� '�L���S.���x�t. 4��xtlT�S��t�2a�.��'�"-�r`uhtih2vt°,. ..tu.�.'',,^''g�- ' }: �., ;� _ .�... �'�"" ' v'�ti ` ' =,x.,�:[E�����.��f�`�`�+ ��-a t4a$�,--cx�-__•.
<br /> �� . .
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<br /> -` � — _ _ �c�e. - ..s•x�..�.------:.-��z:�;a, _ --c� ----- -.
<br /> .. --_��..��..e. �-- — :�.ci- - --- �_� �=--- - -- _ --
<br /> �. . . _ . _ . .. � . . .. . - . . . --._'-__:_ __. .
<br /> Y _ . - � r- � � �l
<br /> . , .
<br /> . . ,-. WARRANTY DEED , e��r�+ ��f!7G C ,
<br /> � vv
<br /> ARDEN N. PETERSON and GRETCHEi� K. PET�RSON, Husband and
<br /> � Wi€e� GRADITORS, in cons ideration of the sura of One Hundred
<br /> Thirty-Six Thousand Five Hundred Sixty and tJo/100 Dollars
<br /> ($136,S6U.00), receipt of which is hereby acksowlsdged, convey to
<br /> ROBERT L. SIEM£RS. GRANTEE, .Ch� fallowing-desc�ibed real estate
<br /> �as defined in E3eb.R�v.Stat. 76-201) in Hall County, Nebraska:
<br /> � � A tract �of land comprising a part of the Northwest '
<br /> .. Quarter (NT+�1/4) af Section Twenty-Thrse (23), Townsh�p
<br /> � . Twelve (12? North, Range Ten (1Q} West o€ the 6th P.M., -
<br /> Hall County, Nebraska, and. mare particularly described
<br /> as: Beginning at the nortbwest corner of said N�rth-
<br /> west Quarter (NW1/4)t thence running easterly, along �
<br /> and apon the north line of said i�orthwest Quarter .
<br /> ` � (N�91/4), a d istance of One Thousand F ive Hundred Seven
<br /> , anc} Fou�teen Eiundredths (1,50�.14} €eet; thence �unning
<br /> soe�therl�r, parallel with the west lfne of said Nart�-
<br /> � ` � wesC�Q�a�cter (NWl/4 3 , a distance of Two Tho�sand Six �
<br /> , H�n�red Twenty-Nine and ��vaenty-Seven Hundredths� .
<br /> .< {�s��9.27) feet to a point on the south line af:.said
<br /> � Nort�west Quarter �iVWl/4) ; thercc�. running west�rly,
<br /> � al:oxtg and upctn ths south line _of, sai.�i..Northwest Quarter
<br /> ` (NW1/4) , a� distance of One Thousand P�iv� Aundred Seven
<br /> and Four �undredths (1,507.04) feat to �he southwest
<br /> ' � carner of said North�west Quarter ([JW1/4� ; thence run-
<br /> � ning northerly along and upon the west line of the
<br /> Nortbwest s�uarter (NW1/4�R a distance of Two Thousarad � ,
<br /> Six Hundr� Thirty-Four �rc� Fifty-One Hundredths
<br /> (2,634.51) feet to the ga�e:t of beginnin� and con- �
<br /> tazi�ing 91.040 acras, more or less, of which 3. LL3 • �
<br /> , a��es, more or less, is presently occupied by p�51ic -�-:.;:�,�
<br /> caa� right of way; �t .:. ;
<br /> , . .
<br /> SUBJECT, HOWEVER, to the reservation of an easement by the -_
<br /> GRANTORS for ingress and egress across the South Twenty i 20) feet __
<br /> , a€ ��c�: �e�2 c��ate for the benef it o� access t� the remainin� -_-_
<br /> pa�tion of the No�thwest Quarter iNWl/4)of Section Twenty-Three ! �
<br /> {�3), Townshi'p Twelve (12) North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th ��
<br /> � �. ri. , 1�a11 County, tJebraska, for so long as such r�maining
<br /> portion. shall continu� to be owned by Grantors.
<br /> , GRANTORS, jointly and severally covenant with the GRANTEE ; �
<br /> � , thdt GRANTORS:
<br /> ( 1 ) are lawfully seised of such real estate and ��
<br /> that f t is f ree f rom enc►�mbrances; �
<br /> :�
<br /> ,... ::
<br /> (2) have legal powe^ dnd lawful authority to - � ,
<br /> convey the same; � . '
<br /> , (3) warrant and wi11 ��3�fend ehe �iCle to the real.� �
<br /> estate aga f r�s� the 1�wf u I cl a ims of a.11 � �SOrsons. � , , �
<br /> ._.. .. ._.__... .
<br /> �_ Exweu�Cc:d: :���.t���<.��. '�--- ----• 1990.
<br /> ` ;r" ,
<br /> , , ,
<br /> ^ � rden N. PetersAn
<br /> � �i'�' - ; �
<br /> ' f7•��: �'f //l.�s �~t �����' yl t `r� - •'__=— _-
<br /> GreLChen K. Peterson '
<br /> !
<br /> -- SFt�sTE f3P i3�8�RSiiA} � -_
<br />. (ss: �
<br /> ! coura�rY a� HALL �
<br /> i.�
<br /> 'T �; f;�ces�airi<� in:�tr;im�:n� w�:. �i��'r,rti�rtZec3r�e:c1 be:f��re rt� �yn ti
<br /> � , f 99h by Arei�.�t► N. �'t rer'�;:.�t� <<sicl �,r.E�GCh�n k. ��
<br /> PG�cr,�c.,n,�.Huuban:3 �.tn�i t7i -*.c.
<br /> �L M�Ir�+le�wrn� - � - - � . . � Y
<br /> I11�ND A.W1CIC .'
<br /> w�rE�l�er?9t 1993 ��:- - ` � _.��r; s . ..� .
<br /> . i . ':��t.:ei'f t'tr`f . �:t_--- . ..,.
<br />: � s
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