenefit and securityr of L�-W�_:=�er and�ubjectto the terms and conditior.s hereinafte!set �
<br /> ' forth,the real prapercy,described as follows: � ,
<br /> . �-:: �..
<br /> Lots Two (2) and Three (3), in Bushoom Subdivision, in the City of � � =
<br />: � Grand Island, Hall County. Nebraska ± � �
<br /> . Together with atl buildings,improvemenis.(ixtures,streets,alloys,passageways,easemen;s, rights.privi�eges artd appuRe-
<br /> nart�es located thereon or in anywise pertainmg therefo,and the�ents,issues and profits,reversions a�d remaindgrs thereof,artd .
<br /> such personal properry that is attached to the imprave�ments so as to constitute a fixture,iacludirtg,but npt limited to,heating and
<br /> -- cooling equtpmenx and togetfrer with the homestead or maritat interests,it any,which interests are horeby reteased and waived;aIF �
<br /> of which.including rep►acementsand additions thereto,is hereby declared to be a part ol the real est�te secured by the lien otthis
<br /> Deed of Trustr and atl ot the torogoing being referred to herein as the"Property".
<br />� this Oeed of Trust shall secure(a)the payment uf the principal sum and interest evidenced by a promissory note or credit
<br /> � agreement d�ted _ April 3, 1990 _ ,hav�r.g a matunry date o1 April 15, 1995 _, �.
<br /> <
<br />. :c�!ha ar�1°r.�l principal amount ot$217�Z00 UO ,antl any and at!moditications,extensions and renewats -
<br /> . c?��reof er t,hereto and any and ail tuture advances and readvances to Bor►ower(or any of them it more than one) hereunder � :°��
<br /> �wrsuant:a on�or more promissory�otes or credit agreemenis(herein calt�d"Note"};(b)the payment of other sums advanCe�by •��'i
<br /> �ender to Gr4tect the security of the Note;(c)the periormance of all covenanis a��d agreements of Trustor set forth he-e`n;and(d)ail '`��'�
<br /> present artc9tature indebtedness and obUgatluns ot Bor�ower(ar any ot them i�more than one)to l.ender whether direct,indireCt, •
<br /> absolute or contingent and whether�-��sjng by note,guaranty,o.erdraft or otherwise.The�ote,this Oeed ot Trust and any and all :
<br /> • othet docuents that secure the Note c+�:herwise exeCUted in connecSion thetewith,incfud�ng without limitation guaranteas,security
<br /> , agreements 8nd essignments of leases and tents,sr:all be reterred to herein as the"l.oan Instruments'.
<br /> Trustor covenants art�agrees w:.;s Lertder as toilows:
<br /> 1. PaynNnt ol lrtd�bt�dn�sa.Atf �:��ebtedness secured hereby shal!be paid w��en due.
<br /> . _
<br /> 2. Tid�.Trusto�is the awner of tt�e Pioperty,has the.right_and authoriry to.�onyey the Property,and.Htarrants that the lien.__.. . ._._.
<br /> , created hereby is a tlrst and prior lier,on the Property,except for l�ens and encumbrances set lorth by Trustor �n writing and
<br /> delivered to Lender betore execution oi this Qeed o}Trust,and the execution and drlivery at this Deed of Trusf does not viotate any
<br />� contraCt or other obfigation to which Trustor is subject
<br /> . 3. Taxh,A�NSSm�nts.To pay betor�delirquency`al�taxes,special assessrrisnts and ail o}her cha;ges againstthe Property �
<br /> now or hereaiter levied.
<br /> 4. Insuqna�.to keep the Property msurod against damagE�y hre,hazarCS inc�uded wrthin the term"extended covarage",and �
<br /> such other hazatds as Lender may r�quire.in amounts and w�?�?,.ompanie�acCeptable b lender naming LQnder as art additlon�i
<br /> _ named insured,with loss?�yabte to the Lender.ln case ot loss under such�Iicies,the lender i4.authorized to adjusf,collecta�d
<br /> . compromise,a�t cla�ms rlRereunder and shatl have u�e aption a}aAptying ali c°�art of the insucance proCeeds(i)to any indebtedaE�;,
<br /> secuted i�eroby and in s.�fi Ordet es LHnder may C�F;mine.(.'.,!o the Trus.Or to be used tor the repair c°�estoration C'.:he Properrp. � :-_—__--
<br /> or(ili)tot 2.��Other purpos�or�bject satisfaCtory to Lend?r w:;?��,�;a'tecting the lien o1 this Deed o1 Trust tor the tutt a�^�;uM�ecuted ;
<br /> hereby�e`are such peyment ever took place.Any a;.�:�ca':.�c`:aroseeds to indebtedness shal!not exfend or p�s�one the d�,� � I
<br /> date ol any payments urtder the Note.o►Cure 8ny Cr_`3�.:i?'E�4.+:der or r�r2urtder.
<br /> • 5. Eserow.Upon wr�tten demand by Lender,'1��,,�r sae:�Yay to Ler.1�;�,in such manner as Lend���ray designate,suttic�er:t: � {
<br /> ..... . 8um9 tn enable Lender to pa+�as thgy baCOm�,d!�t�t4`�ti�r mr?�'the t!+11a�urr�:t��al!taxss.assesssnen�-;r:��:�..'":r c.':at�,s ag::� —
<br /> 5,
<br /> the Property.(ii)the premiums on the property in�urance re:,�Y�d hereunder,and�ii�)the piemiums or. �n•,•mcrt.�aye insurt�nce
<br /> rgqulred by LenCer. . '. .
<br />, � 8. Malnt�nane�.R�pain and CompHa�ce with Lews. Trustor shall keep the Property in gaod contlitiori a-��repair;sha11
<br /> prompUy �ep$lr,ot replace any improvement which may be damaged Ot destroyed. sha�l ne2 commit or perrtt�t any wdste or
<br />: � det8ri0tation Of thg Property;shalt n�!rernove,demohsh or substanhatly alter any of the impibvements on th�Prvpe�ty;Shall not
<br /> Cannmr��utfer or permit any act to bo dane in�r upCn thg Propprry�n viotabon ot any lavr,ord�nance,or regulation,and shall pay and �
<br />- pramptiy discha�ge at Trustar's cost and expense alt I�ens,encumbrancos ar�d charges lev�ed.�mpused ar a�ssessed�ga�a,t the
<br />• Property or any part thereol �
<br />_ . - 7. Emin�nt Qomala.t�anc#�r�g h�±�6y asstg�Ed aR cpmpensat+on,awards.cfamages�nd otner payrsients or r�st,8!�hdre�naher � - ,�=
<br /> '•Psucoeds")m cann�etiart;�ith COndemnat�vr�ar�rth6r t�ki�,t�otth�properfy or p�rt thereol.or fo�Canv�rvF�n�Er�+�I�cu o1 cotidc�mn�-
<br /> IiUt� Londor shail be ent�tiQ(�Ot�tS UpUvn tU CU���tnE�hCE!,tip���r�n�n���n5@CUfE'�n its r�y�rv���titE�.Iliy dCt�Ut�Q�FrUCE!�E1�nq5.;ind
<br /> S►i511 a15�GU enf,fl�d to mako�ny co:npr(+�.+iSE'�• SNn�amf�R4 ifl C6nnet,l��t7 ,In(h SuCh takn�q ii�d.')tn;s�� Iti th@ yvE�t?t.iny�bth�n ot . _...
<br /> Rtl+ 3S5�o�tar��y��•.,.►�Gam7�vs.�,p.9
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