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<br /> � � � .. C � � ` � 4� , . ` , ` t. < ' �� '
<br /> � 1 , , •
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<br /> � < . � `. 94--= I0175 4 � � ` �
<br /> � � . �
<br /> � Earle H. Rarl.e and Viola- A. Rarle, husband and wife;, � .
<br /> ` GRANTORS, ` in co�sideration of LOVE anc� AFFECTION, received from
<br /> GRANTEES, Robert A. Karle and t3eborah M. Karle, husband and wife,
<br /> � < convey to GRANTESS, as joint ten�n�s and not as tenants in �
<br /> � � common, tha following, described real eseate (as de€ined in �
<br /> . Section 'f6-201, Reissue �Rsvised Statutes of t�ehraska, 1943j � �
<br /> � � . �, situat�di sr� Hall County, Nebraska: � . � �
<br /> � i � � A tract of land comprisiflg:�;�_part of the West Half. of . `
<br /> . . the. .c�otthwes:. �Quarter (N 1/2 NW i/4) of Section Twenty .
<br /> . . TwQ Q�2} , Township Eleven t 1 l.) Norfh, .R�nge' Ten (10) , �
<br /> � West �f the 6th P.M. in �Hall County, Nebraska, more �
<br /> ,particularl� described as fallows: , � �
<br />` `�"':"��-':� � Beg'snnfng at,'a poi�t on �ti�e_.north _line .of . said.-Section � �
<br /> ' . � Twenty Two (22), said point being Eight Hundrec� Sixty ,
<br /> � ` Five and Thirteen Hundredtbs (865.13� feet eas� �f the
<br /> ,narthwest corner of §aid Section Twenty TWa {22) ; � �
<br /> �- , thence easterly along th� north line of said Sectiora .� . �'
<br /> � ' �� Twenty Z'veo (22) , a distanee of E'our Hundred Sixty One ; �
<br /> �� and Eighteen Hundredths (461.I8� feet to the nort,heast , , ; '
<br /> � - corner of s.aid West Half af the [3orthwest Quarter -t(W- . ` :
<br /> ` �, 1/2 I�IW 1/4) ; � thence `south�.rly along the east line of ' � _
<br /> ' � safd West Half of the Northwest Quarter tW 1/2� N�1 1/4) , � ��._ �
<br /> � � � a di�tance of One Thousand Two Hundred Fourteen and . ��. �
<br /> �, ' � Twenty Two t�undredths ( 1 ` �14. 22 ) feet ; t�hence � • r�,, k
<br /> � . deflecting right 890. 36' •��" an� r�nning westerly, a .. � _
<br /> � � distance of Four Hundred Six and Sixty Eight Hundredth� ,' `� =
<br /> ; (406.68) feet; thpnce de€lectirt� right 98� 3�$' 4?'0 . . , � --
<br /> � and cunning north�asterly, a distance of Nine ��ndred � `
<br /> Seventy F�ve and ane Tenth (9'S. 2 y feet; thence �,_
<br /> defl�cting . Zeft 980 34' 26" anc� r�nnic�g westerly, a
<br /> distance of One Hundred Ninety Two ar�c� Thirty Five
<br /> � Hur�dredths (192.35� feet; thence deflecting ri�ht 900 ,
<br /> ; 00' and runniag nartherly, a distance of Two ��pdred "��' '
<br /> Fi fty ( 250. 0 ) fee� to the place of beginninq and � ��`� �.:.
<br /> � containing 10.101 acres more or less, � � ����
<br /> � ,:�
<br /> subject to easec�ents and restrictions of record, and subject to :��J=
<br /> real estate mortgages and ather liens of recocd which �rantees � �
<br /> assume and agree ko pay by acGeptance of de�ivery of thfs Joint .
<br /> Tenancy Warranty �peed. �
<br /> GRANTORS covenant (.jointly and severally) with GR�ANTEES as
<br /> . _ __ ._.. ... _follows:-�-�-�----- ---------�----....__._. ... .. .. .----- . ...._
<br /> 1. GRANTORS are Lawfully .seisec of the real estate a;�d the
<br /> r�al estate is frea fram encumbrances except �or tl�e .mort�ages
<br /> . and lieas ffled o€ record;
<br /> 2. GRANTORS have legal power and S.aw�ul auth��rity to convey the �
<br /> � real estate to GRANTEES; and .
<br /> . . t=T-T
<br /> . . ,
<br /> . � j
<br /> � �
<br /> ' • Y
<br /> L ' � �
<br /> ,� . �.
<br /> . . �� �
<br /> . ,
<br /> . �
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